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How Often Should You Blog for the Best Results?

Everyone Gets Wrong About How Often Should You Blog

Do you want to know how many blog posts you should publish per week or month to become a successful blogger?

If yes, then you should definitely read this article.

In this blog post, I will not only tell you about the right blogging frequency at various growth stages of your blog but will also inspire you to blog consistently.

For a brand new blog-

If you are working on a new blog that doesn’t have any blog posts on it or only has a handful of blog posts, then you should blog as many high-quality articles as possible.

Ideally, your blogging frequency should produce anywhere between one to three blog posts per week.

You should continue this routine until you publish thirty blog posts.

It takes at least thirty blog posts to build a decent amount of content on your blog.

By doing this, you give your readers enough blog posts to read and enough blog posts for Google to perform various tests and determine the quality of your blog and blog posts and determine their rankings.

If you are a new blogger-

If you are a newbie blogger working on your first ever blog, then routinely publishing blog posts will help you to learn to blog faster.

This practice will make you a better blogger.

For somewhat established blogs-

After publishing thirty blog posts, you can relax your blogging frequency to publish one blog post per week.

For an established blog-

If you have published hundreds or thousands of blog posts, then you should slow down your blogging frequency to publish one blog post per week or two weeks.

Apart from publishing new blog posts, you should allocate your time to improve the rankings of your already published blog posts.

You can do this by updating them with new information, rewriting them into a better article, etc.

As an established blog will have a decent audience, you can ask them how often they like to see your blog posts.

Should you publish daily?

If you are the only person working on your blog, then publishing daily would be very hectic, and also the quality of your blog posts will suffer.

When you daily publish low-quality blog posts with thin content, your blog readers and subscribers will get irritated with the new blog post notifications and they might stop following your blog or unsubscribe from your blog.

Also, these kinds of articles will never or very rarely rank.

For the majority of blogs, there is no need to publish daily.

But if you start a news blog and/or have a large team, then you can publish many blog posts on a daily basis.

The ideal frequency-

You can experiment with different blogging frequencies to find out which one suits best for you.

But in general, when you publish one blog post per week, you have enough time to perform exhaustive research, and write in-depth comprehensive blog posts.

These high-quality blog posts will have a good chance to rank well and bring you or your business good organic traffic.

Many bloggers, including me, publish at least one blog post per week which means at least four blog posts per month.

Importance of maintaining blogging frequency-

  • Makes you a disciplined blogger who regularly publishes content.
  • Removes all the distractions and forces you to focus on the most important task of blogging- publishing blog posts.
  • You quickly build a library of useful content that will attract traffic from search engines.
  • This frequent publishing will attract a good and loyal readership and subscribers.
  • This habit will make you feel less stressed as you will be assured of articles at regular intervals.

Quality with quantity-

Quality is more important than quantity.

This statement is good but many bloggers misinterpret this and take too long to produce very few blog posts.

Yes, you publish some really high-quality blog posts but the number of blog posts won’t be sufficient to attract a decent amount of traffic to your blog and your blog might not gain momentum.

So, I would suggest you quickly produce as many high-quality blog posts as possible.

Here, you don’t sacrifice the time you spend on your blog posts but cut down on the least important tasks like checking social media, checking stats too frequently, etc.

Also, you should become more efficient and spend a few extra hours on your blog.

Four scenarios-

Basically, every typical blog faces one of these scenarios-

  • Many low-quality blog posts- Negligible or no traffic.
  • Few low-quality blog posts- Negligible or no traffic.
  • Few high-quality blog posts- Decent traffic.
  • Many high-quality blog posts- Great traffic.

So, if your goal is to get a great amount of organic traffic to your blog, your blog should satisfy the fourth scenario.

The more high-quality blog posts you publish, the more topics you cover and you will rank for more keywords, and ultimately, your blog receives great traffic.

Vary the length-

Income School categorized blog posts depending on their length into-

  • Response posts (1350 words).
  • Staple posts (2500 words).
  • Pillar posts (3500 words)

Some people misunderstand the length of blog posts with quality, they think that longer blog posts have high quality and rank well.

Even John Mueller, a Senior Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google confirmed that more words are not always better.

Not every blog post should be around three to four thousand words.

If you write only very long blog posts, you will miss your blogging frequency and produce very few blog posts.

You should not unnecessarily drag the blog posts to make them longer without adding any value.

You should practice brevity and be to the point, this will save both your and your reader’s time.

In every niche, there will be topics that can be completely answered in under two thousand words.

So, the wise thing will be to publish a response, staple, and pillar blog posts in rotation.

By this, you can publish blog posts more quickly and frequently.

For example, in the first week, you can publish one response and one staple post.

In the second week, you can publish one pillar post.

And in the third week, you can again publish responses and staple blog posts and like this, continue the cycle.

Maintaining quality with quantity, that is publishing high-quality blog posts consistently makes you a successful blogger.

If you find it difficult to consistently publish blog posts, you can outsource the work to ghostwriters.

What if you miss the schedule?

It is very common for almost all bloggers to sometimes miss their blogging schedule.

This happens when you are working on lengthy blog posts which demand more time or when you are on vacation, etc.

Even in such scenarios, you should never rush to publish mediocre blog posts.

There is no significant harm if you publish late after a few days.

Alternatively, you can write some blog posts beforehand and can schedule them to be published on the required dates.

So, how many blog posts are you planning to publish in a week or month?

Please tell me through the comments.

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How Often Should You Blog for the Best Results?


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