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Creating an Organized and Innovative Workspace for Maximum Productivity


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Ergonomic desk.

  • Ergonomic desk

  • Good lighting

  • A comfortable chair or two (one for your feet, one for your back)

I’m a huge fan of ergonomic desks. It’s not just about being able to sit in one position for hours on end; it’s about keeping your posture correct throughout the day and reducing stress on your body. You want your arms, shoulders and neck in their most relaxed position when you’re at work—and if you can make yourself feel like that when sitting down in a chair every day (or at least every other day), then it will greatly improve how productive you are!



Lighting is one of the most important elements when it comes to creating an organized workspace and feeling productive. In fact, it can have a major impact on your mood and productivity levels. Lighting should also be considered for its effect on productivity because you will be able to better focus on your work when it’s not too dark or bright out in the room where you’re working!

There are many different ways to light up your workspace: lamps, track lights, task lights and chandeliers are just some examples of lighting options available at home improvement stores today (or online). You might want something simple like an overhead lamp or maybe something more extravagant like a chandelier hanging from above? Whatever kind of light source fits best with what kind of style statement doesn’t matter—all that matters is getting inspired by new ideas while maintaining balance within each space so as not only increase efficiency but also maintain good health overall!


A chair is a critical piece of office furniture. If you want to create an organized and innovative workspace, it’s important to make sure that every chair has its own place in your office.

One way you can do this is by taking advantage of the flexibility provided by different types of chairs—for example, an armless chair with wheels or even one that swivels and reclines (like this one). You could even get creative with what kind of material they are made from and how they’re built; think about whether there are any other materials available at home that could be repurposed into something useful for working at home or on-the-go!


  • Ergonomic desk.

  • Lighting.

  • Chair.

  • Cabinets for storage and organization of files, books, etc., as well as for desktop accessories like a printer or scanner that you can use to work at your desk instead of in an external office space (more on this later).

  • Desk accessories such as pens and pencils; staplers; paper clips; rulers; file folders/boxes/binder clips/etc.; scissors or razors if there’s no place to hold them during meetings – this will help keep everything clean and neat!

Desk accessories.

When it comes to the desk, you’ll want to make sure that your workstation is set up in a way that allows you full access to all of your files, projects and materials.

You may have heard of the saying “If you’re not using it, get rid of it!” but this wasn’t always true for me. Instead of tossing things out when they’re no longer useful or relevant—which could be a few months down the road—I’ve found that keeping just one item on my desk at any given time helps keep me organized and focused on what needs attention right now.

Exercise equipment.

Exercise equipment.

A lot of people think that exercise equipment is only for those who want to lose weight, but the truth is that it can be a useful tool for productivity as well. It’s important to keep your muscles strong so they can function at their best and help you perform tasks more effectively. If you don’t already have an exercise routine in place, consider adding some resistance training or aerobic exercise into your daily routine. You should also make sure that all of the equipment you use has been tested by experts before buying it so that there aren’t any potential hazards (e.g., broken machines).

Office supplies.

  • Office supplies. It’s a fact that people have a tendency to lose things, so keeping them in their rightful place is important.

  • A calendar and a notepad. This will help you stay organized and on top of things, especially if you’re planning something big like an event or meeting someone at work. It also helps keep track of deadlines and makes sure everything gets done in time!

  • A printer so that everyone can print out documents at once instead of one by one (or two). This is especially helpful if there are multiple people involved with creating something specific such as an infographic or report; otherwise each person would have to spend time printing out their own copy after every step along the way…and who has time for that?!

Create a work space that encourages research and results in better productivity

  • Create a work space that encourages research and results in better productivity.

  • Make sure your workspace is organized. This will help you stay focused, avoid distractions, and be more productive throughout the day.

  • Organize your desk so that it’s easy for you to get things done on time (or earlier).


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This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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Creating an Organized and Innovative Workspace for Maximum Productivity


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