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10 Proven Focus Improvement Tips for Boosting Productivity at Work



Section: Skip the workday

Takeaway: Know when to stop, and it’s best not to work at all.

In a friendly tone

Increase your sleep

I have spent many years as a consultant, and I have seen firsthand how important it is for people to sleep well. If you are not getting enough sleep, then you won’t be able to focus in the morning. Your brain will be sluggish, and your mood will be low. You may even feel irritable or overwhelmed by all of the tasks that need doing during that first hour at work!

The first step toward improving your focus and increasing productivity at work is finding out if there are any underlying issues affecting your ability to concentrate on projects or tasks:

Move more

I was reading an interesting article on the Pomodoro Technique (based on a technique from Francesco Cirillo) and I thought it would be great to share this with you guys. The Pomodoro Technique is a productivity technique that, for the most part, has been studied by academics. According to the Wikipedia page on this topic:

The concept was developed by Francesco Cirillo in 1994 as an effective way to increase concentration during short working periods. The method is based on breaking down tasks into 25 minute chunks called pomodoros; each pomo lasts 25 minutes and must be done within 5 Pomodoros. After completing your 5th Pomodoro (after which one must take a short break), you continue until your task is complete for that day’s work or until you reach 25 total hours worked per week/40 per month etcetera…

Get a standing desk

Now that you have a standing desk, it’s time to move more. When we sit for hours on end at our desks, we tend to hold tension in our bodies and get stuck in negative thought patterns. By moving more throughout the day (and even at home), you’ll be able to release those negative thoughts and feel better physically as well as mentally. And if being active doesn’t sound like fun? Try taking a walk around the block or going for a walk with your co-workers after lunch—you will thank yourself later!

Work in the morning

The Pomodoro Technique (also known as the Pomodoro Technique) is a time management technique originally developed by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s. The technique involves using a kitchen timer, called a “pomodoro” (Italian for tomato), to break down tasks into 25-minute sessions. Each session has its own timer that goes off at regular intervals and allows you to focus on one thing at hand until it’s done.

It can be used for any task that requires focus and concentration, but it’s especially effective when used during work hours because your mind is already fresh and ready to go!

Don’t underestimate distractions

  • Use the Pomodoro Technique

  • Get a standing desk

  • Move more

  • Use an alarm clock to wake up

  • Focus on the task at hand

  • Ergonomics and workplace design

7 Inspiring self-improvement books 8 Er

Use the Pomodoro Technique

  • Use the Pomodoro Technique

If you’re not familiar with it, the Pomodoro technique is a productivity method that involves working in small intervals of 25 minutes (pomodoro), followed by 5-minute breaks. It’s popular among educators and students because it helps them focus on one task at a time, rather than multi-tasking.

Quit Facebook

You’ve probably heard that Facebook is bad for productivity. The social media platform can be a great way to connect with friends and family, but it’s also the perfect place for distractions. If you’re spending more time on Facebook than work, then it might be time to cut back or even quit using it altogether.

You may find yourself turning to Facebook during lunchtime or after work has ended, which means that your attention isn’t being fully focused on what matters most when it comes to getting things done: getting things done!

Improving focus at work can be both a long-term strategy and a short-term strategy

Improving your focus at work can be both a long-term strategy and a short-term strategy.

Long-term, you should consider making time for exercise, meditation or prayer. Meditation is particularly helpful in improving your ability to focus and stay focused on tasks that matter most to you, such as writing blog posts or completing personal projects.

Short term: If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the tasks that need doing in your life, try taking breaks every few hours where there’s nothing else specific for you to do but relax for 10 minutes before returning back into work mode again (this works especially well if it’s just one break).


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This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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10 Proven Focus Improvement Tips for Boosting Productivity at Work


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