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Maximizing Your Workday: Time Management Strategies and Optimal Workspace Tips


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Productivity tips for anyone

We all want to be productive, but how do you maximize your workday? Here are some tips for anyone looking to get more done in a shorter period of time.

  • Keep an early start on things. As soon as you wake up, make sure that your day starts off right by getting started right away with some routine tasks. If possible, try to get them done before going into meetings or other activities throughout the day—this way they won’t interrupt what’s already planned and can be completed without complaint from others around you who may have other things that need attention too!

  • Have good lighting at all times (even if it’s just around your desk). You’ll find yourself spending more time reading documents than writing them down because there isn’t enough light available when trying out ideas on paper; this would also apply if using computer software such as PowerPoint presentations where screens often create shadows which make it difficult for viewers’ eyesight lines up properly due lack luster contrast between backgrounds colors used along side text containing certain elements like graphs etc…


Ergonomics is a term that refers to the design of products or services so that they are comfortable and effective for users. The best workspace will be ergonomically designed with the following in mind:

  • Height – When you sit at your desk, you want a chair that is high enough so you can see over it without having to crane your neck too much. For this reason, most people prefer chairs from between 50-60 inches high with no more than 18 inches of recline (not including footrests). If possible, try out different models before making a purchase so you can find one that suits your height requirements. If there’s one thing we’ve learned from our research into this topic it’s this – if something feels wrong when sitting on it then chances are good that it won’t work well for long either!

Ergonomic office design

Ergonomic office design is a cornerstone of the most effective workday strategy. By optimizing your workspace, you can minimize distractions and increase productivity.

  • Take up less space in your cubicle or office. If possible, try moving from open-plan offices to private offices with a door and/or window so that you have more privacy while at work. You may also want to consider an adjustable chair so that it can be adjusted based on the needs of different users (e.g., tall vs short people).

  • Improve light quality by installing fluorescent lights instead of incandescent ones; they’re more energy efficient and produce less heat than standard bulbs do!

Ergonomic desk chair for work

  • The first step to creating a relaxing and productive workspace is choosing the right desk chair.

  • You can find ergonomic office chairs at most office supply stores or online retailers like Amazon and Walmart.

  • Look for a chair that has adjustable arms, lumbar support, and armrests (if necessary).

Overloading yourself only keeps you from getting the maximum out of your workday.

You might be thinking that you’re only getting the maximum out of your workday if you’re not working at all. But this is a false assumption.

The reality is, overloading yourself only keeps you from getting the maximum out of your workday. If we want to maximize our productivity and efficiency, it’s important to be able to focus on what matters most: our tasks and priorities. The more time we spend on something else (like email), or trying to complete tasks simultaneously instead of taking breaks between them until they are finished (which can lead us into burnout), means that less time will be devoted toward actually completing something worthwhile—and thus less value will come from our efforts overall!


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This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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Maximizing Your Workday: Time Management Strategies and Optimal Workspace Tips


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