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Innovating Your Way to a More Productive Workspace: Organization Hacks and Inspiring Career Advice


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Tracking your time is necessary to be productive.

Tracking your time is necessary to be productive. The most productive people are the ones who don’t waste their time on what doesn’t matter. They focus their energy and attention on the things they can control, which means that you need to make sure that your day is filled with activities that actually matter—not just a bunch of time-wasting distractions like social media or TV shows.

The best way to achieve this goal is by tracking every minute of your day through an app like RescueTime (or any other similar program). At first glance, it might seem like a huge undertaking—but once you get started with it, it’ll be easier than you think!

Set deadlines for yourself.

If you’re a procrastinator, it may be time for some tough love. Set deadlines for yourself and stick to them. The first step is setting a goal: For example, “I want to read 50 pages of my novel by the end of the day.” Then break down your goal into smaller tasks that will help you achieve it—like reading one chapter per day or completing 20 minutes worth of writing each day (or even just 15 minutes).

Once you have set these small goals, create a system where they can be measured and tracked so that they become habits instead of excuses not get things done!

Use reminders and apps to help you stick to your deadlines.

To make sure you stay on track with your deadlines, use reminders and apps to help you stick to your plans.

  • Reminders are a great way to stay on top of tasks that need attention. You can set up recurring calendar events or emails that will remind you when it’s time for a particular task or project. This way, even if things get busy at work or school, there will always be someone keeping tabs on the date when something needs done—and they’ll make sure that deadline is met!

  • If a certain task seems overwhelming at first glance but still sounds like fun (or even exciting), try starting small with something simple first so that by the time everything has been accomplished in full length form later down the line—it won’t seem like such an insurmountable challenge anymore!

Have a dedicated workspace.

  • Have a dedicated workspace.

This is the most obvious step, but it’s also one of the most important. Whether you’re working from home or in an office, having your own space where you can focus on what matters most will help keep you on track and motivated. The best part? You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on custom furniture; if there’s any way to get that extra desk space, now or later in life—as long as it’s within reason—it’ll be worth it!

Clean out your desk regularly and organize it.

  • Ergonomic office: This is a term used to describe a workplace that provides proper support for the body’s natural movements and posture. The goal of an ergonomic office is to prevent back pain, shoulder strain, neck pain and other common musculoskeletal ailments associated with sitting at a desk all day.

  • Productivity hacks: Cramming your desk with clutter can be very distracting—and counterproductive when it comes to getting work done! To make sure nothing gets in the way of productivity in your workspace, try these tips from [Innovating Your Way] on how they manage their own space:

  • Keep things neat by putting things where they’re supposed to go (for example: keep drawers closed) or out of sight (don’t leave cables lying around). This will help keep clutter down while making sure everything has its place—and by increasing visibility so you know what each item does without having too much information crammed onto one page.”

Use an uncluttered workspace.

  • A cluttered workspace can be a sign of disorganization, but it’s also a symptom of stress.

  • An uncluttered workspace helps you feel more organized and in control, which will make you more productive.

Decide on a system for making your desk feel like a work zone.

  • Decide on a system for making your desk feel like a work zone.

  • Set up your desktop and monitor to be conducive to productivity.

  • Bring in some natural light that is easy on the eyes and makes it easier to read text or look at photos, while still being able to see all of your files at once.

Make sure your phone is handy and that you always have it with you.

I can’t stress enough how important it is to have your phone handy. If you’re ever in need of information, don’t wait until after work or on the weekend; just pull out your phone and look for it immediately. It’s also helpful to keep a note pad around with notes on all the things you need to remember in case they pop into your head later.

Your phone should also be able to help you stay organized while working by letting you know when certain things are due so that they don’t get forgotten. This is especially important if there are deadlines involved!

Productivity will come with practice and organization, so start today!

Productivity will come with practice and organization, so start today!

Organization is a key aspect of productivity. When you’re able to think clearly, you’ll be able to make better decisions and work more efficiently. This can be done by keeping your home office clean and clutter-free (or at least less messy), creating a system for filing things like paperwork or receipts, keeping track of the day’s activities on paper or in an electronic notebook (this is especially helpful if there are multiple projects going on at once), etc.

If you need help getting organized in your workspace, try some of these tips:


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This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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Innovating Your Way to a More Productive Workspace: Organization Hacks and Inspiring Career Advice


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