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Creating a Productive Workspace: Tips and Tricks


Section 3: Gaining Confidence in Your Work

Section 1: Getting Acquainted with the Concept of Productivity

Section 2: Achieving Emotional and Physical Well-Being at Work

Section 3: Gaining Confidence in Your Work

Drifting off? Don’t do it.

Don’t fall asleep at your desk.

Don’t do it! It’s easy to get wrapped up in work, but if you’re not getting enough sleep and are sleeping too much during the day, it can affect how well you perform at work. In addition to this being bad for productivity and clarity of thought, it also increases stress levels which can lead to depression or anxiety disorders like generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) or panic attacks—both of which are associated with higher rates of absenteeism from employment due to health issues such as depression or substance abuse problems

Keep your workspace well-lit.

  • Keep your workspace well-lit. The right amount of light can help you stay focused and make it easier to stay organized, but too much will make you feel like a caged animal in an interrogation room.

  • Avoid glare from reflective surfaces such as windows, mirrors or glass cabinets by using blinds or curtains to block out excess light.

Check out the area around you before you begin work.

You’re probably already aware of the importance of creating a productive workspace, but there are some things you need to know about the area around you. The first thing is that your workspace should be clean and clutter-free—not only will this help with focus, but it also makes it easier for others in the office to get their work done as well.

Another important consideration is how comfortable your desk chair is. If your chair doesn’t give enough support, consider investing in an adjustable one or even better yet, purchasing a different type altogether (like an ergonomic chair). And while we’re talking about chairs: don’t forget about posture! Check out our guide on how best to sit at work if sitting all day isn’t healthy for your back or neck muscles (and yes—it’s okay if those don’t feel quite right yet!).

Use the right tools for the job.

A productive workspace is one where you can get your work done and still have time for other things. To make this happen, it’s important to use the right tools for the job.

  • Work tools: These are the physical objects that help you do your job—whether they’re laptops or printers or everything else in between (like a file cabinet). Make sure they’re easy to access and clear away when not in use so clutter doesn’t build up around them over time. If possible, buy something like an ergonomic keyboard tray so that your wrists don’t hurt after hours of typing away at their desk.

  • Personal productivity habits: People have different ways of approaching productivity; some people like lists while others prefer more visual methods like diaries or calendars; some prefer writing out ideas first then organizing them into larger projects later on while others prefer starting with big projects first then breaking them down into smaller tasks as needed during each step along the way (this is called “chunking”). Whatever works best for you!

Get up to speed on your computer skills.

It’s important to get your computer skills up to speed. Whether you’re just getting started or want a refresher course, there are plenty of resources available online that can help. The most important thing is making sure that you know how to use the features on your computer and what those features do for you. You’ll also need to be able to navigate through menus and windows without getting lost in them (or worse yet—abandoning them altogether).

If this sounds like something that would interest someone who works from home, consider signing up for one of these courses:

Set yourself up for success with a computer-friendly environment.

  • Set yourself up for success with a computer-friendly environment.

  • It’s important to have the right tools at your disposal, so you can focus on what’s most important—your work.

Learn how to find information at its source . . . . . then forget about it!

  • Learn how to find information at its source.

  • Then forget about it!

Follow these tips for getting the most out of e-mail and other electronic forms of communication.

  • Follow these tips for getting the most out of e-mail and other electronic forms of communication.

  • Don’t forget to follow up on your communications with a call or meeting if it’s appropriate. You’ll want to make sure you’re not missing anything or that you’ve covered everything you need to cover, so follow-up is always good practice!

Learn about the latest approaches to workplace productivity.

  • Learn about the latest approaches to workplace productivity.

  • For example, have a look at books like The Productivity Project by Amy von Stroh and The Productive Executive by Michael Hyatt.

Determine what motivates you, and then use that sense of purpose to set goals and stay on track.

If you’re looking to make your workspace more productive, start by determining what motivates you. Your motivation will help set goals and keep you on track. If it’s money, then aim for more sales or lower overhead costs in order to earn more money. If it’s time savings or increased productivity, then focus on getting things done faster so that each day feels like less of an investment in total hours spent at work!

An organized workspace can make a big difference in how you feel about what you’re doing when you’re working

An organized workspace can make a big difference in how you feel about what you’re doing when you’re working. When your desk is clean and tidy, the act of sitting down to work feels less like an obligation and more like an opportunity to relax. You’ll also find that when everything is where it should be, it takes less time to get started on whatever task is at hand—and that’s good for both productivity and stress levels!


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This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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Creating a Productive Workspace: Tips and Tricks


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