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Chinese Months – Days – Time Periods


Hello, dear Translate R blog visitors. In this article, we will explain the English – Chinese months, days, and time periods. Both the English and Chinese versions are provided below:

English – Chinese Months

  • January – 一月 (Yīyuè)
  • February – 二月 (Èryuè)
  • March – 三月 (Sānyuè)
  • April – 四月 (Sìyuè)
  • May – 五月 (Wǔyuè)
  • June – 六月 (Liùyuè)
  • July – 七月 (Qīyuè)
  • August – 八月 (Bāyuè)
  • September – 九月 (Jiǔyuè)
  • October – 十月 (Shíyuè)
  • November – 十一月 (Shíyīyuè)
  • December – 十二月 (Shí’èryuè)

English – Chinese Days

  • Monday – 星期一 (Xīngqīyī)
  • Tuesday – 星期二 (Xīngqīèr)
  • Wednesday – 星期三 (Xīngqīsān)
  • Thursday – 星期四 (Xīngqīsì)
  • Friday – 星期五 (Xīngqīwǔ)
  • Saturday – 星期六 (Xīngqīliù)
  • Sunday – 星期日 (Xīngqīrì)

English – Chinese Time Periods

  • Morning – 早上 (Zǎoshang)
  • Afternoon – 下午 (Xiàwǔ)
  • Evening – 晚上 (Wǎnshàng)
  • Night – 夜晚 (Yèwǎn)

The post Chinese Months – Days – Time Periods first appeared on Translate R Blog.

This post first appeared on Translate R, please read the originial post: here

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Chinese Months – Days – Time Periods
