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Climate Vulnerable Forum

Climate Vulnerable Forum

Context: Former Maldives president Mohamed Nasheed has said that Indian companies must invest in clean energy projects in ‘climate vulnerable’ countries.

What is Climate vulnerable forum? 

  • The Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) is an international partnership of countries highly vulnerable to a warming planet.
  • It is Composed of 58 members from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America and the Pacific. 
  • It serves as a South-South cooperation platform for participating governments to act together to deal with global climate change.
  • The Forum is led by a rotating chair for an ordinary period of two years.
  • Current chair:  Ghana for the period 2022-2024. (Ghana is the second African nation to lead the CVF after Ethiopia).


  • The CVF first met near Male’, Maldives in November 2009.
  • At the CVF High-Level Meeting held during the UNFCCC (COP21), the Manila-Paris Declaration and the 2016-2018 Roadmap of the CVF was adopted. 
  • At UNFCCC COP22 Forum members committed to ambitious climate action, striving, among others, to achieve maximal resilience and to meet 100% domestic renewable energy production as rapidly as possible.


African & West Asian region:

Asian & Pacific region

Latin America & Caribbean region

  • The UNDP Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office is the Administrative Agent of the Climate Vulnerable Forum Trust Fund.
  • Four intergovernmental agencies are participating partners in the implementation of the CVF Trust Fund:
    • International Organisation for Migration (IOM)
    • United Nations Development Progamme (UNDP)
    • United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)
    • World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

Global shield initiative:

Vulnerable Twenty Group (V20) together with the Group of Seven (G7) and other supporting countries launched the Global Shield against Climate Risks. The aim of the Global Shield is to provide and facilitate more and better pre-arranged protection against climate and disaster related risks for vulnerable people and countries. It was launched at COP 27, Sharm-el-sheikh.

This post first appeared on IAS Compass By Rau's IAS, please read the originial post: here

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Climate Vulnerable Forum
