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7 Keys to Unlocking a More Productive Workspace


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1. Use Your Head To Make Your Workspace Unique

  • Use Your Head To Make Your Workspace Unique

One of the most common ways to make your workspace unique is by using your head. This means that you need to think about how you want it to look and feel, as well as how it can be used in order for you get more done at home or at work. If there are any areas in which physical interference poses an issue (for example, if there’s no space available), then maybe try creating a smaller version of what exists right now so that those who are bothered by such things can still have access without having too much trouble finding their way around the new layout or configuration changes made due its completion!

2. Use Comfortable Chairs to Prevent Musculoskeletal Disorders

  • Use comfortable chairs to prevent musculoskeletal disorders.

  • Work at a desk that’s adjustable, so you can change the height and angle of your chair.

  • Adjust the seat height of a standing desk so it’s not too high or low for your body type.

  • Have an ergonomic keyboard tray near your computer with an adjustable screen height (like this one).

3. Consider Combining Work and Home Spaces

  • Consider Combining Work and Home Spaces

If you have a desk at home, don’t forget to bring it along when you go back to work. While your office should feel like a comfortable place of work, it’s also important that it reflects who you are as an individual and what makes sense for the type of work that needs to be done. This can mean using different furniture from those used in your home (such as an ergonomic chair), putting up pictures or artwork that inspire you, or even having some cool decor items around the office space such as plants—anything that will help make sure everything feels like home away from home!

4. Work With Your Surroundings to Create a Relaxing Environment

  • Work With Your Surroundings to Create a Relaxing Environment

It’s important to work in a space that is conducive to your productivity, but it’s just as important to make sure that the environment around you is relaxing. This means creating an environment where you can take breaks and get away from your desk for short periods of time without feeling like you have to rush back because there are deadlines or projects waiting for you on your computer screen (or tablet). When we work long hours at our desks, our minds become tired and tense, which leads us into an even worse state when we finally do get back into the office again—especially if we haven’t had any downtime during this busy period!

5. Plan for the Future, But Not Too Far in Advance

  • Plan for the Future, But Not Too Far in Advance

One of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen people make is to plan too far ahead. This can be paralyzing and result in procrastination, which will only lead to more stress and frustration down the road. Instead of thinking about what you want your workspace to look like next month or next year, think about how this workspace can help you accomplish your goals today (or at least within six months).

6. Limit Distractions That Prevent You From Getting Work Done

The most productive people in the office are the ones who are able to get work done without being distracted by anything. They know that if they want to be focused on their work, they need to make sure that their workspace is free of distractions.

Having an uncluttered desk helps because it gives you space where you can focus on what matters most: getting more done by getting rid of distractions.

The best way we’ve found for doing this is by limiting access points for incoming calls and emails, which allows us better control over our time spent checking these things out instead of actually working hard at our desks!

the best way to manage your space is to know exactly what you want to accomplish and how you plan on going about doing it

The first step to managing your workspace is knowing exactly what you want to accomplish and how you plan on going about doing it.

If this sounds like a lot of work, don’t worry! You don’t have to do all of it at once—but the more clear-cut your goals are, the easier they’ll be for others in your team or organization (and yourself) later on.


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This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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7 Keys to Unlocking a More Productive Workspace


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