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Tags: wave wine river book acid glass wall market rock stomach acid stomach talc insect mine ivory plane plane carrier wave talcum powder ship salmon radiation wind red blood cells china eye industrial revolution eat insects vowel shift food ball insect color sheep braille muscle red blood elephants heart landmines venom plane crashes blood mozart antarctica hernia brain powder secret president blood jellyfish president tannins guard boat lou gehrigacircs disease tanker plane brain duckbilled platypus rain built blue armor planet frequency insect push turn christie peppered moth llama letter record bulls bull grand canyon rudolf brother sotheby auction house flying boom snake venom platypuses award salt vowel tire plexiglass disease mongoose duckbilled doldrums academy salmon swim upstream formula pit glass fibers motor neurons shoe owls nervous rats plane crashes survivable sunflowers king muscle animal insect color english kosher halal walking walk tusks raindrop bill clinton cheetah academy award crickets lamina terminalis atmosphere red green dot carbon dioxide joint zipfacircs law temporal lobe horse latitudes plant brain baseball blood language west banned properly melt iron plate planets strep throat died arctic ground hernias hypothalamus followers money experienced thrust color gunslingers civil war liver cells turritopsis dohrnii pesticide
I learn one thing every day. There is no reason why I can't find out the answers to the questions that I have, so I do. I write about them on my blog. From when was sliced bread invented to what is the Fermi Paradox? Come and learn with me. You won't regret it.
#1023 What Are The Doldrums?
What are the doldrums? They are an area of windless ocean where sailing ships used to get stuck. The doldrums are not a problem for modern shipping because they don’t rely on wind p… Read More
How Do Planes Refuel In The Air?
How do planes refuel in the air? Either by using a long hose or a rigid tube to connect the fuel tanker with the plane being refueled. There are two systems of refueling a plane in the air… Read More
#1017 How Do Rats Find Landmines?
How do rats find landmines? They can sniff them out and the rats are light enough that they don’t set the landmines off. It is estimated that there are 110 million landmines still b… Read More
#1016 What Is Zipf’s Law?
What is Zipf’s Law? It is a statistical distribution in a data set where the first item is twice as big as the second item, three times as big as the third item, four times as big as t… Read More
#1014 Who Were Sotheby And Christie?
Who were Sotheby and Christie? Sotheby was John Sotheby, the nephew of Samuel Baker. Christie was James Christie. If you want to sell anything rare or valuable at auction, the best places… Read More
#1012 Why Are Adidas And Puma Rivals?
Why are Adidas and Puma rivals? Either because the brother’s wives didn’t like each other or because one brother thought the other brother was the reason he was conscripted into… Read More
#1011 What Is Talcum Powder?
What is talcum powder? It is a mineral found in clay. When we think of talcum powder, most of us think of the powder we put on a baby’s bottom after they have been changed to preven… Read More
#1009 Does A Tugboat Tug?
Does a tugboat tug? They do pull, but they also push, too. In the very early days of sea travel, boats were not big enough to need something like a tugboat. They could usually be sailed r… Read More
#1008 What Is Acid Reflux?
What is acid reflux? The acid from the stomach comes back up the esophagus, causing a lot of pain and sometimes even damage. Most animals that have a stomach that digests their food produ… Read More
#1004 Do Bulls Really Hate Red?
Do bulls really hate red? No, they don’t. It is the movement that they don’t like. The fact that bulls hate red has become common knowledge. It is even in sayings, such as, &l… Read More
#1003 What Is A Bookworm?
What is a bookworm? A bookworm is any number of insects, or the larvae of insects, that eat books. They are not actually worms. Why would an insect eat a book? What food is there in a boo… Read More
#1001 What Is A Hernia?
What is a hernia? There are different types of hernia in different parts of the body, but they are all caused by something pushing through a tear in a muscle. The hint to what it is is in th… Read More
#996 What Are Kosher And Halal Food?
What are kosher and halal food? Kosher food is food that has been prepared according to Jewish law and Halal food is food that has been prepared according to Islamic law. The word “… Read More
#994 How Does Braille Work?
How does braille work? It is a system of writing where you can feel the dots that make up letters and read with your fingers. It is for people who are blind or visually impaired. It is es… Read More
#993 What Is A Guard Llama?
What is a guard llama? It is a llama that lives with sheep or goats and protects them from predators, such as coyotes. Llamas are animals that are native to South America, although they h… Read More
#992 Why Did Mozart Die So Young?
Why did Mozart die so young? No one knows what killed him. However, it was most likely not poison. Mozart died at the age of 35 on the 5th of December 1791. He was at home in Vienna, Aust… Read More
#990 Why Does Wine Improve As It Ages?
Why does wine improve as it ages? It doesn’t always, and some old bottles might not be that good. However, the wine that does improve has smoother tannins. It is probably accurate to s… Read More
#985 Can We Eat Insects?
Can we eat insects? Yes. In fact, not only can we eat insects, but we should eat insects. They are nutritious, easy to grow, and not bad for the environment. The average human needs betwe… Read More
#984 Why Do Salmon Swim Upstream?
Why do salmon swim upstream? They return to the place they were born to lay their eggs. Salmon are born in freshwater streams. The adult salmon lay eggs in the sand and gravel at the bott… Read More
#982 What Did The Peppered Moth Do?
What did the peppered moth do?  It changed from a light color to a dark color during the Industrial Revolution. The peppered moth is native to most places in the northern hemisphere… Read More
#979 What Is DDT?
What is DDT? It stands for dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane and was the first synthetic pesticide. It was banned in 1972. DDT didn’t start being used in large quantities until afte… Read More
#978 How Does A Cheetah Run So Fast?
How does a cheetah run so fast? It is a combination of their body weight, their claws, their spine, their joints, the type of muscles they have, their tail, their organs, and the size of the… Read More
#976 What Is The Immortal Jellyfish?
What is the immortal jellyfish? It is a jellyfish called Turritopsis dohrnii that can revert to a sexually immature stage in its life and theoretically live forever. There are many organi… Read More
#975 What Causes Malaria?
What causes malaria? It is caused by a parasite of the Plasmodium group and it is spread through the bite of a female Anopheles mosquito. The parasite is said to be from a group because t… Read More
#974 Can Insects Fly In The Rain?
Can insects fly in the rain? They pretty much all can, but many of them choose not to. Some do fly during the rain. It depends on their size, the temperature, and their ability to resist wat… Read More
#973 Were Gunslingers Real?
Were gunslingers real? There were people in the Wild West who were employed to shoot people, or who did it for other reasons, but they weren’t called gunslingers. That term didn’… Read More
#969 What Do Tonsils Do?
What do tonsils do? The tonsils contain a lot of white blood cells and they are one of the body’s first lines of defense against infection. Firstly, do you know where your tonsils a… Read More
#968 What Causes Dyslexia?
What causes dyslexia? It is caused by a difference in the brain parts that process reading, but nobody knows exactly what causes that difference. As an aside, there is a common joke that… Read More
#967 Why Do Prices Always Go Up?
Why do prices always go up? They go up because the value of our money decreases. If you go online, you can find inflation calculators for most currencies. For some countries, those curren… Read More
Did Dinosaurs Really Have Feathers?
Did dinosaurs really have feathers? A lot did, but, then again, there were a lot that didn’t. And they were more a kind of fluff than feathers like we see on birds today. The idea t… Read More
#965 Why Do We Have Fingerprints?
Why do we have fingerprints? We have fingerprints to help us grip and to help us feel things. We all have fingerprints on our fingers that are made up of swirls and creases in the skin of… Read More
#964 Why Are Cockroaches So Strong?
Why are cockroaches so strong? They have a very hard exoskeleton, they breathe through different parts of their body, they have a decentralized nervous system, they can eat anything, they ha… Read More
#963 How Does A Quantum Computer Work?
How does a quantum computer work? They use subatomic particles, which can exist in more than one state at the same time. Regular computers are binary, which means everything they display… Read More
#962 Why Was The Abacus Invented?
Why was the abacus invented? It was invented because merchants needed to keep an inventory, trade was taking off, and the powers that be wanted their tax.. The English word abacus came fr… Read More
#961 How Does A Telescope Work?
How does a telescope work? They used to use lenses, but modern telescopes use mirrors. The first telescopes used lenses in the same way that a camera or a magnifying glass does. The first… Read More
#958 Is Modern Art Still Modern?
Is modern art still modern? It technically applies to the period that lasted from the 1860s to the 1970s, so modern art is not modern art anymore, if that makes any sense. Postmodern art cam… Read More
#957 What Is Baking Soda?
What is baking soda? Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, which is a salt. Baking soda has a myriad of uses, but it was first used for baking, hence its name. It was discovered in 1801 in B… Read More
#954 What Is A Blood Diamond?
What is a blood diamond? They are diamonds that are mined in a war zone and used to finance the war. They are called “blood diamonds” because of all the blood that is spilled get… Read More
#953 When Does A Seed Start Growing?
When does a seed start growing? The vast majority of seeds start growing when they are exposed to enough water, which activates hormones inside them. Some seeds need sunlight or other things… Read More
#952 What Are Pyramids For?
What are pyramids for? Some pyramids are tombs, some are just monuments, and many are for religious or ceremonial purposes. There are a lot of pyramids, such as the ones in Mexico, that peop… Read More
#951 Do Piranhas Eat Meat?
Do piranhas eat meat? They do, but not very often and they are not the carnivores that we have been led to believe. Many people fear piranhas and they have been used in movies as a plot devi… Read More
#949 What Is A Megalopolis?
What is a megalopolis? There is no specific number of people, but it is an extremely large group of cities that are joined together by their transport, economy, resources, and other things… Read More
#947 What Is A Rebreather?
What is a rebreather? It is an underwater device that allows divers to reuse the air that they have breathed out, thereby being able to stay underwater much longer. Most people, when at r… Read More
#946 How High Can Birds Fly?
Photo by amy chung: high can birds fly? A Ruppell’s vulture was hit by a plane at 11,300 meters. The bird was identifi… Read More
#945 Is Cocaine Natural?
Photo by MART  PRODUCTION: cocaine natural? The main ingredient in cocaine comes from a natural plant, but it needs to be p… Read More
#944 What Happened To Kaiser Wilhelm?
What happened to Kaiser Wilhelm? He was given asylum in the Netherlands, where he lived until he died in 1941. Wilhelm became Emperor of Germany and King of Prussia in 1888. Germany was n… Read More
#943 How Is Silk Made?
Photo by maadhuri g: is silk made? It is made from the cocoon of the silkworm. Silk is a natural material that has been ar… Read More
#941 Why Can Grasshoppers Jump So High?
Photo by Pixabay: can grasshoppers jump so high? They can store energy in their exoskeleton and release it lik… Read More
#940 What Is A Failed State?
Image Fair use, is a failed state? It is a state that can no longer control its own security and does not have control over its territo… Read More
#939 What Is Asbestos?
By John Hayman – Own work, Public Domain, is asbestos? Asbestos is a material made of lots of mineral fibers. It can be wove… Read More
How Does Autofocus Work?
Photo by Andre Furtado: does autofocus work? Active autofocus works by calculating the dista… Read More
#936 How Deep Is The Desert?
Photo by Greg Gulik: deep is the desert? Depending on the desert, the sand is between 1 m and 43 m deep. Although, if… Read More
#934 Where Did Stoicism Come From?
Image By Paolo Monti – Available in the BEIC digital library and uploaded in partnership with BEIC Foundation.The image comes from the Fondo Paolo Monti, owned by BEIC and located in t… Read More
#933 Was Robin Hood Real?
Was Robin Hood real? Probably not, but the legend could have been based on a real person. Robin Hood has been made famous by the many movies that have been made about him. His story is le… Read More
#931 How Does Anthrax Kill?
Photo by Davide Baraldi: does anthrax kill? Anthrax is an infection caused by a bacterium called Bacillus anthracis. Because i… Read More
#930 Why Is There An Obelisk In Rome?
Photo by Justine  Lauzon: is there an obelisk in Rome? The… Read More
#929 What Is Impressionism?
Image by Claude Monet –, Public Domain, is impressionism? It was a style of art where the artist was trying to… Read More
#928 How Does A Motion Detector Work?
Photo by Jakub Zerdzicki: does a motion detector work? There are several different methods. They can use infrared light, mi… Read More
#927 Why Are Prunes A Laxative?
Image By Emőke Dénes – kindly granted by the author, CC BY-SA 4.0, are prunes a laxative? They contain a lot of… Read More
#926 Is There A Planet Beyond Neptune?
Image By NASA / Voyager 2 / PDS / OPUS / Ardenau4 – Own workalso published on Flickr:, CC0,… Read More

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