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A Passion for Productivity: How to Create the Optimal Workspace for Your Career


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Computers are not the enemy.

It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that computers are the enemy of productivity. We’re told that we need to be tethered to our devices and always be connected, but this isn’t necessarily true. While it’s important to know how your work habits affect your life outside of work, there are other ways you can help yourself stay productive and avoid being distracted by technology—especially when working from home or on a plane or train.

The first step is recognizing that computers aren’t actually bad at all! In fact, they can help us become more productive by helping us organize our thoughts before we start writing an essay or preparing for an interview; they also allow us access information faster than ever before (as long as we don’t mind scrolling through multiple pages). Don’t let these tools scare you away from using them; instead use them as tools so that when necessary (like finding information), instead of trying frantically looking through piles upon piles worth of papers lying around until something catches our eye…we’ll just open up Google Docs where everything is already organized nicely by topic/section etcetera…and voila!

Why you need a quiet space.

I have a confession to make: I am a workaholic.

I am also, according to my doctor, very stressed out and depressed. It’s not the kind of thing that can be cured by simply going home and taking a nap in your bed—it’s more like you need an intervention or something.

So what do you do? Well, since we’re all trying our best not to be insane when it comes to getting things done (and because I’m basically obsessed with productivity), here are some tips on how you can make sure your workspace is as productive as possible:

Why the computer is not your friend.

Why the computer is not your friend.

If you’re like me, you probably spend a lot of time at your desk. But because we’re working so many hours each day, we don’t think about how it affects our bodies—or ourselves for that matter. The reality is that most of us sit too much and complain about it later: It causes back pain; it wastes time; it makes us feel icky when we stand up after long periods of sitting in one place (like my friend who spent three days straight on her couch).

What to look for when shopping for furniture.

When shopping for office furniture, the first thing you should look for is the size of your room. If you have a small space, it’s best to go with something compact and compacted. If you’re looking for something that will take up more space in your home or office, then larger pieces are ideal.

Another important factor when choosing an office chair is how comfortable it feels while sitting on it. The best way to do this is by trying out different chairs at local stores and finding one that works best for both comfort and style—and then keeping this model around!

Make a deliberate, conscious choice about where you stand and sit in relation to the computer.

  • Outline: Section: Computers are not the enemy.

  • Why you need a quiet space.

  • Why the computer is not your friend.

  • What to look for when shopping for furniture.

A place that is home to you.

As you begin your search for the perfect workspace, it’s important to remember that this is something that can only happen over time. For now, focus on what matters most: creating a space that is home to you.

To do this, keep in mind these five tips:

  • Computers are not the enemy. You may have heard this before but it bears repeating as often as possible because we tend to forget how much time we spend typing away at our keyboards or clicking through search results on our computers without even realizing it! It’s easy to fall into a trap of thinking that if we put our work off until later or leave early enough so as not to interrupt others’ productivity (or just because), then everything will be okay…but when? A lot of things can happen throughout the day (and night) which leaves no room for error when trying something new such as working remotely from home–especially if there isn’t anyone else around who knows better than yourself what needs doing first thing tomorrow morning!

How to lighten up your work area.

The most important thing is to find a way to lighten up your work area.

You don’t need to spend hours in front of your desk if you don’t want to. That said, there are ways that you can make the most of your time at work and be more productive overall by doing things differently than they were done before.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the best ways to get more done during the day without having an overly stressful or unproductive experience.

An office organized for productivity.

  • Organize your workspace.

  • Create a space for you to be productive, and make sure it’s the right size for your needs.

  • Keep clutter out of sight so you can focus on what’s important.

You can be productive in any setting and make the most of both your time and creativity at the same time with a bit of organization.

You can be productive in any setting and make the most of both your time and creativity at the same time with a bit of organization.

The key is to find a way to keep your work space clutter-free, making it easy for you to focus on what matters most. The best way to do this is by adopting an open office plan or working from home as much as possible, but even if that’s not possible for you (or even if it is), there are plenty of other things that will help streamline your workflow without sacrificing productivity:

  • Set aside an area where all projects go before they’re started—this doesn’t need to be an actual room; it could just be a cupboard or closet where all relevant documents go so nothing gets lost along the way

  • Label everything clearly so that when someone asks where something belongs, there’s no confusion about which file contains information about what project


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This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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A Passion for Productivity: How to Create the Optimal Workspace for Your Career


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