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7 Tips for Choosing the Right Continuing Education Courses for Social Workers

When it comes to refining your skills and expanding your knowledge in Social Work, you can’t underestimate the value of continuing education! But with a vast ocean of courses out there, where do you even start?

The good news? We’ve got your back! This guide is packed with 7 tips for choosing the right Continuing Education courses. Let’s dive in!

Did you know? Agents of Change Continuing Education offers Unlimited Access to 150+ CE courses for one low annual fee. We’ve helped thousands of Social Workers with Continuing Education, learn more here about Agents of Change.

Tip 1: Align Courses with Your Career Goals

The Big Picture:

The field of Social Work is as diverse as it is dynamic. From Clinical Social Work to administrative roles, from child welfare to substance abuse counseling – the possibilities are vast! This richness, while exciting, can sometimes make it overwhelming when deciding where to invest in furthering your education.

Now, ask yourself, “Where do I see myself in five years?” or “What part of my job lights up my day?”. If you’re still drawing a blank or even if you have some vague notions, it’s time to sit down and get specific.

Think deeply about areas of Social Work that resonate with you. Is it mental health, working with veterans, school Social Work, or perhaps advocacy at a policy level? Pinpointing this will help you tailor your educational journey to exactly where you want to head.

Narrow Down Your Passion:

Every Social Worker has that one story, that one client, or that one moment that touched their heart profoundly. What’s yours? Identifying and revisiting these moments can offer hints about areas you’re genuinely passionate about.

Future Trends:

The world is evolving, and so is the realm of Social Work. Stay updated with the emerging trends in the sector. Are there new fields opening up? Is there a particular sector showing increased demand? Understanding these trends can offer lucrative and fulfilling opportunities.

Quick Steps:

  • Jot down 3-5 career goals. These can range from the positions you aim to hold, the impact you wish to make, or even the kind of work-life balance you’re aiming for.
  • Match each goal with relevant courses. Research courses that will provide the skill sets, knowledge, or certifications required to achieve these goals.
  • Seek Guidance: Speak to mentors, career counselors, or even colleagues who’ve walked the path you’re considering. Their insights can be invaluable in refining your choices.


It’s okay if your goals evolve over time. The field of Social Work is all about adaptability and growth. What’s important is to keep your education aligned with your aspirations, ensuring that each course you take is a stepping stone to where you want to be.

Agents of Change Continuing Education offers Unlimited Access to 150+ CE courses for one low annual fee. We’ve helped thousands of Social Workers with Continuing Education, learn more here about Agents of Change.

Tip 2: Check Accreditation and Reputation

Accreditation Matters!

You don’t want to invest your precious time and resources into a course that won’t be recognized. Ensure that your course is accredited by a reputable body. This isn’t just fancy paperwork; it’s about ensuring the course meets set standards.

Agents of Change, #1919, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program.

Navigating the World of Accreditation:

Different regions and countries have varying bodies that grant accreditation. Familiarize yourself with the key accrediting organizations relevant to Social Work in your region. Once you identify them, always check if the course or institution you’re eyeing is accredited by them.

Learn about your state’s regulatory body here: State Level Requirements for Continuing Education

Dig Deeper with These Strategies:

  • Peer Insights: Fellow Social Workers, especially those who are alumni of the course or institution, can offer unfiltered insights. Engage in casual chats or formal interviews, and gather their experiences.
  • Online Reviews and Forums: Platforms like LinkedIn, dedicated forums for Social Workers, or even online review websites can be treasure troves of feedback. But remember, take overly positive or negative reviews with a grain of salt.
  • Faculty and Curriculum: An institution or company’s reputation often hinges on its instructors. Research the backgrounds of instructors or lecturers. A dynamic faculty, with a blend of academic and field experience, can elevate your learning.
  • Alumni Success: Look at the success stories or the career trajectories of alumni. Are they in positions or roles you aspire to? This can be a good indicator of the course’s potential.

Tip 3: Flexibility and Delivery

Understanding the Modern Educational Landscape:

The contemporary world of continuing education is not what it used to be. It’s transformed, evolved, and become incredibly student-centric.

A large portion of this transformation is owed to the numerous delivery methods available today. From bustling classrooms to digital spaces, from rigid timetables to self-paced modules – there’s something for everyone. But with this plethora of choices comes the daunting task of figuring out what works best for you. That’s where understanding flexibility and delivery becomes paramount.

Factors to Consider:

  • Course Duration: Is it a short-term intensive course or spread out over weeks or months? Decide based on how much time you can commit daily or weekly.
  • Mode of Delivery:
    • Online: Perfect for those who might be juggling work, family, or simply prefer learning from the comfort of their homes. Plus, you might get access to global content without the travel!
    • In-person: Ideal for those who thrive on face-to-face interactions, hands-on training, or if the course demands on-ground work.
    • Hybrid: A blend of online and offline, potentially offering the best of both worlds.
  • Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Learning:
    • Synchronous: These are live sessions, be it online webinars or classroom lessons. They’re time-bound but can foster real-time interactions.
    • Asynchronous: Pre-recorded lectures or modules that you can access anytime. Great for self-paced learning but might require self-motivation.
  • Frequency of Classes and Assignments: Some love daily engagement; others prefer weekend deep-dives. Gauge the frequency and adjustability of the course schedule.

Delivery Beyond Just Content:

Delivery isn’t just about the content. It’s also about the tools, resources, and platforms used to deliver it. Are there interactive quizzes? Engaging video content? Discussion forums? A robust delivery system can enhance your learning experience multi-fold.

Your Personal Learning Style:

Some folks are audio learners, some visual, and some need to scribble notes or engage in group discussions to grasp concepts. Recognize your learning style and find a course that caters to it.

Learn more about your learning style here: Master Your Learning Style

Tip 4: Interactive and Hands-on Learning

Why It’s Not Just About Lectures Anymore:

Remember those long, droning lectures where you’d zone out, doodle in your notebook, or daydream? Well, the world of continuing education has thankfully moved beyond that! Research continually highlights the profound impact of interactive and hands-on learning.

Interactive Learning – The Dynamic Shift:

Interactive learning turns the traditional learning model on its head. Instead of passively receiving information, you’re actively involved in the process. Whether it’s through discussions, debates, or digital simulations, this approach ensures you’re not just a spectator but a vibrant participant.

Key Components to Look For:

  • Discussion Forums: Spaces where students can discuss topics, share experiences, or clarify doubts. They mimic classroom interactions, fostering a sense of community.
  • Quizzes and Assessments: Instant feedback? Yes, please! Regular quizzes not only test your understanding but also pinpoint areas you need to work on.
  • Real-world Case Studies: Applying theoretical knowledge to real-life scenarios can solidify understanding. Plus, it’s exhilarating to solve actual challenges!
  • Simulations: In a digitized world, simulations can mimic real-world scenarios. For Social Workers, this might mean virtual counseling sessions or decision-making scenarios.

Hands-on Learning – The Practical Edge:

Being a Social Worker often means being on the field, dealing with real people and tangible issues. Therefore, a course that offers hands-on or experiential learning can be helpful in supporting your career goals.

What to Dive Into:

  • Workshops: Intensive, focused sessions where you can hone specific skills, from counseling techniques to administrative tasks.
  • Group Projects: Collaboration is a big part of Social Work. Working on group assignments can enhance team skills, understanding diverse viewpoints, and problem-solving.

The Digital Bonus:

With advancements in technology, even online courses now offer hands-on experiences. Virtual reality (VR) sessions, augmented reality (AR) tools, or interactive platforms can mimic real-world environments, giving you practical insights without stepping out.

Remember the Balance:

While interactivity and hands-on experiences are fantastic, they should complement the theoretical aspects, not overshadow them. A well-rounded course will strike the right balance, ensuring you grasp the fundamentals while also getting your hands dirty (figuratively, of course!).

Tip 5: Budget-Friendly Doesn’t Mean Quality Compromise

Decoding the Money Maze:

When it comes to continuing education, the financial aspect can often feel like a mammoth roadblock. But here’s the real kicker – a higher price tag doesn’t always equate to higher quality. Just like that expensive pair of jeans that ripped after two wears, pricier courses aren’t always better. Let’s dive into the world of budget-friendly education without skimping on quality.

The Myth of Expensive Equals Better:

There’s a notion floating around that if something is costly, it’s got to be the best. Well, that’s not always the case! Several factors can ramp up the price of a course – the brand name of the institution or company, fancy facilities, or even marketing gimmicks. It’s essential to see past these and focus on the actual content and delivery.

Spotting High-Quality, Wallet-Friendly Options:

  • Research is Your Best Friend: Don’t just go with the first option you stumble upon. Look around, compare courses, and scrutinize their offerings versus their costs.
  • Testimonials and Reviews: What are past students saying? Sometimes, hidden gems might not have the fanciest advertisements but can have rave reviews from alumni.
  • Grants, Scholarships, and Discounts: Keep an eye out for financial aid options. Many institutions offer scholarships, early-bird discounts, or even payment plans to ease the financial strain.
  • Open Courseware: Prestigious universities sometimes offer free courses online. While you might not get official certification, the knowledge and skills are the same!

Additional Perks to Look For:

  • Course Materials: Does the course offer textbooks, online resources, or software as part of the fee? These can add immense value and save you additional expenses.
  • Networking Opportunities: Some budget-friendly courses can provide you with fantastic networking opportunities, be it through alumni networks, guest lectures, or partnerships with renowned organizations in the field of social work.

Being Wary of Too Good to Be True:

While it’s great to find affordable options, be cautious. If something seems ridiculously cheap and promises the moon, dig deeper. Ensure it’s not cutting corners, compromising on content, or lacking proper accreditation.

Learn about free Continuing Education options from Agents of Change here.

Tip 6: Seek Mentorship Opportunities

The Power of Guidance:

Ever felt like you’re navigating a maze without a map? That’s what diving into the world of continuing education courses and companies can sometimes feel like. But imagine if you had someone guiding you, offering invaluable insights, sharing their experiences, and essentially handing you the compass to find your way. That’s mentorship for you – a beacon in the sometimes foggy path of professional growth.

Mentorship: Beyond Just Learning:

While courses equip you with knowledge, mentors equip you with insights. These aren’t just facts or theories but lived experiences, personal anecdotes, lessons from mistakes, and most importantly, tailored guidance that aligns with your unique journey.

Here’s Why Mentorship is Golden:

  • Personalized Feedback: Unlike generic assessments, mentors can offer feedback that’s specific to you. They can identify your strengths, work on your weaknesses, and guide you in shaping your career trajectory.
  • Networking: Mentors often come with a wealth of contacts. They can introduce you to important colleagues in the field, opening doors to opportunities you didn’t even know existed!
  • Soft Skills Development: While courses teach you the ‘what’, mentors teach you the ‘how’. From interpersonal skills, ethical decision-making, to handling challenging scenarios, mentors can shape your holistic development.

Spotting Courses with Mentorship Components:

  • Integrated Mentorship Programs: Some courses come with built-in mentorship modules. These pair you with seasoned professionals throughout or after the course duration.
  • Alumni Networks: Institutions with strong alumni connections can pave the way for informal mentorship opportunities. Past students, now successful professionals, can offer guidance and serve as potential mentors.
  • Guest Lectures and Workshops: Regular sessions with industry experts can be the initial steps towards building a mentor-mentee relationship. Engage, ask questions, and make the most of these interactions.

Building the Bond:

Seeking mentorship is not just about finding someone to guide you but also about building a rapport. Engage actively, be open to feedback, show commitment, and remember, this relationship is a two-way street. While you gain insights, ensure you’re also respectful of your mentor’s time and experience.

The Caveat:

Mentorship is fantastic, but it shouldn’t overshadow the foundational knowledge that courses offer. Consider it as the cherry on top, enhancing the overall learning experience but not replacing the core curriculum.

Tip 7: Feedback and Continuous Assessment

The Feedback Loop – A Never-ending Cycle:

In the realm of education, feedback isn’t a one-time thing; it’s a cycle. Learn, get assessed, receive feedback, implement changes, and learn some more. This cycle ensures that your learning is iterative, evolving, and most importantly, fine-tuned to your personal growth.

Delving into Effective Feedback:

  • Constructive Critiques: It’s not just about pointing out what’s wrong. Effective feedback highlights the ‘why’ behind mistakes and offers solutions.
  • Personalized Insights: Cookie-cutter feedback? No, thank you! Look for courses where instructors take the time to offer tailored feedback, addressing your unique challenges and strengths.
  • Regular Check-ins: Infrequent feedback can leave you in the dark. Regular check-ins, be it weekly or bi-weekly, can help you track your progress and adjust your strategies.

Continuous Assessment: The Pulse of Learning:

  • Varied Assessment Methods: Beyond traditional tests, assessments can include group projects, case studies, presentations, and practical fieldwork. This diversity ensures a comprehensive evaluation of your skills.
  • Formative vs. Summative: While summative assessments (like final exams) gauge your overall understanding, formative assessments (like quizzes or assignments) provide ongoing insights during the learning process.
  • Self-Assessments: Some courses offer tools for you to assess yourself. This not only cultivates self-awareness but also empowers you to take charge of your growth.

Feedback as a Tool for Motivation:

Let’s be real, who doesn’t like a pat on the back? Positive feedback can be a massive boost to your morale. But here’s the catch – it needs to be genuine. Hollow praises won’t get you far. On the flip side, constructive criticism, when delivered right, can motivate you to push your boundaries and strive for excellence.

Navigating Negative Feedback:

Not all feedback will be rosy. And that’s okay! Negative feedback, when framed constructively, can be a goldmine of growth opportunities. The key lies in perception – view it as a stepping stone, not a stumbling block.

FAQs – Choosing the Right Continuing Education Courses

Q: I’ve been out of school for a while. Is there a way to gauge if I’m prepared for advanced courses or if I should start with foundational refresher courses?

A: Great question! First, self-assessment is essential. Consider what you remember, what you practice daily, and areas you feel rusty in. It’s also a good idea to consult with peers or mentors in the field.

They can provide insights into which courses might be beneficial based on your experience and current skill set. Remember, there’s no harm in starting with foundational courses. Solidifying your base can make advanced learning even more impactful!

Q: There’s a dizzying array of specialties in Social Work. If I’m looking to specialize or switch areas, how can continuing education help in this transition?

A: Diversifying or pivoting is a fantastic way to rejuvenate your career! Continuing education can be pivotal here. Start by taking introductory courses in your desired specialty. This not only gives you foundational knowledge but also helps you determine if it’s a good fit. Some courses also offer on-ground experience, which can be invaluable. By the end of the course, not only will you have expanded your skills, but you’ll also have a clearer idea if this is the direction you want to head in. Plus, networking in these courses can open doors in your new specialty!

Q: I’m swamped with work and personal commitments. What strategies can I adopt to effectively manage my time while pursuing continuing education?

A: Balancing a hectic schedule with learning can be challenging, but it’s not insurmountable! Here are a few tips:

  • Prioritize: Recognize why you’re taking the course and its importance. This can help you stay motivated.
  • Break it Down: Divide your coursework into smaller tasks. Setting aside even 20 minutes a day can lead to significant progress over time.
  • Use Technology: Leverage tools like calendar apps, task managers, or study apps to keep track.
  • Engage in Active Learning: Instead of passive reading, engage with the material. Discuss with peers, participate in forums, or teach someone else!
  • Seek Support: Share your goals with friends, family, or colleagues. They can be your cheerleaders, reminding you of the bigger picture when things get tough. Remember, it’s about consistency over intensity. A bit every day can go a long way!

5) Conclusion

Choosing the right continuing education course is akin to selecting the right path on a journey. But remember, the journey matters as much as the destination! By following our 7 tips, you’re not just investing in your career; you’re enriching the lives of those you serve. Happy learning!

Learn more about Agents of Change Continuing Education. We’ve helped thousands of Social Workers with their Continuing Education and want you to be next!


► Learn more about the Agents of Change Continuing Education here:

About the Instructor, Meagan Mitchell: Meagan is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and has been providing Continuing Education for Social Workers for more than 8 years. From all of this experience helping others pass their exams, she created Agents of Change Continuing Education to help Social Workers stay up-to-date on the latest trends, research, and techniques.

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Disclaimer: This content has been made available for informational and educational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or clinical advice, diagnosis, or treatment

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7 Tips for Choosing the Right Continuing Education Courses for Social Workers


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