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modern hermetics consider the alchemy as an art of transmutation mental by which it is replaced in
lower-natured thoughts, by higher ones, they maintain thatthe so-called philosopher's stone capable of transmuting metals into gold, was just a symbol that the ancients took to represent the transformation of man from lead into a man of gold, knowledge of the laws of the Universe gives us the opportunity to transform ourselves ourselves and the matter around us surrounds, the kybalion says verbatim, the
The principles of truth are seven. He who understands this perfectly possesses the magic key before which all temple doors will open wide pair the knowledge and the implementation of the seven principles, allow the student become a real magician, that by knowing the magic key you will be able to enter another dimension of life this is a course in practical metaphysics, because throughout it you will learn to use all the knowledge to solve your daily problems of nothing would help you understand the concepts theoretical, if you will not find practical utility the origin of the problems
Every problem arises as a result of broken compliance with some of the laws of the universe, these laws or principles are operating constantly whether Whether we are aware of them or not,
people who were his problems for not understanding the workings of life the
lack of information leads them to commit errors that later become
difficulties, In short, when a person has a problem that causes suffering is
because you don't have the information necessary to overcome this problem, it is
as if that person were continually crashing head-on into the wall, not realizing that
I could turn right the left or it will jump over, just when one knows the motives and the
characteristics of the problem, that is, when one comes to understand the issue
can solve it, knowledge gives power every time you have a problem for
solve, see it as an opportunity to learn something new
keep your mind open and receptive to new information that lets you know
how to get around the hurdle in the first place you have to be aware that
first you are breaking and then you will have to learn to align with the life to flow with her the emergence of an obstacle is a sign that it has come to the time to study and learn, throughout the study of this course you will find many answers interesting to the main issues of your life, you will understand why you attract certain types of people, how your affective problems are generated and how
overcome them, because money follows people who have it and never the poor, because some people seem live in a sequence of conflicts, where as soon as they finish solving one
find another worse, you will understand that diseases are directly
related to emotional problems and mental is voluntary and can be created, in a few words you will learn to design the world, in living and manifesting it
It is likely that your logical mind begins to challenge you at this very moment, telling you that it is impossible or it is too much to be true, to study metaphysics it is necessary to abandon
our comfort zone and begin to explore new ideas, only your own experience will convince you or not of what you are going to learn, of you depends on the seven principles or universal laws

    1.  principle of mentalism
    2. correspondence principle
    3.  principle of vibration
    4.  principle of polarity
    5. rhythm principle
    6.  cause principle and effect
    7.  generation principle

In this video we are going to study the first of the principles that is the law of mentalism and it says verbatim theeverything is mind the universe is mental, for To analyze this principle we have
starting from the basis that in the universe where we live there is only one god, despite the great differences cultural and religious that exist in the world God is one and is the same for all. he kybalion uses the word all and in this way the idea of ​​a single presence is synthesized, according to this in the universe there is a single mind and absolutely everything that exists is included within this mind, each one of us is a particle or thought immersed in this great mental body, in short all
we are connected by one mind exist one mind as a consequence
there is only one law and it is manifested through the seven principles,
if we accept the idea that God is infinite, omnipresent, and eternal some
One of the questions that arise is, how did God create the universe? where did he extract from
the necessary material to do everything What did? if God extracted material from somewhere then it would not be infinite nor omnipresent the correct answer to
those questions is one that he created he created with his own mind, that is to say that everything that existed exists and will exist is included in this great universal mind, man was made in the image and likeness of his creator man can create using materials from the concrete world
but whatever your creation will always start in your own mind, the universe is mental and that means that each one of the things that we live depends on our thought, in
synthesis everything that one comes to believe about himself is what he will see reflected
in the others, if a person feels successful deserving and highly successful
then it will draw to itself situations and people that will reflect your
belief, the same goes for negative people who believe everything
On the contrary, the universe in which we live is mental and responds to what we choose
think of each moment, nothing exists random in life everything that happens
is always reflecting some pattern of thought that we carry inside if the
universe is mental and everything depends on our thought then your first
homework as a student of metaphysics will be learn to control your thoughts
choice of new beliefs all that we call the universe or God manifests through the spirit, the
spirit has an obedient part that is the soul, she is in charge of manifesting
what we call body or object when we bring this structure to our life
human said structure is identified The next
was what we call spirit is our conscious mind the soul is the mind unconscious and finally the body
connects with our physical body both what connects us with our creator in our spirit that has its
seat in the conscious mind, this is where our will and our power of decision lies
the capacity is called free will that we have to choose our own thoughts according to our
free will, we can choose heaven or hell according to what we accept as true in our
consciousness many people believe that free will means escaping the
karma or do whatever they want but this is not so it is only our freedom to choose what we want
think you can think you have one miserable life or a happy life, what you choose voluntarily will be deposited in your unconscious mind or soul and from there it will manifest in the physical body
In a graphic way we can think of the spirit as conscious mind as the part that selects a seed for
sow the soul or unconscious mind would be the fertile soil where the seed goes to
germinate and grow the body would be the fruit or result to be obtained
our power of action always lies in the conscious mind according to this
from now on we must abandon the idea that we are victims of our destiny and we have to begin to accept that everything that happens to us we arechoosing somehow many of these elections take place in such only fractions of seconds and are deposited in our unconscious mind where they germinate and then manifest for example when visiting a relative sick you are likely to think this could happen to me in this moment the contagion occurred thought was deposited in your mind as a seed from then on
the more you think about the possibility of getting sick more will be watering the seed that will finally bear fruit, that is, the disease this is how the whole universe works we live in a universe that always says yes to everything we choose to believe Most of our beliefs have been formed over time according to with the family, culture, society, religion, and educational institutions to which
that we attend many of our ideas they are not even ours but have been exposed by our elders throughout
throughout our upbringing is important knowing that everything that is already deposited in our unconscious mind can be removed we can create new thoughts accept new ideas and design a future much more convenient and favorable therein lies the importance to know the metaphysical principles
this knowledge will give you the ability to create the happy destiny that you yearn for even if your past has not been and well it doesn't end there there is a metaphysical principle that teaches that
superior laws are imposed on the inferior this means that to the extent that your personal life is better
you will improve the lives of all those around you by healing your own wounds those of others will be healed many people believe that they would be happier if I had a better partner more money more
power or more health they believe that something outside would have to change in order to
be better however the process is al upside down by changing our thoughts and
improving our own energy will improve our soul the soul the soul or its equivalent the mind
unconscious does not reason does not choose does not question and always says yes if you choose to think my life is miserable then the unconscious mind will take this
thought as an order and will be in charge of executing everything that is to
its scope to make your life miserable, on the contrary you can choose
think I have a successful and happy life then that mind will lead you to choose
all the people and situations they will make you feel successful and happy,
as creative beings we can go cultivating our ideas in our
unconscious mind but first we must remove what is already there we cannot
have two plantations in the same place This is not an easy job to do because all the experiences are deposited in our unconscious. lived from the moment we were
conceived those of other lives and everything we experience to date this part of the mind is like a huge file where they are stored precisely all the memories and the
learned habits habits our brain works based on habits because in this way it saves energy, once we have learned to dress ourselves we no longer have to learn the same thing every morning to put on
a shirt comb our hair eat and others are habits learned in childhood help us develop
mechanical and we should no longer think of it as habit, it is like a map in the brain where the energy goes every time we have to repeat a function already known the more we repeat the same task the habit becomes stronger and therefore it is easier for us,
executing it is difficult if not impossible conceive an idea where we had to
learn everything anew every day the most important habits are learned in
the first seven years of life and then we repeat them tirelessly throughout
of our lives at this stage we learned to love to be happy or not to live in prosperity or
in poverty accept in our sexuality or to feel guilt and many other things everything that we have lived as children has impregnated our consciousness forming a memory basic a road map chosen by the elderly our role as adults is
select from everything learned what is useful to us and what is not there are people who have been raised in homes with moral values ​​and very positive spiritual lead them to perform very well in their
world of adults, however, there are others who have grown up surrounded by fear, lack or without love, and all this leads to a lack of trust and most personal security we have received a mixture of influence some were very good and other very bad for that reason we must select them wisely
our brain works thanks to some cells called neurons each neuron has a cable-like extension called an axon in which it is connects to another neuron and thus transmits the electrical message to the
throughout the body the brain gives the order the neurons transmit this order to the body and the body finally executes it for example if I feel itchy on my face and decide to scratch it the moment I
make the decision the neurons sent the electrical signal to my body then
I move an arm and bring a hand to my face to scratch myself when it repeats many times an action creates a habit by doing it many neurons are join each other forming one more cable
width by which the energy is will transmit faster this is the why athletes
train at the beginning a tennis player can feeling very clumsy and not getting the
ball go the direction you want but over time and repetition
and achieve greater mastery of the game and its brain is more prepared to
give an immediate and appropriate response these neural wires do not separate
never this It means that once you learn a habit, it will stay with you. forever with us but then
how can we change the answer is very simple creating a new habit
at first this habit will be a very fine wire but with time and
repetition will be a stronger and thicker cable than the previous habit there is
people who smoke due to anxiety it doesn't have a neural cable
defined in that direction if it is person decides to quit the vice will have to replace smoking with
another more constructive such as more expensive something to drink a glass of water or exercise every time you feel anxiety at first this new habit
will be very weak especially if the person has smoked for many years the energy always tends to go the
easier path and that person will feel a strong desire to return to the cigarette
even when you are already practicing your new habit only with continuous practice and repetition will the energy follow the new path so that the formation of a habit is successful two conditions are necessary desire and repetition if there is no desire to improve it is impossible to do so and
if the repetition of the new does not we can incorporate to better understand
We must always compare this with the athletes who train if during long been the kind of person
that you think more quickly in the negative than in the positive and today you decide to change the first attempts you make will not be very successful and it is likely that you will return many times and with
speed to your previous style but how much more enthusiasm and desire you have to change
the faster the neurons will unite to take your new message to the rest of the organism
for many students the main
obstacle is impatience there is a
strong desire to see results
otherwise they tend to disqualify
what I learned impatience is the
inability to let go
the time needed for a new
idea takes hold in our consciousness is
how to pretend that a plant that ends
to be born from immediately flowers and fruits in other words the impatience
it is a form of resistance to change forms of programming the mind basically
There are three ways to program the
mind through the word the image or the sensation to achieve the
manifestation of a desire is necessary
use wings 3 must be pronounced
with words in what is wanted is due
visualize the result and finally
must feel what it feels like to have achieved the wish the word
There are examples in the Bible of
how god created reality through
use of his word he said let there be light
and the light was made in the human order everything that we pronounce tends to
materialize in metaphysics the spoken word can be used to make
affirmations decrees treatments
an affirmation is a sentence made in the present tense and in a positive way in which what is desired is described
making the statement come true is used to plant a new idea in our
awareness the first step is to put the idea into words and then repeat it
constantly until familiar with it affirmations are repeated many
times a day and so that they are really
effective must be repeated with enthusiasm and conviction
The first reaction to a statement is likely to be discouraging, for example a person has
lived in poverty and want to change their
economic situation for it begins to
repeat the following my income
they increase every day the money comes
easily towards me i am rich
The first thing the mind does when receiving these new ideas is to inform
about everything that exists against it in this example is likely to
the mind reminds the person that
he has enough preparation that he does not speak English that he is not lucky that he does not
is successful that the rich are not good nor do they go to heaven that money is dirty and
other these ideas were collected by the
consciousness of the person throughout his history which does not mean that they are valid as true the person himself
I have chosen to believe in them it is convenient not to fight with our
thought but to thank you for reminding us of our ancient belief and
then let you know what we choose to think now that's our role as
adults due to the great importance that
has the spoken word from now on should check everything you say a way to use
negatively the word is through the complaint it is convenient to avoid getting entangled
in vain conversations gossip or complaints
about the political situation
economic or social status of someone else's country or one's own when a
woman complains about her husband's effects and tells her neighbor at her
mother to her children or her friends the only thing she achieves is that her husband shows her those defects even more decrees a decree is called a statement that is made only once and
emphatically unlike the
affirmations the decree is made
using an idea that is already
firmly rooted in our
conscience also has a great load
emotional and a very high level of faith decree is resounding and leaves no room for doubt is one of the
main instruments used by a
metaphysical for manifestation
faced with a given problem
can decree the most perfect solution
and harmonious for this problem
manifests right now then is thanked and no more is said about the
matter the metaphysician fully trusts
in which the universe will manifest the
better solution than
an ordinary person the metaphysician does not
ask God for things but
affirms and accepts them in his conscience is
knows that God as a perfect father
gives absolutely everything
we wish and our only task is
accept it and work on it consciously spiritual treatments
Spiritual treatment is called
more elaborate decree in which five ingredients are combined
recognition of a single power in the universe unification with said power
the statement of what is desired
express gratitude and finally release it spiritual treatments are
used to heal other people to help them achieve their goals and
of course to specify their own
later we will study in depth
of the treatment structure
spiritual image
if a person cannot get to see or visualize what he wants then
that will never manifest it can't
arrive at any position that has not first been conceived in the mind and
you can get something that the imagination has not visualized for
To materialize a desire one must use all one's imaginative power in order to conceive it in the mind with all its
details must be visualized the shape the color the texture and all the details
what do they do to the image of desire done prolonging the image is a good

mental exercise imagine for a

moment the most I could reach

be in this life what would be your

life conditions

your assets your work your love life and


imagine what would be the greatest joy and

the maximum triumph for you do not limit yourself

when fantasizing do not let your

current conditions form a barrier

play with your mind and think big

imagination alone does not produce

results to the displayed image is

you must add the main component the

belief that anything is possible

We live in a society bombarded by

various sources of images the press

television, cinema, advertisements in

the streets the information through

internet and others so we learn a

important to wear certain brands of

consume certain products to look

in a certain way to be accepted

socially all this accumulation of

advertising information settles

directly in our mind

unconscious and from there generates desires

to become a good metaphysician

you will have to select very well

sources of visual information

frequent from today it is convenient that

avoid watching news especially

early in the morning or late at night

because in those hours they are absorbed with

more easily the images we see if

you dedicate yourself to seeing images of violence and

tragedies without knowing it you will be creating what

same in your personal life

being informed is a mandate of the

current life and for this reason it is thought

that it is important to watch the news and

read the newspapers the best in these cases

is to be neither one thing nor the other but

so as not to live disconnected with the rest

affirm all you need to know is me

revealed at the right and necessary moment

this way they don't lose you

news that could be important

for you and avoid burdening yourself with

unnecessary information

the feeling

is the most important step on the way

of the demonstration should use the

perception of all the senses

experience in the body that

feeling that accompanies performance

of the goal should be heard touch smell

see feel the taste and experience

any other bodily reaction

identify with that achievement by creating

this vibration the manifestation

produce instantly

end of the study of the principle or law of


This post first appeared on The School Of The Mind, please read the originial post: here

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