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10 Productive Workspace Design Ideas for Optimal Productivity


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Keep work and home separate.

  • Keep work and home separate.

This is a great way to keep your productivity levels high while still being able to enjoy the comforts of home, especially if you find yourself struggling with distractions or procrastination. If you’re working from home, consider putting up a temporary partition so that there’s an actual wall between your two spaces and not just an open door between them (this will help reduce visual clutter). If this isn’t possible for whatever reason, try setting up designated zones for each area so that you can easily distinguish where one ends and another begins without having to look at any signs on the wall—just make sure it doesn’t block any light from coming in through windows or doors!

Choose ergonomic office furniture.

  • Choose ergonomic office furniture.

  • In a friendly tone: “Ergonomics is the science of how people can be healthy and productive at work by using ergonomic equipment, such as chairs, desks and work surfaces.”

Use a standing desk.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your productivity and reduce stress, a standing desk might be something to consider.

Standing desks are not new—they have been around for decades. But they have become more popular recently because of their ability to help with back pain and other health issues that result from sitting all day long. In fact, research shows that standing desks can increase productivity by up to 50%.

If you want to try this type of setup yourself but aren’t sure where or what kind of resources are available in your area, we offer some tips below:

Organize your workspace.

Organize your workspace.

A cluttered workspace can lead to distraction and lack of focus, which is counterproductive for productivity. A simple task like organizing your desk or room can help you to be more productive by keeping things organized and making it easier for you to find things when they’re needed.

Organize your file cabinets.

Organizing your file cabinets is a great way to keep things neat and tidy. You can use the same method that you would use for filing papers, except instead of using folders, you’ll be using drawers.

Here are some tips for organizing your work space:

  • Create an area in one corner where everything goes (like an open office or home office). This will help keep everything organized visually.

  • Create designated sections for different types of files such as invoices, bills or receipts; tax documents; contracts/agreements; etc.

Organize your closet.

One of the best ways to maximize your productivity is by organizing your closet. When you have an organized closet, it’s easier to find what you need and keep things clean.

You can start by finding a place for everything in your closet. This may mean moving some items around or creating another area where things are stored away from sight but easily accessible when needed. If there is space above or below where clothes hang, consider adding shelves so that everything has its own designated spot in the closet (or on top of any other shelf). This way, when something isn’t currently being used it will be easy for someone else who wants it later on down at lunch time!

Having an organized workspace makes you more productive and less stressed

If you’re looking to improve your productivity, then a well-designed workspace can help. A cluttered office can be stressful and lead to lower productivity levels, but an organized workspace will allow you to focus on the task at hand without having anything else distracting you.

By creating a space that is functional and aesthetically pleasing, it will make working easier for both yourself and others in the office environment. Here are some ideas for how this can happen:

  • Organize Your Workspace by Functionality – The key here is choosing the right layout for your needs as well as making sure everything is accessible from one location or tool (such as your computer). You don’t want anything taking up unnecessary space or being difficult for someone else when they need something from across town/state away from home base so consider how much space each item takes up in relation with its purpose before purchasing anything new!


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This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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10 Productive Workspace Design Ideas for Optimal Productivity


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