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The Power of Passion: How a Love for Learning Can Help You Succeed


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Learn with an open mind.

The first step in learning with an open mind is to ask questions. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself and your teachers. When you’re comfortable with a topic, it’s time to start thinking outside the box.

Ask questions that would stump even the most learned scholars: “Why do I care so much about this?” “What would happen if I did this?” “How can I use this information in my life?”

You may not get immediate answers from your teacher or peers, but asking questions will help you learn more than just facts and figures. It also helps develop critical thinking skills that are extremely valuable in any career path!

Think outside the box.

Passion is the key to success.

In order to develop passion for learning, you need to find something that interests you and make it your goal. If you’re passionate about learning math or writing, then set out on a mission of self-improvement by reading books and blogs related to those subjects. You might even join a community dedicated specifically to helping others improve their skills in these areas!

Ask questions of others.

  • Ask questions of others.

  • Be polite and friendly.

  • Keep your eyes open, but be careful not to stare at other people’s work (or lack thereof) for too long–that’s rude! You should also avoid staring at them when they’re not looking back at you; this can make people feel uncomfortable, especially if the person is new or shy about their work.

Take a risk and try new things.

How do you know if a passion is real? One way is to take a risk and try something new. If it doesn’t work out, then at least you tried!

If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, here are some other articles that might be helpful:

Try not to think too much about things you’re trying to do.

When you get into a state of passion, your mind will be free to focus on the task at hand. You won’t have time to worry about what other people think or how you’re going to do something in the future.

This can be tough because sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in thoughts and ideas that aren’t really important to your success. But when we’re passionate about something, our minds are freed up enough so that we can actually concentrate on what matters most: our work!

Be patient and don’t give up on yourself.

Be patient and don’t give up on yourself.

It’s easy to get discouraged when you’re struggling with a subject, but there are ways to take the pressure off yourself. For example:

  • Ask questions of others who have been through similar situations or who may be able to offer helpful advice. They might even be able to help you out by explaining things in a way that makes sense for you!

  • Try not think too much about things you are trying do so that your brain doesn’t get bogged down with worry over what could go wrong if only I would try harder or work harder…

Passion is essential for success

Passion is essential for success. When you love what you do, it makes your work more enjoyable and rewarding. If you don’t have passion, then no matter how hard you try or how much effort you put into something, it won’t be as good as what someone else could do based on their own passions.

When we were growing up, my parents used to tell us that “work is important” but never said anything about passion because they didn’t know how important it was until later in life when we started working together at the family business (which was also our first job). They told me all about the importance of hard work and steady growth; but when it came time for them to give advice about what made a good leader or employee, there wasn’t much talk about passion at all!


During the first fiscal year of its operation, the school had an enrollment of 350 students. In September 2011, it was estimated there were at least 1,000 enrolled in the university.

In June 2012, just before commencement of the Fall semester, the government of Saudi Arabia froze approximately $20 million from “The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology’s” (KAUST) operating budget after a dispute over governance issues with the Saudi Ministry for Higher Education. This action comes about a month after Faculty Senate President Abdulkarim Al-Safairi resigned from his post due to similar issues. The university administration responded by stating that it will continue to operate as usual taking into account all demands and demands are determined on merit alone. KAUST is currently in negotiations with the government over its budget situation as faculty continue their protest actions placing increasing pressure on them not to cancel classes while they await their demands being met by their government counterparts.

This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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The Power of Passion: How a Love for Learning Can Help You Succeed


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