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Russian Alphabet


Hello, dear Translate R Blog visitors. In this article, we will show you the Russian alphabet and its pronunciations. After reading the content, you can click Russian English to listen to the vocal pronunciations of the letters and use them within sentences.

Russian is written in the Cyrillic alphabet. The Cyrillic alphabet is derived from the Greek alphabet and is used in various East Slavic languages, including Russian. Unlike Arabic, which is written from right to left, Russian is written from left to right. While some letters in the Cyrillic alphabet are generally similar to their counterparts in the Latin alphabet, the pronunciation of certain letters differs.

There are 33 letters in the Russian alphabet.

Cyrillic Alphabet

А – A
Б – B
В – V
Г – G
Д – D
Е – Ye (Old pronunciation: YO)
Ё – Yo
Ж – Zh
З – Z
И – I
Й – Y
К – K
Л – L
М – M
Н – N
О – O
П – P
Р – R
С – S
Т – T
У – U
Ф – F
Х – Kh
Ц – Ts
Ч – Ch
Ш – Sh
Щ – Shch
Ъ – Hard sign
Ы – Y (Old pronunciation: İ)
Ь – Soft sign
Э – E
Ю – Yu
Я – Ya

The post Russian Alphabet first appeared on Translate R Blog.

This post first appeared on Translate R, please read the originial post: here

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Russian Alphabet
