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The Power of Passion: How to Create a Productive Workspace and Achieve Success


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Desire will always seem greater than the work.

If you want to achieve greatness, the first step is to find your passion.

As a rule of thumb: if you’re not passionate about something, it’s probably not worth doing.

But how do we know what our passion is? And how do we make sure that we stay focused on our goals?

If you want something bad enough, you’ll find a way to get it.

If you want something bad enough, you’ll find a way to get it.

It’s easy to think that this is just another way of saying “if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again,” but it’s more than that. A lot of times when people are frustrated with their current situation and feel like they’re not getting anywhere with their goals or projects, they stop trying because they assume they’re not good enough at what they’re doing (or worse yet—they believe themselves incapable of doing anything). But if you truly believe in yourself or your idea and know why it matters so much to you personally then there’s no reason for anyone else except those closest to them (your family) who have been through similar experiences themselves should tell them otherwise!

What you focus on is what you get.

What you focus on is what you get.

This is a fundamental law of the universe, and it applies to your work as well. If you want a successful career, it’s important that your work environment be conducive to success—in other words, if there are things going wrong in your workplace (or any workplace), then those problems will keep getting worse until they’re fixed. The good news is that fixing the problem doesn’t have to cost too much money or time; all it takes is a little bit of effort from everyone involved!

In order for this law to work optimally for everyone involved—including yourself—you should make sure that what matters most when working together happens at all times:

You’ll never be happier than when you’re in pursuit of your passion.

The first step to creating a productive workspace is accepting that you will never be happier than when you’re in pursuit of your passion. If this sounds like an impossible task, think again! You can achieve this by making a list of things that interest you and then focusing on them throughout the day. For example, if I’m on my way home from work one day and see something interesting on the side of a building or at an intersection down the road, I’ll pause for a moment to consider what it would look like if I painted it or drew it. Once I have decided what kind of artwork I’d like to create with my time during breaks between projects (and before starting them), then it’s time for action!

Do it because you love it and not because you have to do it.

In the same way that if you want something bad enough, your body will adapt and get it for you. So if you want to be successful with your career and personal life, then start doing what makes sense for YOU.

You can’t force yourself into anything—you have to do things that feel good for YOU. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it! If a situation seems like there’s no way out of it (like when I was stuck working at my mom’s law firm), sometimes the best thing is just quit altogether so that everyone else can move on without having their lives disrupted by someone else’s lack of follow-through or planning skills.”

Be patient with yourself.

The first step is to be patient with yourself. If you’re serious about changing your workspace, you’ll need to commit to a process that leads to results. It may take time and effort, but it’s worth it in the end.

If you’re not sure where to start, consider these tips:

  • Create an ergonomic desk chair that supports both sitting and standing positions—ideally one that provides lumbar support as well as neck support (a good rule of thumb is 45 degrees).  This will help keep your spine aligned while helping reduce back pain caused by sitting too much!  It also makes getting up easier than ever before! * Add some balance balls around the office space so people can exercise while working at their desks or laptops in front of them; this helps keep joints limber during long stretches spent hunched over pens and keyboards alike.* Add soft-surface materials like memory foam mattresses under chairs/seats so they don’t hurt as much when someone sits on them all day long; this also helps promote better circulation throughout the body overall.”

The best ideas are born in desperation.

When you’re in a state of desperation, your brain is much more open to ideas. When you’re feeling frustrated or overwhelmed, it’s easy to see things from a different perspective. For example:

  • If there’s something wrong with the way things are done—and they probably are!—you’ll notice that and wonder how they could be improved.

  • You may even start thinking about how others might benefit from this new idea and decide that maybe inventing it isn’t such a bad idea after all!

Work is only a means to an end.

Work is only a means to an end.

The purpose of your life and work isn’t just to make money, but also to live your life with passion, purpose and joy. If you’re not doing what you love, then it’s not being used for its true purpose: creating value for others.

Anything worth having is worth fighting for.

  • Anything worth having is worth fighting for.

  • When you’re passionate about what you do and who you work with, the world becomes your playground. It’s a place where anything can happen, and when it does, people will pay attention because they want to see it too! The more people who are interested in your product or service, the better chance that it has of becoming successful.

Having a supportive environment helps make reaching your goals easier.

Having a supportive environment helps make reaching your goals easier.

The right office setup can help you stay focused and productive, even when you’re busy with other things in life. This includes having an ergonomic desk chair that fits your body type and size, as well as other tools such as ergonomic mouse pads or keyboard wrist rests that promote good posture while typing or using the computer at all times during the day (e.g., before going into meetings).

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from experience here at [Company Name], it’s that when people are happy in their work environment—whether they’re employees or customers—the result is happier employees who produce better results for everyone involved!


“If you’re not at least a little uncomfortable, you’re not working hard enough.” – Larry Page, Google founders

This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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The Power of Passion: How to Create a Productive Workspace and Achieve Success


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