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32 Tips How to Show Confident & Winning Body Language

Confident Body Language, an outward display of charisma, possesses the remarkable power to significantly impact one’s success in any endeavor. Its significance transcends professional boundaries, and how to show confident body language, making it an integral component of displaying impeccable etiquette. Notably, a profound interrelation exists between body language and the brain, encompassing a dual exchange of information.

Primarily, body language serves as a mirror, reflecting thoughts and emotions, revealing the inner landscape of a person’s mind. However, its influence does not end there; it also extends to shaping the messages received by the brain from the external environment. The act of embracing confident body language, therefore, sets forth a powerful feedback loop, propelling an individual towards heightened self-assurance.

One vital aspect of projecting confidence is the position of the head. A steady, forward-facing head signifies self-assurance, while a downward-facing chin denotes a lack of confidence, akin to an instinctive protective measure against perceived threats.

Likewise, the significance of eye contact in exuding confidence cannot be overstated. A direct gaze fosters an aura of honesty and approachability, enveloping the surrounding environment in a positive embrace. An optimal balance of maintaining eye contact with individuals approximately 70-80 percent of the time ensures a connection while preserving comfort. Should uneasiness arise, initiating eye contact through the eyebrows and then gradually transitioning to full eye contact can help establish a rapport.

Why body language is everything?

Venturing into the realm of body language holds transformative potential, shaping how you present yourself to an audience and reframing your perception of public speaking. Within this context, we have meticulously curated eight vital elements of body language, serving as linchpins in molding the success of your speech. Prepare to delve deeper into their significance as we unveil the secrets to leveraging them to your advantage.

When engaging in communication, it extends beyond mere words, encompassing the unspoken language of the body. Your facial expressions, posture, and eye contact collectively weave the “truth” behind your words. In moments of nervousness, your body may inadvertently convey a different message to your audience, overshadowing the intended meaning of your verbal discourse.

Body language serves as an indispensable ingredient for success in public speaking. Your non-verbal cues wield influence over how your message resonates with the audience, the level of their engagement, and their perception of you as an individual. Even if you have crafted the most eloquent speech imaginable, without animated, open, and active body language, your audience may remain perplexed, unable to fully grasp the essence of your words.

While the exact figures are a subject of debate among experts, it is widely acknowledged that communication extends far beyond words. Allegedly, 55% of communication is conveyed through nonverbal means, 38% through vocal cues, and a mere 7% through words alone. Within this dynamic, body language takes center stage. Our facial expressions, hand gestures, and posture possess the remarkable power to convey messages in their own right. Hence, ensuring your body language aligns with your intentions becomes paramount.

To bolster your body language, allowing it to exude confidence during presentations, persuasiveness during meetings, or openness when meeting strangers, consider the following tips.

Confident speech serves as an alluring beacon, attracting the attention and respect of others. It operates at a subconscious level, how to show confident body language, magnetizing individuals to those who exude self-assuredness, as it serves as an authentic indicator of potential leadership qualities.

How to show confident body language?

Frequently, we find ourselves grappling with insecurities in social settings, struggling to grasp the self-confidence we know we should possess. This can be exasperating, but take heart, for there exist simple body language hacks that can empower us, elevating our confidence and easing our discomfort in any situation.

So, how does one harness positive body language to nurture confidence? The answer lies in attending to your posture. Stand tall with your head held high, radiating an air of assurance. While seated, maintain good posture, a seemingly simple yet potent gesture that communicates self-assuredness. Another pivotal element of confident body language is making eye contact while conversing with others. This simple act signals genuine interest in their words and fosters a foundation of trust between individuals. Additionally, endeavor to smile more often—a seemingly unassuming action that wields transformative power, significantly impacting how others perceive you.

To exude confidence through body language, certain key principles must be observed. Each subtle gesture and stance can greatly impact how others perceive you, influencing their impression of your self-assurance and poise.

1. Uplift Your Chin and Head

According to Lillian Glass, a renowned body language expert and author of “The Body Language Advantage,” maintaining your head up at all times is vital. Confident individuals avert their gaze from the ground, the table, or their feet, always looking upward. Imagine an invisible string gently pulling the crown of your head, an emblem of poise and assurance.

2. Engage the Room with Your Eyes

When you find yourself amidst a group of people or delivering a presentation, make a conscious effort to distribute your eye contact evenly. Establish connections with several individuals in the audience, ensuring that each person feels acknowledged and valued. Moreover, when engaged in a group conversation, synchronize your gaze with the person currently speaking, thereby demonstrating attentiveness and encouragement.

3. Nod to Show Interest

Nodding, a seemingly simple gesture holds significant power in conveying attentiveness and genuine interest. When you nod while someone speaks, you signal that you are actively listening and appreciative of their input. Such validation fosters a positive rapport, making the other person more receptive and likely to reciprocate warmth and openness.

4. The Alluring Power of a Smile

An obvious yet often overlooked aspect of body language is the enchanting smile. In the midst of deep conversation, it’s easy to forget to show this genuine expression of warmth. Even a mildly neutral facial countenance can inadvertently appear distant and aloof. Thus, let the muscles in your face relax, and uplift the corners of your mouth occasionally throughout the exchange. A sincere smile not only endears you to others but also sends a positive signal to your own brain, enhancing your sense of openness and confidence.

When commencing a speech or encountering someone for the first time, bestow upon them a radiant smile. This simple act exudes friendliness, welcoming the possibility of a delightful connection.

5. Stand Tall, Exude Confidence

Recall the wise words of your mother when she chided you for slouching. The counsel holds true for your body language as well. Embrace a tall, upright posture that emanates confidence and enthusiasm for the conversation at hand. Your stance communicates an inviting demeanor, compelling others to engage with you more willingly.

Moreover, you shall reap the benefits of this erect posture yourself. By standing tall, you resist the natural urge to withdraw and become reticent, bolstering your own assertiveness and vocal presence.

6. The Dance of Mirroring

In the quest to forge a deep connection, pay keen attention to the other person’s body language and subtly mirror their movements. Termed mirroring, this technique often occurs unconsciously when we are in agreement or harmony with someone. By consciously employing this mirroring, you foster a sense of bonding and empathy, establishing a stronger rapport with your interlocutor.

If they cross their legs, follow suit; if they tilt their head, echo the gesture. However, remember to keep this mirroring subtle and natural, as excessive replication may detract from the authenticity of the exchange. Ultimately, prioritize the conversation while enhancing the connection.

7. The Art of Body Alignment

The direction of your body communicates volumes about your engagement level. When you stand with your body angled away from your conversation partner, it can inadvertently signal disinterest or a desire to disengage from the interaction. To appear more engaged and attentive, angle your feet and shoulders towards the person with whom you’re conversing. This subtle adjustment creates an impression of genuine interest and receptivity.

8. Embrace a Good Posture

Your posture speaks volumes about your confidence, authority, and grace. Standing up straight signals self-assurance, while slouching conveys disinterest and unprofessionalism. Glide your shoulders back, allowing your upper body muscles to relax while keeping your core firm. This subtle adjustment adds a touch of elegance to your demeanor.

9. Widen Your Stance

Though often overlooked, your stance can significantly influence how you are perceived. Standing with your feet too close together may unwittingly communicate timidity. Aim for a confident stance, aligning your feet with your hips and shoulders. A width of about a foot between your feet, with toes pointing outward, demonstrates balance and self-assurance.

“A confident person literally has two feet firmly planted on the ground,” says Glass. This solid foundation enhances your physical equilibrium, projecting confidence more effectively than crossed or closely positioned legs.

Furthermore, be mindful of the distinction between an open and closed stance during conversations. Orient your feet outward, facing the person you’re engaging with, to convey interest, trust, and receptiveness. Conversely, a closed stance might inadvertently suggest disinterest.

10. Cultivate Intense Eye Contact

Robust eye contact stands tall as the quintessential marker of confidence, as vouched for by the esteemed body language expert, Glass. If this poses a challenge for you, fret not, for a simple technique can aid you. Gaze into the other person’s eyes for two seconds, shift your focus to their nose for two seconds, then to their mouth, and finally encompass their entire face for two seconds. Continue this subtle rotation throughout your conversation, leaving the other person none the wiser that you are not continually fixated on their eyes.

11. Eradicate Filler Words

Confidence emanates from the way one articulates thoughts. Thus, it becomes imperative to be mindful of mannerisms and tone. Firmly engage your abdominal muscles while speaking to exude a more confident, lower, and powerful voice. Bid farewell to pesky filler words like “um” and “like,” striving instead for precision and directness in your speech. Embrace inflection in your tone, effusing enthusiasm, as it serves as an embodiment of confidence.

12. Embrace Genuine Interest

The ultimate advice for emanating confidence is to genuinely focus on the individuals you engage with, rather than succumbing to self-consciousness about others’ perceptions. Channel your attention towards comprehending the messages they convey, rather than fixating on your own image. By adopting this approach, you subtly project an aura of self-assuredness, making others believe in your confidence.

As you adopt these behavioral shifts, keep in mind the adage, “As you act, so you become. As you change your body language, so you become.”

13. Harness the Power of Posture

Within your arsenal of confidence-boosting body language techniques lies the formidable power of power poses. These postures, whether standing with hands on hips, sitting with legs crossed and arms open, or leaning back in your chair, create an aura of dominance and assertiveness. As you inhabit these poses, an empowering shift occurs, bolstering your feelings of confidence while simultaneously communicating the same to others.

14. Unveil Your Hands

The visibility of your hands plays a significant role in projecting confidence. Concealing your hands, such as by placing them in your pockets, is detrimental to your image. Glass warns against this practice, as hiding hands signals nervousness or uncertainty.

Likewise, crossing your arms sends a similar negative message, making you appear closed off and unreceptive. Instead, maintain open body language, with your hands visible and relaxed by your side, expressing a welcoming and self-assured demeanor.

15. Embrace the 50/70 Rule for Eye Contact Mastery

Navigating the delicate balance of eye contact can be perplexing. Stray too little, and you risk appearing disinterested; veer too far, and you may find yourself perceived as intense and unsettling. An optimal solution lies in the 50/70 rule: spend 50% of the time making eye contact while speaking, and elevate it to 70% while listening.

With this conscious approach, you convey attentive interest in the conversation, cultivating a stronger bond with the other person. The subtle art of making eye contact enriches communication, demonstrating your genuine involvement and appreciation for the exchange.

16. Elevate Your Confidence with the Power Pose

Though power poses may seem clichéd, their efficacy is undeniable. To harness their empowering effects, stand tall with your feet comfortably apart, your back straight, and your chin lifted. Place your hands confidently on your hips and take a few deep breaths in this commanding stance. Notice how your energy and self-assurance soar, preparing you for presentations or challenging meetings.

Employ this power pose discreetly, preferably in the privacy of a bathroom or secluded space, to avoid any curious glances. Furthermore, feel free to customize your power pose to suit your needs. For instance, if you find yourself shrinking on stage, stretching your arms upward and outward before taking the spotlight can help you command more space and exude heightened confidence.

17. Embrace Space and Authority

When engaging with clients or superiors, a full-fledged power pose may be inappropriate, but the notion of claiming more space still holds value. Nervousness often compels us to withdraw and constrict ourselves, leading to slouched postures and limbs held close to the body—a telltale sign of unease and submissiveness. Instead, consider deliberately occupying more space to project openness and confidence.

Envision widening your stance slightly, elevating your chin, and casually placing a hand on your hip. During presentations, dynamic hand gestures and measured movement across the stage will further amplify your presence and elevate your confidence.

18. Gesture with Purpose and Persuasion

The sway of our hands holds profound communicative power. Extensive research reveals that speakers who adeptly employ gestures are perceived as more persuasive and appealing. The masterful use of hand gestures also enhances the perception of confidence during public speaking.

As with eye contact, moderation is the key. Excessive or erratic hand movements may betray nervousness and distraction. Instead, opt for measured and deliberate gestures, strategically employed to emphasize key points or garner agreement from your audience.

19. Eschew Fidgeting, Embrace Poise

Confident hands express themselves in purposeful gestures or rest assuredly in one’s lap or by one’s side. Conversely, tapping on the table or nervously fidgeting with attire betrays boredom or unease—qualities we seek to avoid.

Refrain from excessive arm and hand movements, refrain from touching your face or neck, and resist the urge to fiddle with objects. Steady your feet firmly instead of tapping impatiently, exuding an aura of calm and self-assurance.

20. Contemplate Your Arm Position

Crossing one’s arms can inadvertently project anger, defensiveness, or a closed-off demeanor. To radiate openness and approachability, vary your arm positions between gently cupping your hands together, resting them in your lap, or keeping them at your sides.

Additionally, placing a hand on your hip can convey a sense of confidence and authority. Supplement these postures with well-timed hand gestures to amplify your message.

21. Master the Palms Down, Feet Together Stance

The way you stand and what you do with your hands, aside from making gestures, speak volumes about your demeanor. A study assessing participants’ perceptions of speakers with different hand and foot positions revealed that the palms down, feet together stance was perceived as the most knowledgeable, compelling, influential, bold, persuasive, confident, and effective in leadership.

By adopting this potent stance, you can further bolster your presence and underscore your credibility and expertise during public speaking engagements.

22. Establish Eye Contact – The Gateway to Connection

Imagine engaging with someone whose gaze wanders elsewhere while conversing—a palpable sense of awkwardness ensues. Maintaining eye contact represents a cornerstone of displaying interest and control during a conversation. Most significantly, it exudes confidence and establishes an essential rapport.

When in dialogue, direct your gaze into the other person’s eyes, unwavering and steady. Refrain from abrupt glances away, maintaining an air of poise. If sustaining eye contact feels daunting, begin with brief intervals and gradually extend the duration. Practicing with friends or family will lend naturalness to your eye contact, ensuring its efficacy in real-life situations.

23. Wear Your Smile Proudly

Nervousness and anxiety may knock on our doors, but mastering their impact becomes crucial. When faced with discomfort, deep, slow breaths serve as allies to tranquility, accompanied by a genuine smile. Embracing an open and approachable facial expression signals confidence, trustworthiness, and receptiveness.

Conversely, a closed-off or scowling demeanor repels interactions, alienating potential connections. Fostering a habit of smiling and maintaining open facial expressions projects an air of friendliness and self-assuredness, inviting positive responses from others.

24. Gestures: The Eloquent Language of Engagement

Confident body language encompasses the potent realm of hand gestures, wielding the power to express emotions and reinforce spoken words. Their strategic deployment enhances engagement and leaves a lasting impact on listeners. When conversing, displaying active listening and engagement hinges on several gestures.

Maintain eye contact, a focal point that signifies an unwavering focus on the other person, disavowing distractions. Supplement this with occasional nods, underscoring understanding and fostering fluidity in the conversation. Shunning crossed arms and legs in favor of open postures nurtures an atmosphere of receptiveness and enthusiasm.

25. Mirror Your Way to Connection

Mirroring the body language of others transmits an unspoken message of synchronization, fostering comfort and encouraging openness. A powerful technique for building rapport and making favorable impressions, mirroring creates a harmonious bond between individuals.

Observe the other person’s posture, gestures, and facial expressions, and endeavor to match them subtly. A leaning forward invites a mirrored lean; crossed arms inspire a reciprocal crossing. These subtle reflections cultivate a sense of connection, solidifying the foundation for productive interactions.

26. Engage with a Subtle Lean

Demonstrate your interest and engagement in a conversation by leaning slightly toward the person you’re conversing with. However, maintaining the delicate equilibrium is vital here. Avoid invading their personal space or giving the impression that you’re trying to escape the interaction by leaning away.

Start from a neutral stance, and occasionally incline yourself forward to signal your attentiveness.

27. Embrace Movement during Presentations

For speeches and presentations, incorporating controlled movement can significantly enhance your appearance of confidence and ease. Moving around the stage not only projects authority but also allows you to establish eye contact with different individuals in the audience.

To draw inspiration, observe accomplished speakers in TED Talks who effortlessly navigate the stage, incorporating well-timed steps as they deliver their speeches.

28. Be Mindful of Your Facial Expressions

Beyond a warm smile, consider the nuances of your facial expressions and the messages they convey. Avoid frowning intently, as it may mistakenly convey disapproval, and squinting excessively might make you appear skeptical.

Aim for a facial expression that is neutral to positive, relaxing your jaw and eyes. Strive to strike a balance, as having a completely impassive expression during a presentation can leave the audience feeling disconnected.

Incorporate natural facial movements, like raising your eyebrows slightly in agreement or adding a subtle smile. Research suggests that speakers with more “facial pleasantness and expressiveness” are perceived as more competent and composed.

29. Master the Art of Handshakes

A strong, confident handshake can make a lasting impression. Avoid the awkwardness of a half-hearted or overly loose grip that leaves the other person unimpressed.

Keep these tips in mind:

– Maintain a firm and steady grip.
– Hold the handshake for two to four seconds.
– Make eye contact and offer a genuine smile.

To perfect your handshake, practice with a friend or colleague, ensuring your grasp is both assertive and friendly.

30. Learn from the Experts

Navigating body language can be a delicate balance between conscious awareness and naturalness. Observe skilled communicators, including top-rated TED Talk speakers, accomplished politicians, and confident individuals in your workplace. Take note of their postures, hand movements, and facial expressions, and incorporate some of their techniques into your own body language.

31. Self-Evaluate through Video Recording

To truly elevate your body language, record yourself giving a presentation or engaging in a conversation. Take the time to review the footage and meticulously observe your body language. Compare it to the most confident and captivating speakers you know. Are you slouching or fidgeting unknowingly? Are your facial expressions aligned with your intended message? Assess whether you are making sufficient hand gestures or possibly overusing them.

32. Seek Constructive Feedback

While it may be intimidating, seeking feedback from others can prove immensely valuable. Assessing your own body language can be challenging, as we tend to be either overly critical or unaware of certain aspects that need improvement.

Enlist the help of a trusted friend or colleague to watch your presentation, either in person or through a recording. Request specific feedback on your stance, gestures, and facial expressions. Their insights may reveal aspects that you hadn’t considered, ultimately enabling you to refine and fine-tune your body language for greater impact.

Elements of Confident Body Language

Body language, a potent form of nonverbal communication, holds great significance. When we harness positive body language, we transmit a powerful message to the world, one of confidence and control. The implications of such body language extend beyond personal realms and spill into our professional lives, bestowing numerous advantages. Firstly, others are more inclined to view us as individuals worthy of their attention and engagement. Moreover, adopting confident body language aids in managing stress and anxiety, fostering an enhanced sense of overall well-being.

Conversely, a dearth of confidence evident in one’s body language can erode credibility and severely impair effectiveness. In the realm of our professional endeavors, emanating confidence through body language can be instrumental in impressing clients, supervisors, and colleagues alike. It can open doors to promotions and other opportunities, propelling one’s career forward. In our personal lives, projecting confident body language can render us more appealing to potential partners, while also fortifying bonds with friends and family members.

1. Embrace the Empowering ‘Power Pose’

The concept of the ‘power pose’ stems from the pioneering work of US social psychologists, Amy Cuddy, Dana Carney, and Andy Yap, who proposed that assuming an open, commanding posture can genuinely invoke feelings of empowerment.

Their theory unveils the fascinating interplay of hormones, with an open pose elevating testosterone levels while diminishing cortisol levels—resulting in heightened dominance and reduced stress. Adopting confident body language and delving into a pretense of empowerment can eventually transform perception into reality! Who wouldn’t relish feeling empowered on the grand stage of public speaking?

How to Master the ‘Power Pose’:

– Stand tall, shoulders squared back, and feet confidently shoulder-width apart.
– Visualize your shoulders opening outward, finding a central resting position.
– Let your hands fall naturally by your sides, ensuring ease of hand gestures when required.
– Engage with the audience by facing them as much as possible. In larger venues, pivot your whole body to include different segments of the audience, fostering inclusivity.

Note: Replication Challenges

Recent debates have arisen concerning the actual efficacy of power posing. Explore further: Power posing replication failure. Nonetheless, strive to avoid being directly opposite the other person, as this might be perceived as confrontational, especially during challenging discussions. Instead, aim for a gentle tilt, approximately 45 degrees from your conversation partner, achieving the perfect balance of engagement and approachability.

2. Embrace the Power of Movement

The impact of dynamic movement on stage cannot be overstated—it conveys a robust sense of confidence in your words and effectively includes every member of the audience in the unfolding conversation. Commanding the space around you exudes strong leadership—an essential trait for a presenter who stands as the guiding force.

Confident body language, manifest through purposeful movement, infuses your delivery with a captivating dynamism, leaving the audience not just engaged, but also imbued with heightened trust in your message.

Effective Strategies for Stage Movement:

– Avoid excessive pacing, which can distract the audience. Allow at least 3 minutes before transitioning to another area of the stage.
– Synchronize your movement with changes in topics, physically marking the transition to keep the audience attuned.
– Strategically approach the audience when posing questions or highlighting pivotal points, drawing them into the experience.
– While moving to a different side of the stage, be mindful not to turn your back on any section of the audience—maintain a connected and respectful presence.
– Refrain from swaying or rocking on the spot, as it may appear restless. Instead, either move to another area of the stage or remain still, focusing on grounding your energy.

3. The Art of Expression

Facial expressions serve as the windows to our motives and emotions, making them an integral facet of engaging with an audience. Akin to acting, we must emphasize our expressions to ensure every member of the audience can interpret the emotions underlying our narratives.

A useful exercise is to record yourself while speaking and scrutinize any artificial or unfriendly facial expressions that may inadvertently taint your storytelling. Replace them with authentic and relatable expressions, allowing your face to mirror the emotions encompassed within your stories.

Mastering Facial Expressions:

– Raise your eyebrows to convey shock or confusion effectively.
– To express anger or concern, allow a subtle frown to grace your features.
– Simple happiness demands a warm and sincere smile.
– For poignant moments of sadness, subtly furrow your brows and slightly tilt the corners of your lips downward.

4. Conquer Detracting Mannerisms

Mannerisms, often stealthy nervous habits, can inadvertently detract from your message and create discomfort among the audience. These nuances significantly impact your confident body language. Beware of habits like fiddling with hair or clothing, tucking hands in pockets, or overusing filler words such as ‘um,’ ‘so,’ and ‘like.’

Strategies to Overcome Detracting Mannerisms:

– Elevate self-awareness by recording yourself while speaking, sensitizing yourself to any mannerisms you might display.
– Seek feedback from a trusted friend, who can honestly identify any mannerisms you may be unconsciously demonstrating.
– Consciously work on breaking these habits in your everyday conversations. Tackling them on a smaller scale will yield confidence that they will dissipate when addressing larger audiences.

5. The Power of Eye Contact

The eyes, they say, are the windows to the soul—a profound insight that extends to the realm of public speaking. Making meaningful eye contact with your audience forges a powerful connection, conveying their significance and worth in your narrative. As a result, the audience’s respect and receptivity intensify, bolstered by an undercurrent of trust—safeguarding them from deceit.

Confident body language extends as a valuable feedback loop. Through eye contact, you engage in a nuanced exchange with the audience, observing their expressions and deciphering emotions—interest, boredom, anger, happiness—guiding you to adapt your speech accordingly. By overlooking eye contact, you risk traversing your entire speech, oblivious to potential irritation among the audience!

Mastering Eye Contact:

– While addressing a crowd, maintain eye contact with individual audience members for a duration of 4 seconds or more before transitioning to another. Rotate the gaze, forming a ‘Z’ pattern, spanning from the back left corner to the back right, then to the front left, and ultimately reaching someone at the front right. Remember to diversify your targets for broader engagement.
– In intimate settings, maintain eye contact for 9-10 seconds, tactfully diverting your gaze to avoid appearing overly intense or intimidating—a prudent approach when addressing questions from any audience size.

Enhance your eye contact skills in the virtual realm with VirtualSpeech, utilizing a heatmap to gauge your focus.

6. Harness the Power of Breathing

Though invisible to your audience, your breath plays a pivotal role in exuding confident body language. The maintenance of a slow, steady breathing pattern can work wonders in reducing stress levels, effectively curbing nervous habits, poor posture, and excessive movement. Relaxed, deep breaths not only calibrate your speaking pace but also enable your voice to resonate across the room, enhancing both your sense of confidence and the projection of authority.

Effective Breathing Techniques:

– Prior to presenting or addressing the public, engage in breathing exercises to warm up your vocal cords and fill your lungs. Inhale slowly for 3 seconds, then exhale for 4 seconds, repeating the process until you attain a state of calm composure.
– Ensure that you stand tall and erect, allowing your lungs the full scope to expand and contract freely.

To optimize the potential of your breath, and thus your voice, and consequently your influence, strive to fill your lungs entirely, allowing the breath to penetrate deep within your core.

7. The Resonance of Your Voice

Recognize that your vocal expression, being a physical manifestation, is intrinsically intertwined with your body language and can either heighten or hinder the impact of your message.

Albert Mehrabian’s research on the relative importance of verbal and non-verbal communication remains an enduring insight—the famed ‘7-38-55 Rule’:

– 7% – Words
– 38% – Tone
– 55% – Body Language

The combination of these three elements engenders heightened audience engagement and fosters a deeper connection with you as the speaker. Remember, your body language should consistently complement your voice and accentuate your message.

Effective Vocal Techniques:

– Envision an imaginary string gentl

This post first appeared on Career, please read the originial post: here

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32 Tips How to Show Confident & Winning Body Language


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