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5 Time Management Tips to Boost Productivity in Your Comfortable Workplace


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Plan to be productive all day.

If you want to be productive, it’s important to know what you’re going to do and when. This means planning out your day in advance. If there is something that needs done but can wait until tomorrow or next week, make sure it’s on the list of tasks that need doing first thing in the morning.

Planning ahead also helps with staying focused throughout the day—you won’t have any distractions from work emails or notifications when they arrive because they won’t interrupt your focus on other important tasks!

Know what to do and when to do it.

The first step to time management is knowing what to do and when to do it. This may sound obvious, but there’s a lot more to it than just making a list of things you need to get done.

You have many different tasks that need your attention on any given day, but this doesn’t mean they should all be crammed into one hour period or even two hours! You can still get things done if you space them out over the course of several days or weeks—and this will help keep your workday organized and efficient throughout the week.

Set your priorities.

  • Set your priorities.

  • Prioritize tasks according to their importance and urgency, not just by their time frame. If you have a deadline but are procrastinating on the task at hand, then it’s not as important as one that needs to be done right away.

Schedule your tasks and break them into smaller chunks.

  • Schedule your tasks and break them into smaller chunks.

  • Don’t wait until the end of each day to start working on a project, but rather work on it throughout the day so that you have time for breaks and other activities. This can help you avoid burnout and make sure that you don’t get stuck in a rut by letting yourself off the hook at night without accomplishing anything during the day.

Answer emails quickly and accurately.

How do you know what to do next? It’s a question that can be answered with a quick glance at your inbox. If you see an email from a colleague or client, it’s time for action; if it’s just another missive from a random person on the Internet, delete it without reading. But what happens when there are two types of emails in your inbox? You will have no idea which one is more important than the other—and if they’re both unimportant then why did they even make it into your Inbox?

To avoid this problem and free up valuable time on your schedule, set up filters so that only certain types of messages go straight into their designated folders (funny videos don’t belong in “People” while serious research requests should be filed under “Research”). Then prioritize based on importance level: urgent = high priority; everyday tasks = medium priority; unwanted spam = low priority

Keep your workspace organized.

Keeping your workspace organized is one of the most important things you can do to boost productivity. Here are a few tips for keeping your workspace clean and clutter-free:

  • Put everything in its place. When you’re working, don’t let random items take up space on your desk or countertop. If something isn’t being used, put it away so that you don’t waste time looking for something later on when it’s really needed (like when trying to find something specific). In general, having things organized helps keep the workday running smoothly because everything will be there when needed—and nothing will be left out!

  • Use whiteboards instead of paper if possible. Whiteboards are great because they allow people who might not have access to computers during certain times (such as when they’re traveling or spending time away from their offices) easy access without having any worries about losing track of important information due simply lack thereof–what happens when someone loses their notebook full of notes? You need those notes! Keep them safe with this simple solution: write down anything important onto the board then wipe off any old ones once finished reading through those materials before moving onto newer ones too!!

Make sure the necessary tools are handy.

When you’re working at home, it’s important to make sure the necessary tools are handy. This includes things like a desk set-up that’s ergonomic and allows you to use your hands comfortably while typing or working with a mouse. You also want an office chair that doesn’t strain your back or neck when sitting up straight for long periods of time. If possible, look into buying one of these high-end models as well!

Avoid distractions.

  • Get enough sleep.

  • Avoid distractions.

  • Takeaway:It’s easier to increase productivity in a workspace with efficient decor,functional furniture and clear work space than in an office without any thought or organization of any kind.

Get enough sleep.

  • Get enough sleep.

  • Organize your workspace and make it efficient.

  • Plan ahead, so you don’t have to waste time on the things that can wait until tomorrow or next week.

It’s easier to increase productivity in a workspace with efficient decor,functional furniture and clear work space than in an office without any thought or organization of any kind

It’s easier to increase productivity in a workspace with efficient decor,functional furniture and clear work space than in an office without any thought or organization of any kind. Office design is very important and it can be a challenge to find the right solution for your needs.

  • Plan ahead: Before starting anything, think about how long it will take you or others around you to complete the task at hand. If this is something that requires multiple steps (like going through several files), make sure that everyone knows what they need to do before starting work so there are no surprises later on down the road!

  • Keep track of time: Make sure everyone knows when their shifts start/end so there aren’t any awkward moments when people show up late because they forgot about their shift completely! A good way would be using an electronic timer (like those found at most grocery stores).


The article is a nice and clear summary on the topic of Productivity. We recommend you read the whole article and take notes of the points discussed in this post.

This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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5 Time Management Tips to Boost Productivity in Your Comfortable Workplace


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