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Transform Your Workspace with the Power of Passion and Innovation


You know what the best thing about a good workspace is? It’s that you can design it to fit your needs and optimize your productivity. You can make it as ergonomic as possible, create an environment where you’re less distracted, and even boost your creativity.

Ergonomic desk setup

  • Ergonomic desk setup

If you’re looking to make your workspace more ergonomic, consider the following:

  • Monitor height should be 20-40 degrees below eye level.

  • Keep a distance between your keyboard and monitor (20-30 cm or 8-12 inches) to avoid neck strain.

  • Your keyboard should be on an even surface with no slope or tilt; adjust it so that your hands are at a slight angle when typing. Also, keep your mouse in an easily reachable area but not directly under the keyboard or too close to the edge of your desk. For best results, use both hands while typing—this will reduce the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive stress injuries! If possible, get a wireless keyboard/mouse combo so you can place them anywhere in range without worrying about cables getting in the way—this will give you extra space for other things like storage boxes for paper clips and pens/pencils.

Ergonomic accessories

Ergonomic accessories can be an essential part of your workspace. They can help you avoid injuries and pain, improve your posture, keep you focused on the task at hand, and relax—all while making sure that your space is organized and beautiful.

If you’re looking to add some accessories to your desk or office area, here are some ideas:

  • A standing desk or treadmill (if you work from home). You may want a standing desk if you find yourself getting tired after sitting for long periods of time. If so, try placing a treadmill somewhere near your workspace so that when it comes time to take a break from writing code or analyzing sales numbers, all it takes is a quick walk down the hall before returning with renewed energy.

Mindful organization

Organizing your workspace can be a great way to bring more order into your life. While it’s often thought of as a chore, organization can actually be fun and rewarding. The first step towards getting organized is being mindful of the space around you. What do you want to keep? How can you best use it? By taking a few moments each day to observe how things fit together in your workspace, you’ll find yourself much more productive and efficient with what little time there is in the day! In this section we’ll talk about how to create an organized workspace that supports creativity and productivity.

Creative workspace design

  • Design your workspace with the power of passion and innovation.

  • Get inspired by these creative workspace ideas:

  • @Uber_Outdoors has created an open plan office that uses natural light and colors to create a calm environment for employees to be more productive.

  • @ElloHQ is a social networking site that employs the use of whiteboards, markers, and dry erase surfaces for brainstorming sessions and meetings.

  • And don’t forget about color! Colorful can help stimulate creativity by encouraging people to think more creatively as well as aiding in decision making processes when working with teams or individuals who may have different opinions about any given topic.

Innovative solutions

Innovative solutions are available to transform your workspace into a more ergonomic space, no matter what kind of desk you have. If you have a standing desk, adding a mat can help make sure that the surface is comfortable and supportive enough for long periods of standing work. If you don’t yet have a standing desk but are interested in creating one, there are many options available from simple converter kits and frames to accessories like monitor mounts and keyboard trays that turn any work surface into an adjustable solution suitable for sitting or standing use.

Time management skills for students

  • Before you start working on a project, set a timer for 15 minutes and complete the task.

  • If you’re struggling with time management skills, consider using a calendar or an app like Google Calendar to help you organize your days and weeks.

  • Make lists of things that need to be done throughout the day. If possible, make these lists in advance so that they are readily available when needed.

  • If there’s something more important than what you’ve currently got going on (like school), put it at the top of the list! This way, when those times come up it’ll be easier for us to handle them effectively without making too many mistakes along the way.

You can create a workspace that makes it easier to be passionate, innovative and productive.

You can create a workspace that makes it easier to be passionate, innovative and productive.

Passion is what drives your desire to succeed. Innovation is the way you go about achieving success. And productivity? That’s what happens when you put passion and innovation together. When done right, having an innovative workspace can help boost your productivity as well as your confidence in yourself and your abilities—helping you become both more creative at work and better at managing time on the clock.

We know how important this kind of environment is for businesses hoping to get ahead in today’s highly competitive marketplace, which is why we’ve developed solutions that allow businesses like yours to take advantage of new technologies while making the most out of their existing space—all without breaking the bank!


Whether you’re an entrepreneur, student or employee, we hope these tips will help you create a workspace that allows you to be more productive. Remember that it’s important not just to have the right tools and setup, but also to take time out of your day for mindfulness practices like meditation or yoga. This can help you stay focused on your work while still feeling happy and positive about what you’re doing.

This post first appeared on Refocused, please read the originial post: here

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Transform Your Workspace with the Power of Passion and Innovation


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