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Examples of Symbiosis in Real Life

Symbiosis embodies the profound interrelationships between different Species, coexisting and interacting within ecosystems. In nature’s magnificent tapestry, organisms weave connections of dependence, cooperation, and, sometimes, exploitation. Mutualism showcases reciprocal benefits as seen in the harmony between bees and flowers. Commensalism illustrates a one-sided benefit without harm, like orchids living on trees. Parasitism depicts relationships marked by exploitation such as ticks feeding on mammals. These varied symbiotic relationships, each with its unique patterns and outcomes, are a testament to the adaptive and dynamic nature of life, demonstrating the interconnectedness that sustains biodiversity and ecological balance.


Symbiosis refers to a close, long-term interaction between two different species. Various forms of symbiosis exist including mutualism where both organisms benefit, commensalism where one benefits and the other is unaffected, and parasitism where one organism benefits at the expense of the other. This biological phenomenon signifies the interconnectedness of life, where species form relationships to adapt, survive, and thrive in their respective ecosystems. Through symbiotic relationships, organisms can achieve tasks and survival strategies that they wouldn’t be able to accomplish individually, illustrating the complexity of life and ecological interdependence.

Types of Symbiosis

Symbiosis is a close and long-term biological interaction between two different biological organisms. These interactions can be categorized into various types, based on the nature and impact of the relationship:

1. Mutualism

  • Mutualism is a type of symbiotic relationship where both organisms involved benefit from the interaction. This cooperation between species can lead to various survival advantages such as enhanced resource acquisition, defense mechanisms, and overall fitness. Mutualistic relationships can be obligatory, where the relationship is vital for the survival of one or both organisms or facultative, where the relationship is beneficial but not essential.

2. Commensalism

  • Commensalism is a type of symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits while the other is neither helped nor harmed. In this relationship, the commensal organism may gain benefits like food, shelter, support, or mobility without affecting the host organism. Commensal relationships are common in nature and showcase the diversity of ecological interactions.

3. Parasitism

  • Parasitism is a type of symbiotic relationship where one organism, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host. The parasite derives benefits such as nutrients, habitat, or transportation, usually harming the host in the process. Parasitism encompasses a wide range of interactions, varying in severity from minor inconvenience to significant harm, or even death of the host.

4. Amensalism

  • Amensalism is a type of symbiotic relationship in which one organism is harmed or inhibited whereas the other organism is unaffected. This interaction can occur through competition, where one organism prevents another from accessing essential resources, or through chemical interference, where one organism produces substances that inhibit or harm another organism’s growth or survival.

5. Neutralism

  • Neutralism is a type of symbiotic relationship where two species coexist in the same environment without affecting each other. In this relationship, the presence or actions of one species do not impact the fitness, survival, or reproduction of the other species, resulting in a neutral effect. Neutralism is often considered a rare or temporary state in ecology, as species sharing the same ecosystem usually interact in some way, whether it be through competition, predation, or other forms of symbiosis.

6. Competition

  • Competition is a type of symbiotic relationship where two or more species or individuals vie for the same limited resources such as food, light, or space. This interaction generally leads to a decrease in the survival, growth, or reproduction of the competing parties, as the availability of the resources becomes limited or scarce.

1. Types of Competition

1. Intraspecific Competition
  • Occurs between individuals of the same species.
  • Example: Trees of the same species competing for sunlight in a dense forest.
2. Interspecific Competition
  • Occurs between individuals of different species.
  • Example: Different species of birds competing for insects in the same habitat.

2. Consequences of Competition

  • It may lead to the adaptation or evolution of species, driving them to develop strategies to access or utilize resources more efficiently.
  • In some cases, competition can lead to the exclusion of a species from a habitat, altering community structures.

Examples of Symbiosis in Real Life

Symbiosis refers to close and long-term biological interactions between different species. It can be mutualistic (both species benefit), commensalistic (one species benefits without harming the other), or parasitic (one species benefits at the expense of the other). Here are some real-life examples of each:

1. Mutualism

1. Mycorrhizal Fungi and Plants

  • Many plants have a symbiotic relationship with fungi in their roots called mycorrhizae. The fungi help the plant absorb water and nutrients, and in return, the plant provides the fungi with sugars and other organic compounds.

2. Lichens

  • These are formed from a partnership between fungi and either algae or cyanobacteria. The fungi provide a protected environment for the algae/cyanobacteria whereas the algae/cyanobacteria conduct photosynthesis and provide food for the fungi.

3. Cleaner Fish and Host Fish

  • Cleaner fish, like cleaner wrasses, pick parasites and debris off larger fish. The cleaner fish get a meal and the larger fish get rid of parasites.

4. Ruminants and Gut Bacteria

  • Animals like cows and deer have bacteria in their stomachs that help break down cellulose, a component in plants that the animals can’t digest on their own. The bacteria get a steady supply of food and the ruminants get nutrients from the broken-down cellulose.

5. Bees and Flowers

  • Bees and other pollinators visit flowers for nectar and pollen. While feeding, pollinators inadvertently transfer pollen between flowers facilitating plant reproduction. The plants get to reproduce while the pollinators get food.

6. Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria and Legumes

  • Certain bacteria live in the roots of legume plants (like peas and beans) and help in converting atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use. The plant gets essential nutrients and the bacteria get carbohydrates and a place to live.

7. Oxpeckers and Large Mammals (e.g., Buffalo, Rhinoceros)

  • Oxpeckers perch on large mammals and eat ticks and dead skin, keeping the wounds clean. The birds get food and the mammals get relief from pests.

8. Ants and Aphids

  • Ants protect aphids from predators and tend to them, and in return, aphids produce honeydew, a sugary substance that ants consume.

9. Clownfish and Sea Anemones

  • Clownfish live among the tentacles of sea anemones. The anemone’s stinging tentacles provide protection to the clownfish and, in return, clownfish bring food to the anemone and help lure prey into their tentacles.

10. Corals and Zooxanthellae Algae

  • Corals house zooxanthellae algae in their tissues, which perform photosynthesis and provide oxygen and nutrients to the corals. In return, corals provide the algae with carbon dioxide and a protected environment.

11. Pollination

  • Flowers provide nectar or pollen to pollinators like bees or butterflies, who, in turn, help the flowers by spreading their pollen and aiding in reproduction.

2. Commensalism

1. Barnacles on Whales

  • Barnacles attach themselves to the skin of whales and travel with them. The barnacles benefit by being carried to different feeding areas in the water whereas the whales are generally unaffected.

2. Epiphytes on Trees

  • Some plants grow on the surface of trees using them as a platform to access sunlight without taking nutrients from the tree. These plants benefit from the elevated position whereas the tree generally isn’t harmed or benefited.

3. Cattle Egrets and Large Herbivores

  • Cattle egrets often follow herbivores like cattle or buffalo. As the large animals move and graze, they stir up insects which the egrets then eat. The herbivores are largely unaffected whereas the egrets get an easier meal.

4. Remoras and Sharks

  • Remoras attach themselves to sharks and other large marine animals. They feed on the leftover scraps from the host’s meals and also consume parasites on the host’s body. The shark is neither harmed nor benefited significantly.

5. Spider Plants and Trees

  • Spider plants often grow on trees in a tropical environment. The trees provide support and a place closer to the light whereas the trees are not affected.

6. Goby Fish and Pistol Shrimp

  • The shrimp digs and maintains a burrow used by both animals while the goby fish watches out for predators. The shrimp, having poor vision, maintains contact with the goby. In case of danger, the goby touches the shrimp, signaling it to retreat into the burrow.

7. Orchids on Trees

  • Many orchids grow as epiphytes on trees. They use trees merely for physical support and do not harm them while benefiting from the elevated position which gives them better access to sunlight.

8. Birds Nesting in Trees

  • Birds like eagles or hawks may build nests in tall trees. The birds get a safe nesting site, whereas the trees are not harmed or benefited.

3. Parasitism

1. Tapeworms in

  • Tapeworms live in the intestines of various mammals including humans. They absorb nutrients from their host’s food often leading to malnutrition in the host.

2. Mistletoe on Trees

  • Mistletoe is a parasitic plant that extracts water and nutrients from the host tree. Over time, if the infestation is heavy, it can weaken and potentially kill the tree.

3. Fleas or Ticks on Animals

  • Fleas and ticks attach themselves to animals and feed on their blood. They can cause irritation, transmit diseases, and can be detrimental to the host’s health.

4. Brood Parasitism (e.g., Cuckoos and other birds)

  • Some cuckoos lay their eggs in the nests of other bird species. The host bird unknowingly raises the cuckoo chick, often at the expense of its own offspring.

5. Dodder on Host Plants

  • Dodder is a parasitic plant that lacks chlorophyll and gets nutrients by attaching to host plants with special structures called haustoria. The host plants are weakened as they lose nutrients to the dodder.

6. Malaria Parasite (Plasmodium) in Humans

  • The malaria parasite lives inside human red blood cells and liver cells. It reproduces and causes damage to the host cells leading to the symptoms of malaria.

7. Ticks on Mammals and Birds

  • Ticks attach themselves to various hosts consuming their blood. In the process, they might transmit diseases such as Lyme disease.

8. Leishmania Parasite in Humans

  • This parasite infects human macrophages causing leishmaniasis. It is transmitted by the bite of infected sandflies.

4. Amensalism

1. Penicillium Fungus and Bacteria

  • The Penicillium fungus, from which the antibiotic penicillin is derived, inhibits the growth of nearby bacteria. The fungus releases penicillin, which harms the bacteria, while the bacteria have no effect on the fungus.

2. Black Walnut Trees (Juglans nigra) and Surrounding Plants

  • Black walnut trees release a chemical called juglone into the soil; this chemical is toxic to many other plants and prevents their growth near the tree. The affected plants may die or fail to thrive but the walnut tree is unaffected by their presence.

3. Allelopathy in Plants

  • Certain plants release allelochemicals into the soil that inhibit the germination or growth of neighboring plant species giving them a competitive advantage. The releasing plant is not affected by this process.

4. Large Animals Trampling Grass

  • When large animals such as elephants walk through an environment, they may trample smaller organisms like grasses or insects, affecting their survival. The large animals are unaffected by the presence of the smaller organisms.

5. Sheep Grazing

  • As sheep graze, they consume grass and other plants, negatively impacting those plants’ survival and growth without the plants having any impact on the sheep’s condition.

5. Neutralism

1. Different Bird Species Sharing the Same Tree

  • Various bird species might perch on the same tree but utilize different parts of it and consume different resources resulting in a neutral relationship where neither species affects the other’s survival or reproduction.

2. Insects Sharing the Same Field but Different Flowers

  • In a field with a variety of flowers, different insect species might visit different types of flowers; ensuring that their paths rarely cross and they don’t compete for the same resources.

3. Non-Competing Microorganisms in Water Bodies

  • In water bodies, various microorganisms might occupy different niches or feed on different resources; ensuring a lack of competition or interaction that would affect each other’s survival or growth.

4. Various Epiphytes Living on the Same Host Tree

  • Multiple epiphyte species might reside on the same tree, each utilizing different resources or parts of the tree, maintaining a neutral relationship without affecting each other.

5. Animals Crossing Paths without Interaction

  • Animals of different species might cross paths in the wild without interacting or affecting each other’s presence such as a deer and a non-predatory bird sharing the same forest.

6. Intraspecific Competition

1. Tree Seedlings in a Forest

  • Young trees of the same species compete for sunlight, water, and nutrients in a forest. Only those that manage to get enough resources will survive and mature.

2. Male Deer (Stags) Competing for Mates

  • During mating seasons, male deer may engage in battles, often involving the use of their antlers, to win the right to mate with females.

7. Interspecific Competition

1. Lions and Hyenas Competing for Prey

  • In the African savannah, lions and hyenas often compete for the same prey animals like wildebeests and zebras.

2. Different Plant Species in a Meadow

  • Different species of plants in a meadow compete for sunlight, water, and nutrients. Those that can access and utilize these resources more effectively will dominate.

3. Coral Species Competing for Space on a Reef

  • Different species of corals compete for space on ocean reefs. Competition involves growing quickly to cover available surfaces or overgrowing and shading competitors.

4. Bird Species Competing for Nesting Sites

  • Different bird species may compete for the best nesting sites in an area, like tree cavities or safe branches, to lay their eggs and raise their young.

5. Microbial Species Competing in a Petri Dish:

  • When cultivated together in a controlled environment, different microbial species compete for the limited nutrients available in the petri dish.

6. Fish Species Competing for Food in a Lake:

  • Various fish species in a lake might compete for the same type of food, such as smaller fish or aquatic insects.


Below is a summary table categorizing the examples of symbiotic relationships mentioned earlier:

Type of Symbiosis Organisms Involved Brief Description
Mutualism Bees and Flowers Bees pollinate flowers while getting nectar and pollen.
Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria and Legumes Bacteria help plants by fixing nitrogen; plants provide carbohydrates.
Oxpeckers and Large Mammals Oxpeckers clean parasites off mammals and get food in return.
Ants and Aphids Ants protect aphids, which produce honeydew consumed by ants.
Clownfish and Sea Anemones Clownfish receive protection; anemones receive cleaning and food.
Corals and Zooxanthellae Algae Algae provide corals with nutrients through photosynthesis; corals offer a protective habitat.
Commensalism Remoras and Sharks Remoras get transportation and leftover food; sharks are unaffected.
Spider Plants and Trees Spider plants use trees for support and access to sunlight; trees are unaffected.
Orchids on Trees Orchids grow on trees for physical support without affecting the trees.
Parasitism Ticks on Mammals and Birds Ticks feed on the blood of hosts, possibly transmitting diseases.
Dodder on Host Plants Dodder, a parasitic plant, draws nutrients from host plants.
Malaria Parasite (Plasmodium) in Humans Parasites inhabit and destroy red blood cells, causing malaria.
Leishmania Parasite in Humans Parasites infect human macrophages, causing leishmaniasis.
Amensalism Black Walnut Trees and Surrounding Plants Trees release juglone, inhibiting the growth of nearby plants.
Penicillium Fungus and Bacteria Fungus releases penicillin, inhibiting bacterial growth.
Neutralism Different Bird Species Sharing the Same Tree Birds share the tree without significantly affecting each other.
Insects Sharing Different Flowers in the Same Field Insects interact minimally by visiting different flowers.
Competition Lions and Hyenas Compete for the same prey in the savannah.
Different Plant Species in a Meadow Plants compete for sunlight, water, and nutrients.


Symbiosis reveals the intricate interdependencies that characterize life on Earth. From the mutualistic relationships where organisms reciprocally benefit, like bees and flowers, to the one-sided exploitations seen in parasitism, such as ticks on mammals, nature exhibits a spectrum of interconnectedness. Neutralism and competition further underscore the diversity of interactions showing the various strategies organisms adopt for survival. Each symbiotic interaction plays a critical role in shaping ecosystems, driving evolution, and maintaining the delicate balance and diversity of life emphasizing that no organism exists in isolation but rather as part of a complex and interwoven web of life.

This post first appeared on Syringe Pump Working Principle, please read the originial post: here

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Examples of Symbiosis in Real Life


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