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Tips and Tricks for Creating a Productive Workspace



Section 1: Discover How Workplace Design Can Improve Your Workflow, Motivation and Creativity. [Time-tested advice]

Section 2: 20 Tips and Tricks for Creating a Productive Workspace [Useful hints]

Takeaway: You can increase your motivation and creativity by creating a workspace that supports your needs.

The object of your workspace should be to help you get things done.

The object of your workspace should be to help you get things done. The place where you work should be warm and quiet, with good lighting, music playing in the background, and enough room for all the things you need to do.

You can use music strategically to keep yourself motivated as well as focused on what’s important: if it’s a busy day at work or school, try listening to classical music; if it’s more relaxing but still productive like reading an email from a friend or checking social media sites like Twitter or Facebook then pop in some upbeat tunes such as pop songs from artists such as Justin Bieber (who has proven himself over time).

The place should be warm and quiet.

The object of your workspace should be to help you. You want a place that’s warm, quiet, and comfortable so that you can focus on what matters most: getting work done.

If you’re feeling stressed out or anxious about the state of your life in general—or if there is something specific bothering you right now—a productive workspace can be a great tool for helping yourself feel better by providing some relief from those feelings.

You can use music strategically to keep you energized.

If you are working in a noisy environment, turn on some music or use white noise. It is not uncommon to feel a little stressed or nervous when you first start working at your new job, particularly if you are feeling like the new employee. However, most people can get over this very quickly and enjoy their work more once they settle into their routine.

If this doesn’t help with your productivity level then try using apps like Calm or Headspace as well as taking breaks every now and again when needed (e.g., five minutes).

A clean working environment will make you feel more connected to your work.

  • The object of your workspace should be to help you get things done.

  • If a cluttered and messy space makes it difficult for you to concentrate on what you’re doing, then it’s time for a change.

  • You might think that having an organized desk is only necessary if there are other tasks that need attention in between work sessions—but in reality, cleanliness helps build productivity by reducing stress levels, making it easier for you to focus on tasks at hand and stay focused on them until completion.

Lighting is key.

Music is a key element of your workspace. Takeaway: Music can help you stay motivated and focused.

Music provides the perfect backdrop for productivity because it’s relaxing and helps keep your mind occupied with thoughts that aren’t work-related. If you’re looking for some new tunes to listen to on Spotify or Apple Music, here are five apps that we’ve found useful:

  • Ulysses – A desktop app that allows users to create their own personalized playlists from any song in their library. You can also add songs from SoundCloud or YouTube directly into the playlist if they don’t already have one available through iTunes or Google Play Music (which may be why I haven’t heard many people talk about this yet). It’s free! And there’s even an iPhone version available too!

Caffeine is a must-have.

Caffeine is a must-have. It’s a stimulant that improves your mood, focus and motivation. Coffee is also an excellent way to keep yourself awake during the day without consuming too much sugar or caffeine (which can cause side effects like jitters).

  • The right workspace design can be helpful in keeping you focused throughout the day. This includes having enough space so that you don’t feel cramped when working at your desk, as well as ensuring that there are no distractions around such as loud music or TV channels playing loudly on other people’s computers!

Organize the space so that your stuff doesn’t get in the way of your work.

  • Takeaway: Workplace design affects productivity, motivation and creativity.

  • Keywords: workspace design,productivity,motivation,creativity

  • Takeaway: Workplace design affects productivity, motivation and creativity.

Use apps and devices to manage what you can do where, how you need to pay attention, and when you need downtime.

  • Use apps and devices to manage what you can do where, how you need to pay attention, and when you need downtime.

  • Avoid the temptation of working from home or the office with no obvious boundaries or limits on work hours.

  • Consider setting up a flexible workspace that allows you to work wherever you want without having your day interrupted by meetings or phone calls.

Optimize elements in your physical environment based on what you’re working on.

  • If you’re working on a project that requires a lot of time, make sure your workspace is in an area where you can have some peace and quiet.

  • If you’re working on something that requires focus, try to find an area where distractions are minimal.

  • If there are things around your desk that distract from what’s being done at the moment (like a stack of papers or laptop), move them away so they don’t take up space in front of what needs attention!

Workplace design affects productivity, motivation and creativity

  • Workplace design affects productivity, motivation and creativity.

  • The right design can help you feel more productive right away, while a sloppy or unappealing workspace can make you want to work less.

  • The size of your desk affects your ability to focus on tasks at hand and how much information you can process in a given period of time.


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This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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Tips and Tricks for Creating a Productive Workspace


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