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品詞(英単語での分類): 形容詞
「政府」に関する用語, FINANCE



The pre-budget report provides details of new incentives for small businesses.


In hung councils where a coalition exists, prebudget meetings between coalition partners will be held to avoid damaging splits.
An updated assessment will be given in the prebudget report 2001.
最新の評価は、2001 年予算報告書に記載されます。
The introduction of the prebudget report is evidence of that.
It is a limited return to the prebudget zero rating for alterations and does not fall foul of the amendment of the law resolution.
The report on the review of the environmental and health effects of waste management options is due to be published around the time of the prebudget report.
First there is prebudget control; that is to say, an effective machinery for costing and controlling the financial consequences of policies and proposals as they come forward.




pre budgetの実際の意味・ニュアンスを理解して、正しく使いましょう!

This feature allows you to stay within a pre-defined budget.
Migrating a pre-11i HRMS budget to your current environment
11i HRMSより前の予算計画の現在の環境への移行
It should be noted that, in 1997 when the institutional reform for a central bank was proposed in the United Kingdom, the then U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown made an announcement of the targeted level of inflation in his Pre-Budget Statement with mentioning the necessity of taking account of that target in setting public servants’ salaries. It can be said that the government took consistent action to achieve the self-decided target.
因みに、英国では1997年に中央銀行に関する制度改革が提言されましたが、ブラウン蔵相はその年の予算演説において、公務員の人件費についても自ら設定した目標との整合性確保の必要性を述べながら、目標となる数値を発表しました 13 。
A trip to a prop hire company, a fabric shop to buy cloth for her flower embellished dress and an all-important visit to Covent Garden Flower Market followed, working within a pre-specified budget, just like a real brief.
Budget orders Pre-approved advertisers who are paying via monthly invoicing may consolidate campaign invoices with budget orders.
予算オーダー 毎月の請求書での支払いを事前承認された広告主様は、予算オーダーを使用して、複数のキャンペーンの請求をまとめることができます。
It must be noted that the pre-allocation is for budget management convenience but is not a firm allocation.
Caution: The application deletes any pre-existing non-control budget reallocations on you have reallocated or reserved budget amounts for non-control budgets, make notes of these transfers before installation.
注意: インストール時には、既存の非管理予算計画再割当はアプリケーションにより削除されます。非管理予算計画予算計画数を再割当または留保した場合は、インストールする前にこれらの転送を記録してください。 Budget pre-allocation For activities starting at the beginning of the new Fiscal Year such as annual contracts which must be tendered several weeks before actual start, events with fixed dates etc. it may be necessary to allocate a budget even before the start of the fiscal year (budget pre-allocation). 予算仮配分 実際の開始より数週間前に入札が行われなければならないような年間契約や、日付が決定している行事等、新しい年度の開始と同時に開始されるものについては、年度の開始前に予算を配分する必要があります(予算の仮配分)。
The application migrates any pre-existing budget reallocations automatically, when you install a patch containing the budget reallocation function for the first time. You can review the migrated folders on the View Pending Reallocations page, and notify budget managers, notify yourself, or delete, as described above. Migrated transactions have no owner, but anyone can use the Notify Self option to take ownership.
Dedicated pre-sales funded through the Solutions budget
Similarly, pre-paid billing charges your total campaign budgets upfront every week.
Select custom solutions or pre-configured systems that address needs, goals, and budgets.
For Pre-Paid customers only: When campaigns are approved by our campaign review team, we pre-charge your first week’s budget to start your account balance.
広告キャンペーンがインプレッションが未配信の状態で、請求が発生した場合 先払い方式のお客様のみ:広告キャンペーンがAdRollの審査チームにより承認されると、AdRollから広告キャンペーン1週目の予算分を課金し、アカウントにクレジット入金します。
Owing to limited budgets, most international students prefer to purchase pre-owned or used cars.
From creative concept and pre-production to shooting and post-production we can support any video production project independently of its size and budget.
Budget Savings with Translation Memory Memsource pre-translates content from translation memory, so the same phrase never gets translated twice.
翻訳メモリによるコスト削減 Memsource は翻訳メモリを利用してコンテンツを事前に一括翻訳するので、一度翻訳した文章はその後二度と翻訳する必要がありません。
We have ready for your convenience all kinds of pre-fixed courses from which you could choose, depending on your budget.
Once you think the idea is solid, bring the discussion to the next in the Budget & Governance Proposals -Pre-Proposal Discussions category.
アイデアが固まったら サイトの 予算とガバナンス提案-<提案前議論カテゴリーでもう一段上の議論へ持って行きます。
It is the Budget Supervisor’s responsibility to not encumber the amount pre-allocated before it is legally permitted.
Players receive an initial 20,000 budget to purchase a pre-made house or buy a lot and build a house from scratch in Build Mode.

The post 【英単語】pre-budgetを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 appeared first on おもしろい英文法.

This post first appeared on 英語文法, please read the originial post: here

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