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7 Tips for Creating a Comfortable and Productive Workspace at Work


About the Author:

Dr. John J. Ratey is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist, science journalist and best-selling author of “Give Me God: The Brain’s Deepest Longing” and “Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain.” Dr. Ratey also contributed to Psychology Today, USA Today, Newsweek, Los Angeles Times, Good Morning America and ABC News. He has appeared on national television (e.g., 60 Minutes) as well as in newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post.

About the Book:

After completing his doctorate in molecular genetics at UCLA in 1977, Dr. Ratey dedicated himself to furthering knowledge about how exercise not only makes us healthier but also optimizes human performance – both physically and mentally – for this generation and for future generations to come. Over the last 30 years he has experimented with countless sports disciplines (e.g., high jump; long jump; javelin; swimming; running; cycling; ski jumping) to determine what works scientifically by analyzing the results of thousands of experiments that have been published in peer-reviewed journals ranging from Neurology and Sports Medicine to Journal of Applied Physiology . He has found that high endurance exercise produces a large number of brain chemicals called neurotrophins that enhance learning capacity via 3 distinct mechanisms: 1) direct activation (by way of nerve growth factors like BDNF); 2) satellite cell proliferation within the hippocampus boosting neurogenesis thereby enhancing memory function (see chapter 9); 3) elevation of epinephrine, norepinephrine , dopamine , serotonin , insulin , melatonin – all key neurotransmitters involved in learning/memory, focus/attention and mood regulation. These are discussed detail throughout this book but can also be explored upon https://www–synaptogenomics–org/advanced_page_results?q

Don’t get trapped by the workplace furniture.

  • Don’t get trapped by the workplace furniture.

  • The most important thing you can do is make sure your work area is comfortable, so that you can focus on the task at hand and avoid getting distracted or discouraged. This means having an ergonomic chair, adjustable lighting, and good ventilation when necessary (such as during summer months). For example: if there’s no windows in your office building, use an air conditioning unit instead of an open window; if it’s hot outside but cold indoors because of poor indoor climate control systems—or vice versa—use fans instead of AC units; etc..

Find a task chair that’s comfortable for you.

  • Find a task chair that’s comfortable for you

If your job requires sitting in front of a computer all day, then it’s important to find a task chair that supports your body and allows you to sit comfortably throughout the workday. The right chair can make all the difference between feeling productive and feeling like you’re going to fall asleep at your desk. There are several factors to consider when choosing one:

  • How many hours do I plan on working? If this is an issue for you, look for models with adjustable footrests or lumbar support built into the seat cushion; these will help keep your lower back from hurting after long periods of sitting down in one place too long (or even just five minutes). Additionally, some desks have built-in options such as adjustable ergonomics which allow workers who need extra support when standing up during meetings or presentations but still want full mobility while working at their desks should choose those types instead.

  • How much space do I have available? It might seem obvious but having enough room around each chair makes all sorts of sense if only because sometimes having too little room can cause discomfort due not only how close together two chairs may be placed together but also how far apart they are placed from each other too – especially when there’s not much else left over between them besides an electrical outlet!

Use the keyboard tray to keep your arms raised and your shoulders relaxed.

The keyboard tray is a great accessory for keeping your arms raised and shoulders relaxed. It’s not only beneficial for people with desk jobs, but also for those who work from home or in other situations where they don’t have access to an office environment.

The keyboard tray allows you to keep your hands flat on the desk while simultaneously maintaining a balanced posture, which helps prevent neck pain from straining when typing long periods of time. This can help improve your overall health as well as productivity!

Make sure your mouse is ergonomic.

The mouse is the most important part of your computer. It’s what you use to navigate and control your computer, and it can make or break the experience of working on a project. A comfortable mouse will help you work more efficiently, but finding one that fits well may be difficult if you’re not familiar with ergonomics.

Here are some tips for finding a good mouse:

  • Make sure there’s enough space between the keys and the bottom edge so that your hands don’t get cramped when typing (or other activities). If possible, try out different brands until you find one that feels comfortable in each hand position—this will likely involve holding both sides at once until one side feels better than another!

  • Make sure there isn’t too much pressure on any single finger during typing or gaming; this could cause pain later down the line if left untreated (and could lead to repetitive strain injuries).

If you stand up to use the printer, you need a standing desk.

If you stand up to use the printer, you need a standing desk. You don’t have to go as far as buying an expensive one—you can also just put together some cheap Ikea furniture and hang some shelves on your wall. That way, when it comes time for work, you can just grab a stool or chair off the shelf and sit down at your desk without having to move around all over again (which takes more energy).

If that sounds like too much trouble for anyone but the most dedicated workers out there, consider investing in one of these ergonomic office chairs instead:

Invest in a comfortable office chair.

In order to be productive, you need to be comfortable. A good place to start is by investing in an office chair that is designed specifically for your needs, rather than one that was made especially for someone else’s body shape.

One of the most important things about sitting at your desk all day long is how comfortable it feels. If you feel like your chair doesn’t fit right and causes back pain, then it has no business being there in the first place!

A comfortable workplace can improve your productivity

A comfortable workspace can improve your productivity.

  • It’s a fact that the more comfortable you are at work, the more productive you’ll be. This is because good posture and body language help keep stress levels low, which in turn helps focus on tasks at hand. If you’re having trouble with this, try taking frequent breaks throughout the day and incorporating physical movement into your daily routine—exercising before or after work could help keep things going smoothly.


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This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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7 Tips for Creating a Comfortable and Productive Workspace at Work


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