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Innovating Your Workplace Culture for Optimal Productivity


In the modern workplace, employees are asked to do more than just their job description. In the past, employees were only expected to fill their role and to perform it at an optimal level in order to avoid any mistakes or even any question of not doing enough.

Today however, Employees are being asked to go beyond this by ensuring that they work on aspects that are beneficial for the business as a whole. This is where employee engagement comes in. Employee engagement is basically how engaged your staff has become with their work environment and what motivates them when working. It is about having a holistic view on employee involvement and involving them in decisions which directly impacts them as well as the business’s bottom line. This can be done by asking questions like “What brings you here?” or “How can we help you?” These questions will inform your employees of what motivates them in deciding to come back each day and play a role in shaping the culture of your organisation.

At The Human Influence Mapping®, we know that our clients’ success depends on how engaged their staff are within the workplace environment because this will ultimately have an effect on them staying motivated throughout the day at work and therefore perform optimally on tasks assigned to them by management. We call this concept ‘workplace activation’.

How to establish an innovative work culture

How to establish an innovative workplace culture

  • Motivation is key. You need your employees to be motivated and excited about their work, which means you need to make it worth their while. If you’re not creating enough value for them, they’ll find another job somewhere else—and in this economy, there are plenty of people willing to take your job if you don’t give them what they want.

  • Workplace culture is defined by how people feel when they’re at work: Are they engaged? Do they feel like they’re contributing something positive? Are they having fun? These feelings can be measured by surveys or interviews with employees; however, ultimately it comes down more on how well management implements policies that promote innovation and encourage creativity among employees.*

Making the workplace fun and motivational

  • Make the workplace fun and motivational:

  • Create a culture where employees feel excited to come to work. This can be done by creating an environment that encourages creativity, collaboration, and personal development.

  • Make sure your employees are happy with their work-life balance:

  • If you want your employees to be more productive, it’s important to give them time off when they need it.

Motivations that have nothing to do with money.

Motivational posters and quotes for your workplace.

A motivational poster is a poster that you hang up in a room or area of the workplace, with the goal of inspiring employees to take action. This can be helpful if you want to encourage people to do something new or different in their work day, but it’s also effective at reminding them why they’re there in the first place. The power of positive thinking: “If you think you can, or if you think you can’t, you’re right.” Henry Ford

Motivational posters and quotes for your workplace.

If you want to motivate yourself before starting a task, print some motivational quotes on a poster. You can easily get motivated with motivational posters and quotes.

If you have ever thought about the future of your company, then these are the best ways for you to get motivated in this field:

  • “The best of luck to all of you in the future. The future is full of wonders, so I hope that you never lose your faith in the future.”

  • “Never give up on dreams just because they’re impossible”.

Using colours in your workspace to help you focus.

It’s been shown that colours can have an effect on our mood and energy levels. Red, for example, is said to boost metabolism, while blue helps with focus and concentration. Green is also thought to be psychologically beneficial due to its calming effects on the body.

If you’re looking for ways to improve your productivity at work, using colour in your workspace could be just what you need!

Using good design, wall art and accessories to motivate you at home too!

  • Use wall art and accessories to motivate you at home too!

  • You can use the same design principles that work in the office to create an atmosphere that motivates your employees, but also encourages them to be productive.

Increasing focus without getting rid of distractions.

  • The next step is to make sure that your employees are focused on the task at hand. This can be done by eliminating distractions from their workspace, or by providing them with tools that help keep them focused on their work.

  • For example, if you’re in charge of a team of designers and developers who have their own laptops and monitors, consider giving each person a sticky note pad so they can write down any thoughts or ideas they have while working on projects. As soon as something pops into your mind that might be useful later on in the project (or even just during lunch), jot it down!

The 3-15-60 rule.

The 3-15-60 rule

The 3-15-60 rule is a simple formula that can help you create a culture of productivity by setting expectations for your employees. It’s based on the idea that people will perform at their best when they know exactly what they should be doing, how much time they have to do it in and where they need to get back to after each task.

Ask yourself, ‘what would make me productive today?’ before you start working, then stick with it.

You might be wondering, “How do I get rid of all these distractions?” You can start with one simple change: ask yourself, “What would make me productive today?” Then stick with it.

You’ll be surprised at how quickly your focus improves when you don’t have to fight with all those other things vying for attention in your head. It’s a great way to start off the day and it’ll help keep things running smoothly throughout the day!

Don’t be so hard on yourself when you slip up or are tired

If you’re having a hard time getting up in the morning, remember that it’s not all your fault. Sure, there are some things that can be adjusted—like eating something more nutritious and sleeping more—but other factors are out of your control. If you’re tired after work, don’t beat yourself up over it! If you’ve been working late again because someone else needs to catch up on their work or because they just want to keep an eye on things so they know what’s going on and feel safe doing so (and who wouldn’t want that?), then take a break from being productive so that everyone gets some rest.

When someone goes too long without taking care of themselves physically and mentally (like by not sleeping enough), their productivity will suffer because they’re not fully functioning at their best possible level; in this case, fixable problems might be easier than fixing things for which no one should be blamed—such as sleep deprivation caused by exhaustion due to stressors outside work hours such as family issues or personal problems outside of work hours like depression or anxiety disorders

An innovative work environment is an effective tool for motivation.

  • What motivates you?

  • Why do you want to be motivated?

  • What are you doing right now to motivate yourself?

  • How can your company help motivate its employees?



Outline of the post:

Section: The benefits to having a good work-life balance.

Section: How to go about arranging work and life in such a way that it works for you, your family and your career.

Outline of the post:

Section: Which is more important – a good pay or an innovative workplace?

Section: Educate yourself on the topic of Work-Life Balance, especially if you are working in an innovation driven field. Nowadays people do not want to work 9–5 for 40 hours with just 3 days off per month, they want to be able to arrange their lives around their job. Learn what it means in practical terms and how this can be achieved. There are many options that enable people to enjoy both work and life including flexible working hours, flexi-time schemes, part-time contracts (even this has become common) and private businesses who employ exclusively part time workers where they can choose when they would like to work or not as they please.  You don’t have to be stuck in a 9–5 job which may leave you feeling burnt out or unhappy at home or feel compelled by employers who require employees to come into work regardless of whether they wish to do so or not; all these things are possible nowadays even though the majority simply cannot afford them yet! These companies exist because they offer something else that traditional companies do not – freedom and flexibility! If you don’t take advantage of them then who will?

Takeaway 1) If you want a flexible workplace then find one first; then (if you still want one) apply for jobs at these workplaces rather than wasting time applying for ordinary vacancies as most organisations won’t respond positively if you tell them it’s because there is no job available at your preferred location anyway!

Takeaway 2) In regards to free-will vs compulsory

This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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Innovating Your Workplace Culture for Optimal Productivity


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