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10 Time Management Skills for Students to Boost Focus and Productivity


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Avoid distractions in multiple ways.

  • Turn off the TV, computer and phone when you’re working on your studies.

  • Keep all of your belongings in one place so that they don’t distract you while you study or work on assignments at home or school

  • Make sure that nothing unexpected happens during the day that could interrupt your focus

Set a realistic goal and stay focused on it.

  • Set a realistic goal and stay focused on it.

The first step in time management is setting goals, and the second is staying focused on those goals. If you want to study more, then your goal should be to study more. If you want to write more, then your goal should be to write more—and so on for every other area of your life that needs improvement.

Be mindful of your goals.

Being mindful of your goals is one of the most important habits you can develop to boost your productivity, focus and happiness. The human mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open. When you are focused on what you want to do and how to achieve it, your brain releases dopamine which makes us feel good about ourselves and motivated to keep going until we reach our goal.

Schedule time for work.

Scheduling time for work is one of the most important skills you can develop in order to keep your focus on studying and avoid distractions. Even if you have limited hours available, it’s important that you identify where they should go so that they don’t fall into the wrong hands.

The best way to do this is by first deciding what your priorities are. Are they academic? Social? Or both? Once this has been established, then look at how much time each priority takes up every day (or week). If one of them takes up too much space in your schedule, then find another area where it could fit better instead—and vice versa!

Eliminate distractions.

One of the most important time management skills that students need to master is eliminating distractions. This can be difficult, especially because it’s so tempting to check your emails or social media accounts when you’re bored or stressed out. But if you want to get things done efficiently and effectively, then you need to learn how to avoid these distractions in the first place.

In order for this process of distraction prevention and focus building (or “uncluttering” as I like calling it) to work effectively, there are several strategies that must be implemented:

  • Eliminate unnecessary clutter from your workspace so that there are fewer things distracting from what needs doing right now.* Keep various tools within easy reach at all times.* Have a comfortable chair/office setup where possible; this will help keep people alert during long stretches without movement.* Use ergonomic desk setups whenever possible—they may seem like a small change but they have large impacts on productivity!

Stay organized throughout the day.

  • Stay organized throughout the day. A key to maintaining a productive schedule is staying organized, so that you can easily find your assignments and other materials when they’re needed. This is especially important if you study at night or on weekends because it can be easy to lose track of where things are in your mind if you don’t keep an eye out for them every time they’re needed. To stay organized, try creating folders on your computer with all of your notes and assignments inside them so that everything has its own place where it’s easy to find later down the line (for example: “homework” would be one folder). If this doesn’t suit your needs, consider using an app like Evernote or Google Keep as well; these apps allow users access their entire library from anywhere through their mobile devices!

Exercise and eat right.

You don’t have to be an athlete or a nutrition expert to improve your health, but it’s important that you take care of yourself. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg is one book that explains how habits are formed and why they are so powerful. It also has some great tips for how students can use this knowledge to work smarter and more efficiently in the classroom.

The first step toward building better habits is getting up early enough each day so that you can exercise before class starts (or after school). This will help reduce stress levels as well as give yourself time for other activities like reading or listening to music while commuting home from school/work every day! If possible try exercising outdoors instead because it has been shown that exercising indoors makes us feel less motivated towards our workout sessions than those who run outside where there aren’t any distractions from television sets playing advertisements over loudspeakers nearby.”

Plan ahead.

  • Plan ahead.

  • Set daily goals, and prioritize them according to their importance to your overall goal. For example, if you want to lose weight one day, set a goal of going swimming twice per week; another day could be running or walking the dog once per week; then there’s that other thing that needs doing too! You get the idea—just make sure all those things add up in your mind before you start working on any one at a time (or else it might be easy for distractions like Facebook or Netflix shows).


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This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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10 Time Management Skills for Students to Boost Focus and Productivity


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