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Maximizing Productivity: Tips for Creating an Optimal Workspace


Review by an Editorial Board Member

Review by a Panelist

Panelist: Paul Sauter, MD, FACC

Panelist: Frank Uryniak, PhD

What is an optimal workspace?

An optimal workspace is a place where you can be productive and still enjoy your surroundings. It’s not about being in the middle of nowhere, but rather one where you feel comfortable and want to stay for hours at a time.

If you want to maximize your productivity, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Avoid distractions by locking doors or closing blinds or curtains so that no one can enter without your permission (unless they’re family members). If this isn’t possible, consider putting up posters with motivational quotes on them; these will help keep yourself focused on the task at hand!

  • Remove any unnecessary items from your desk—take off all pens before starting each day so there won’t be any needlessly cluttering up space during work hours; throw away old gum wrappers because they’re just taking up space that could be used more efficiently elsewhere…

Choosing the ideal workspace can save you a lot of time.

Choosing the ideal workspace can save you a lot of time.

When you’re in your office, it is easy to get distracted by the hustle and bustle around you. You have meetings to attend, emails to send and projects that need your attention. The more work that piles up on your desk or computer screen (which happens when we multitask), the less productive you become. This can lead to fatigue which causes us to lose focus or fall asleep at our desks! A great way for me personally as well as many others who work from home is having an environment that encourages me not only stay focused but also feel energized throughout my day so I can be effective at what I do without worrying about getting interrupted by someone else needing something from me right now!

We spend at least half a day in our workspace.

We spend at least half a day in our workspace. That means that you need to make it as easy for yourself as possible to get what you need from your desk, and from other devices.

The most important thing is that everything should be connected so that it’s easy to access when you’re working. This can include:

  • Your phone (or other mobile device) – You should have an app like Whatsapp or Facebook Messenger open on your desktop so that if someone sends an email or text message, it will automatically appear on your screen without having to switch back over!

  • Other devices – If there’s anything else connected via USB cable (like printers), HDMI cable or wireless connection such as Bluetooth speakers then those should also be visible so they aren’t hidden away behind stacks of papers and folders which could lead people around trying figure out how everything works together before finding what they were looking for.”

Your desktop should be connected to your phone and other devices so you can easily access what you need while you’re working.

You should be able to access your computer from anywhere, whether you’re at home or on the go. If you have a desktop computer and multiple devices, it’s important to keep them all connected so that you can easily switch between them without having to log out of one program in order for another one (or the same one) to run properly.

You should also make sure that your phone is always within reach because this is where most of your work will happen when working remotely. The same goes for any other portable device like tablets or laptops—they should also be within easy reach so that if something comes up during the day like an urgent email from a client asking about their account status before midnight tonight then there won’t be any delays getting back into touch with them quickly enough before they call again tomorrow morning!

A well-designed workspace keeps distractions at an arm’s length.

  • A well-designed workspace keeps distractions at an arm’s length.

  • Reduce the number of people who can access your computer or phone and make sure they’re comfortable with the situation.

  • Make sure you have enough space around you to move around freely and comfortably, but not so much that it becomes a problem if someone wants to come over and talk with you while they wait for their turn in line at Starbucks.

Browsing the web or emailing during work hours is distracting.

Browsing the web or emailing during work hours is distracting. When you’re browsing, it’s easy to get lost in your thoughts and lose track of what task you’re supposed to be working on. And when you’re on an email chain with multiple people involved, it can be hard to keep up with all their responses.

You may have noticed that when we talk about productivity, we mention being “in the zone” a lot—but this doesn’t mean that everything needs to be done perfectly and at 100%. We know that some things will slip through the cracks (like forgetting an important deadline), but doing better than average doesn’t mean doing everything perfectly!

If your workplace is distracting, create a distraction-free zone.

If your workspace is distracting, create a distraction-free zone.

This may sound like a no-brainer, but it’s surprisingly easy to forget when you’re working in an open office or cubicle environment. It’s important that you don’t allow yourself to be distracted by anything around you—no phone calls or visitors’ movements, no emails, and definitely no music playing on the radio or iPod dock! You can even ask someone else who works there if they have some quiet time so that they can spend their lunch hour doing something else (like reading).

Use the right tools.

When it comes to productivity, the right tools can make all the difference. Here are some of the best ones:

  • A standing desk is one way to ensure that you’re getting enough moving around in your workday. If you don’t have one, try using an adjustable chair or stool that lets you move around as needed.

  • An ergonomic keyboard can help prevent repetitive strain injuries and make typing easier on your wrists and shoulders by reducing stress caused by pressing down too hard on keys (and therefore causing unnecessary wear and tear).

  • An eye mask will help keep bright lights from disturbing your sleep patterns so that they’re more productive during the day when they need their rest!

Ergonomic desk accessories are important.

Ergonomic chairs and desks are important for productivity, but they don’t have to be expensive. There’s no need to buy an expensive office chair that will break if you sit down in it one day, so find the best ergonomic desk accessory on Amazon or Alibaba before investing in something more comfortable.

Some of the most common ergonomic accessories include:

  • A footrest/nap mat

  • An adjustable keyboard tray (with arms)

Applied ergonomics can make everyday tasks more comfortable and productive.

Applied ergonomics is the art of designing spaces that optimize human performance. It focuses on how people interact with the environment, their bodies and tasks. Applied ergonomics can make everyday tasks more comfortable and productive.

It’s important to know your body type in order to determine what kind of chair will be most beneficial for you. For example, if you have short arms or legs, it’s better for you to sit up straight rather than slouching—this will help strengthen those muscles and reduce tension throughout your body! If you’re over 6 feet tall (1m 70cm), try sitting upright so that all of your weight is supported by the seat cushion instead of just partway down one side; this will provide more support overall while keeping things comfortable at the same time.”

Optimal workspace design is crucial to success.

  • The right workspace design is crucial to success.

  • When you have an optimal workspace, you can be more productive and enjoy your work more.

  • A good workspace allows you to get the most out of your time spent in it.


Section: How to design an optimal workspace.

Section: Setting up the workspace.

Section: The ideal setup will depend on your personal needs and preferences.

Takeaway: Your workspace should provide a comfortable, ergonomic fit for you.

This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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Maximizing Productivity: Tips for Creating an Optimal Workspace


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