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7 Proven Tips for Setting Up a Productive Workspace


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Create a space that is relaxed and quiet.

The first step to creating a productive workspace is creating a space that’s relaxing and quiet. This means making sure you’re not distracted by loud noises or people, as well as keeping your desk clear of any unnecessary materials like paperwork or clutter.

If there’s no way for you to avoid being interrupted during the day, set aside specific times where others aren’t welcome (such as meetings) so that your brain can focus on work without interruption.

Give yourself some breathing space.

  • Give yourself some breathing space.

  • “You’re not on a time crunch, but you have to be in the zone and get things done.” – Jason Fried, founder of 37signals and author of Rework

  • “If I’m working for long periods without breaks or exercise (especially if it’s during my lunch hour), I start to feel very irritable and jumpy afterwards.” – Melinda Gates

Make the workspace bigger and brighter.

  • Make the workspace bigger and brighter.

This can be a simple change that will have a big impact on your productivity. If you have an office with lots of windows, turn them around or close them off entirely so that there’s no distraction from outside noise. You may also want to consider adding lights underneath each desk so that you can see what’s going on in front of you while still remaining productive at night when it gets dark outside (or even during daylight hours).

Turn off unimportant computer notifications .

Turn off unimportant computer notifications .

There are a few things that can be distracting, but you should only have them for important things. For example, if your team is working on something and needs to know about it right away, they should be able to get in touch with each other through email or Slack. If there’s an issue at work and someone needs help immediately, then they should be able to get in touch with their manager without having to worry about checking social media apps first.

Set aside time to work on your computer, alone.

  • Set aside time to work on your computer, alone.

  • You don’t need to be in a quiet room by yourself if you don’t want to be—but if you can find one, it will help keep the distractions at bay and give you the space and quiet that’s needed for focused thinking.

Take advantage of daylight.

One of the most important things you can do to help your productivity is to have a good workspace. This will allow you to be comfortable, focused, and productive. But how do you choose a space that’s right for you?

One way is by taking advantage of daylight: natural light that comes in through windows or skylights. If possible, try choosing an area where there are windows facing directly into the sun so that they’ll be able to shine on your desk during the day (if this isn’t possible). This can help boost energy levels and make working more enjoyable!

Move your workstation away from other distractions.

When you’re working, it can be tempting to sit in the same place where you spend most of your time. If there are other distractions around you, though—like people talking on the phone or watching TV—that can distract from what you’re doing and make it harder for you to focus.

In order to avoid this problem, make sure your workspace is as clear of distractions as possible by moving things out of the way:

  • Move computers away from walls or hang them up so they aren’t in front of windows looking into other rooms (or offices).

  • Remove drawers under desks so that everything is stored on top instead of underneath where they might get knocked over by someone coming into an area without realizing it was occupied by someone else who didn’t realize they were there either!

Find the right angle for typing – not too high or too low!

The right angle for typing is not too high or too low. It’s important to find a comfortable height that allows you to sit upright and still be able to see your screen. If you’re sitting at an angle, your back will often be curved forward due to the pressure of being hunched over a desk. This puts strain on muscles in your neck and shoulders which can lead to pain or discomfort over time!

When choosing an ergonomic desk chair, make sure it has enough support for comfort without being overly padded (which would cause more back pain). Also avoid chairs with wheels as they tend to roll away from where they were originally placed if someone gets up from their seat unexpectedly during work hours – this could mean losing valuable time tracking down stray documents while everyone else is trying desperately not laugh out loud because it was just so funny watching them try so hard not laugh out loud…”

Work in an environment that encourages deep thinking.

Working in an environment that encourages deep thinking is one of the best ways to get work done. In fact, research suggests that employees who have access to a quiet room can actually be more productive than those who have no such space at all.

One of the main problems with working in noisy environments is that it makes it difficult for us to focus on our tasks and get our job done quickly. A study by University College London found that people who worked at noisy offices had lower productivity levels than those who worked at quieter ones—even when they were given extra time!


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This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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7 Proven Tips for Setting Up a Productive Workspace


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