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Revolutionizing Your Workplace with Productive Organization Hacks


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Adopt a workstyle that is productive, efficient and fun.

It is important to keep in mind that productivity and efficiency are not the same thing. Efficiency means doing more in less time, while productivity means doing more with what you have.

Adopt a workstyle that is productive, efficient and fun!

Try to keep clutter at bay.

The next step is to keep clutter at bay. If you have a cluttered desk or office, it can be hard to stay focused on what’s important because there are so many distractions. One way to make sure that doesn’t happen is by keeping things organized and clear of unnecessary items that don’t add value or help you get work done better. This includes:

  • De-cluttering your workspace by removing anything that isn’t used often enough; this includes old receipts and papers from previous projects (you can recycle them later) as well as outdated calendars, notepads and pens—anything that could potentially distract from productivity if left in sight for too long.* Making sure items are stored in different places throughout the day so they don’t pile up around each other over time; this will prevent clutter from building up until something needs attention.* Hiding remaining items away when possible—for example behind closed doors or under shelves instead of hanging them up on display unnecessarily

Keep your working area clean and tidy.

Keeping your working area clean and tidy is a great way to promote productivity. You’ll have more space in which to work, and it will help you focus on the task at hand. It’s also important that everything around you looks neat and tidy, so that people don’t feel like they need to waste their time cleaning up after themselves if they want some peace of mind while working.

Utilize the benefits of modern technology, such as whiteboards and videoconferencing.

If you’re looking for a way to make your workplace more productive and efficient, consider utilizing the benefits of modern technology.

Whiteboards are great for brainstorming ideas, but they can also be used as a tool for collaboration. Videoconferencing is another option—if you aren’t comfortable using Google Hangouts or Skype yourself, an online conference call may be more appealing to your employees.

Take a look at your ergonomic posture before coming to work each day.

Take a look at your ergonomic posture before coming to work each day.

If you’re not sure what it means to have an efficient workflow, consider the following: an employee who has little or no clutter on their desk will be able to focus on their work without distraction. When employees are able to concentrate 100% on something, they are more productive than those who are constantly interrupted by emails or phone calls from coworkers or customers. This also helps create a positive environment for everyone in the office—and it’s good for morale!

To help motivate yourself into taking steps towards achieving this goal, use some of these tips:

  • Make sure that all items in your desk drawers and cabinets are labeled so that everything is easy for anyone else working alongside you (e.g., “Important Documents”). This ensures that everything will always be where it should be instead of being lost somewhere along the way; however, if possible keep some things out completely (e.,g., paper clips) while others remain accessible only by special request like those related specifically toward tasks such as filing etcetera (e..g.. “I need my paper clip”).

Manage your employees by instilling a positive, creative environment that everyone can be proud of.

You can manage your employees by instilling a positive, creative environment that everyone can be proud of.

It’s not easy to do, but it will make all the difference in the world for your company.

Delegate responsibility and encourage creativity.

  • Delegate responsibility and encourage creativity.

  • Encourage employees to take ownership of their work by giving them credit in the form of specific feedback, recognition and praise.

Workplace organization is about more than just setting up your office

When you think about workplace organization, what comes to mind? A clean desk or a closet full of files? Maybe it’s the way your boss organizes his or her office. But organization is much more than just setting up your office, and it doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming.

Organizing can be as simple as keeping your desktop tidy and filing important papers in folders with labels so that they’re easy to find later on. Or it could be as complicated as creating an entire new system for managing content across all of your devices—but whatever method works best for you will make managing projects seem less overwhelming!



Section: Create a “life hack for your work environment”

Section: Make it look as if you’ve just woken up from a day of fun.

Section: A healthy, productive workplace can have recreational benefits to employees as well.

Takeaway: The people at the top are the ones that set the example.

This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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Revolutionizing Your Workplace with Productive Organization Hacks


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