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Innovative Ideas for a Productive Workplace: 10 Tips and Tricks


Innovative Ideas for a Productive Workplace: 10 Tips and Tricks***Outline of the post:

Section: Create a monthly budget.

Section: Block out 40 minutes for filing, something that should be done every day.

Takeaway: If you don’t have enough time to complete all your tasks, you need to create more time in your schedule.

Informal tone

Colored pens can help make space easy to remember.

You can also use colored pens to create a visual reminder of your tasks and goals. You could print out your to-do list and review it every day, or color code different sections of the paper differently (e.g., red for “Important”). This way, you’ll be able to see at a glance what needs doing and when—no more flipping through pages trying to remember which task is due next week!

Print out your to-do list and review it every day.

You have a lot to do, and you aren’t going to get it done if you don’t know what needs to be done. So print out your to-do list and review it every day.

Put a different color pen in each subject area then place a dot on the index cards that you need to complete.

Here’s a fun idea that helps you stay on top of all your to-do’s.

  • Create a checklist of your to-do’s and have everyone sign it. That way everyone will know what everyone needs to do, so you can get started faster!

  • Put different colored pens in each subject area then place a dot on the index cards that you need to complete. This is great for keeping track of everything from project deadlines, meeting notes, emails etc…

Use a system of folders, notepads and binders to categorize tasks into different areas.

Organizing your work area is an important part of being productive. You should have a place for everything and everything in its place, so that it’s easy for you to find what you need when it comes time to do your job.

In order to be more productive at work, consider using a system of folders, notepads and binders to categorize tasks into different areas: personal (e-mail), professional (projects) or administrative (files). This way you’ll know exactly where everything goes when it’s time for them go back into storage!

Display your keys at eye level so you won’t have to search for them when you’re putting on your coat.

  • Organize your workspace so that you can see everything at a glance.

  • Use color-coded pens for each subject area, or use different colored markers for other tasks such as writing and highlighting text on paper documents that you need to reference later in the day (this will make it easier to find them when putting on your coat).

Set up an office phone system that works for you.

An office phone system is a must-have for any business. It’s not just about making it easier to reach your employees and clients, though—it can also be used to keep everyone on the same page while they work. If you have an innovative idea that requires a lot of collaboration, you may want to consider setting up an office phone system that works for you.

There are many options out there when it comes to choosing the right kind of equipment for your business: cordless phones, walkie talkies, conference calls (like Skype), etc., but they all cost money! If this sounds like something that would benefit from some automation with software like [Google Voice](https://www.googlevoiceonlinehelpcenter) or [Skype](https://www.skypeconnector), then check out our article here:

Write down your miscellaneous tasks (like filing, scheduling and finances) on post-it notes and sticky notes so they don’t slip away from view when you need them.

If you have a lot of tasks to do, it can be hard to keep track of them all. Try using colored pens or sticky notes to help you remember what’s due when and where, so that your productivity doesn’t suffer.

  • First, write down miscellaneous tasks (like filing, scheduling and finances) on post-it notes and sticky notes so they don’t slip away from view when you need them.

  • Next, print out a copy of your to-do list—the one with the big red X through each item crossed off—and put it up on the wall next to where everyone works so everyone can see it every day as part of their morning routine. This will prevent forgetting what needs doing or passing over important things because they aren’t listed in front of them anymore!

Employees with a more organized workplace are more productive than those without.

The more organized your workplace is, the more productive you’ll be. This is because a well-organized environment enables employees to focus on their tasks and achieve results. The more efficient your company becomes, the better your business will do overall. When compared with other companies in similar industries or even those that don’t have an obvious competitive advantage over them (e.g., because they don’t have as much money), businesses that have an organized workplace are almost always shown to outperform their competitors on productivity measures such as sales growth rate or R&D spending per employee


Section: Get rid of clutter on your desk by using inexpensive, stylish and durable paper storage boxes.

Takeaway: Saving extra time by having an organized desk can increase your productivity.

This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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Innovative Ideas for a Productive Workplace: 10 Tips and Tricks


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