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The Secret to a Productive Workspace: Motivation, Organization, and Comfort


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Exercise regularly.

Exercise regularly.

It is important to keep your body healthy and fit, but it’s also crucial to stay motivated when it comes to exercise. Exercise helps you release endorphins (feel-good chemicals) that can help you feel better about yourself and more focused on your goals, which makes it easier for you to stay productive at work.

Take breaks to clear your head.

To be productive, you need to be able to clear your head. Taking breaks is one way to do this.

The workplace needs to be conducive to the job. It is not enough for workers in an office setting just have a comfortable and productive work environment; they also need motivation and organization so that they can get things done effectively.

Break large tasks down into smaller, manageable pieces.

When you have a big project, it can be tempting to tackle it all at once. But this is a mistake—if you do that, things will get out of control and everything will be forgotten by the time you finish your work. Instead of trying to do everything at once, break down large tasks into smaller pieces so they’re easier to manage and complete successfully.

For example: If I were writing an essay on how we should all opt for organic foods instead of processed ones because they’re better for our health (and therefore better for the environment), I would break down my topic into three parts:

  • First up is research about why choosing organic foods matters; then there’s an outline with headings like “The Case For Organic Foods” or “Why The Government Should Be Selling Organic Food.” Next comes research specific to this particular issue—for instance, maybe some studies show that pesticides are harmful but others don’t show much difference between organically grown crops and conventionally grown ones so maybe there isn’t much point in making such drastic changes after all? And finally comes actual writing—maybe just one paragraph per section meant as an introduction before moving onto each subsection individually?

Work in short blocks twice a day, rather than all at once.

The best way to get your work done is to make sure that you’re working in short blocks twice a day, rather than all at once. This means breaking up your time into four-hour segments each day: two hours during the morning and two hours after lunch (or whatever schedule works for you).

If you don’t have an office with separate rooms where people can go when they need to focus on their work and be away from other distractions, try setting up a quiet space at home or at least somewhere outside of the house where there aren’t as many distractions. Then only use this room for focused tasks—no phone calls or e-mail checking allowed!

Wear clothes that support your effort.

  • Wear clothes that support your effort.

  • Break large tasks down into smaller, manageable pieces.

  • Work in short blocks twice a day, rather than all at once.

  • Let your surroundings support you as much as possible — in this case, the physical environment can be just as important as your work habits and schedule!

Let your surroundings support you.

  • Have a workspace that supports your productivity.

  • Make sure the environment you work in is comfortable and not distracting, so you can focus on what matters most.

It’s not just what you’re doing, but how you’re doing it that makes the difference in productivity

It’s not just what you’re doing, but how you’re doing it that makes the difference in productivity.

If your workspace is cluttered and disorganized, you’ll have a hard time getting anything done. You might as well be working at home or at Starbucks—you won’t get anything done! And if you don’t have a place to keep all of your stuff, then it’s just more work for yourself to find things when they’re needed (and then put them away).


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This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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The Secret to a Productive Workspace: Motivation, Organization, and Comfort


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