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Optimizing Your Workstation: Top Tips and Tricks


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Adopt a workstation that suits your needs.

If you’re the type of person who likes to build his or her own office, then this is the section for you. We’ll tell you how to choose a workstation and what kind of computer hardware to buy.

Let’s start with a brief explanation about how computers are built: They’re made up of several components that all work together as one unit—the motherboard, CPU, RAM (random access memory), hard drive and video card are just some examples. The major difference between these components is their function within the whole system; for example: if your motherboard has two PCI slots then it can support two graphics cards at once (this means that each GPU will be used independently). This means that if one card dies or becomes obsolete then another one can be added without having to update anything else on your computer!

Build your own workstation, even if it’s not the most efficient.

If you’re on a budget and don’t have the space for a separate desk, build your own workstation. You can create one from inexpensive pieces of furniture that are already available in most homes, or you can purchase individual components and assemble them yourself.

If you choose this option, be sure to consider how much room will be needed for storage underneath the desk—and if there’s any way that your desk could get knocked over by accident (or on purpose).

Put your computer screen at eye level.

  • Put your computer screen at eye level.

  • Use an ergonomic chair, and keep it in good condition.

  • Get rid of any unnecessary clutter on your desk or workspace so that you have a clear path to the things you need to work with (and not just random stuff lying around). If possible, try using a minimalist approach to organizing your space by keeping only what you need for each task at hand and removing anything else from the room completely

Use an adjustable standing desk if you have one.

If you have a standing desk, use it. If not, build your own—even if it’s not perfect and even if it takes longer than others to assemble. When I first started using a standing desk, my wife was so excited that she wanted me to spend all day working on it (which would have been fine). But I realized that once the construction was done and I started using my new setup for long periods of time, we’d both probably get bored quickly because there wasn’t much else going on besides working at our desks. So we decided on an adjustable standing desk instead:

  • Adjustable height allows you to adjust how high or low you work depending on what works best for your particular body type (or simply by moving from one spot closer towards or farther away from where others might sit).

  • You can also adjust armrest positions based on personal preference; some people prefer having them closer together while others may prefer more space between their arms so they don’t feel cramped while typing away at those crazy speeds!

Buy wireless keyboard and mouse for increased freedom of movement.

By encouraging your child to have a passion for learning, you are helping them achieve their potential and maximize their potential. The best way to ensure this is by focusing on what subjects they like and make sure they are doing well in those subjects.

You should also make sure that you don’t make your child feel bad about any subjects they do not like or find difficult because ultimately it will affect them negatively in the long run if we keep telling ourselves something isn’t good enough then we start believing it ourselves which can have negative effects on our self-esteem which leads us down a path of negativity towards ourselves and others around us!

Practise good posture while working.

  • Put your computer screen at eye level.

  • If you sit at a low desk, or have a small monitor, it’s easy to let your eyes drop down to the screen when you’re working. This is especially true if you have a large monitor, as you can’t see the edges of your screen without squinting or leaning way over to see them. To avoid this problem, place your computer monitor so that its bottom edge lines up with where it would be if you were sitting up straight in front of it (the equivalent of lying down).

Minimize the amount of time you spend in front of the screen.

  • Minimize the amount of time you spend in front of the screen.

  • Find a comfortable sitting position and take frequent breaks to stretch, walk around and get some fresh air.

Do not look where your hands are going while typing.

  • Do not look where your hands are going while typing.

  • Do not look at the screen for more than a few seconds at a time, especially if you’re working in an office environment with coworkers around you. It gets harder to focus when there’s other people around, and it’s easy to get distracted by Facebook or Instagram postings from friends and family members who are always on their phones!

Clutter is a distraction! Remove clutter from your work environment to increase productivity.

  • Remove clutter from your work environment. Clutter can be a distraction and make you feel unproductive. If you have papers all over the desk, start by clearing them off your desk or even just one section of the room each day (if it’s an office). You’ll find that seeing less stuff makes it easier for you to focus on what needs to get done!

  • Keep things neat & organized. Keeping things organized will help keep them easy to find when needed, which is especially helpful if there are many different pieces of equipment at work like computers or phones—having everything neatly stored away makes finding things easier than trying to sift through piles of files on top of each other!

Consider installing a USB hub to make arranging devices easier.

A USB hub is a great way to make arranging devices easier. It’s especially useful if you want to use multiple keyboards, mice and external drives at once. You can easily hook up multiple devices without having them all plugged into a single power source or cable.

Maximize the amount of space that’s available to you by minimizing the number of tables you use and items that take up space; arrange everything else so that they can be accessed with ease by walking around to reach them, keeping an open mind while doing so.

  • Maximize the amount of space that’s available to you by minimizing the number of tables you use and items that take up space; arrange everything else so that they can be accessed with ease by walking around to reach them, keeping an open mind while doing so.

  • A desk or table for each individual task is often preferred when working alone or in small groups (e.g., two people). When working with other people on projects, however, having more than one person involved at a time might be necessary for effective collaboration and communication among team members who are spread across different locations throughout the office space—for example: someone may be working at home but still need access via email or phone call from their workplace where they’re located; another worker might need access while traveling if he/she has no Wi-Fi coverage nearby; etc…


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This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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Optimizing Your Workstation: Top Tips and Tricks


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