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9 Tips On How to Update Old Blog Posts for SEO

How to update old blog posts for SEO? You’ve written the content, promoted it, and then it fades into obscurity in your blog’s archives. Please hold on! That was a lot of effort, so let’s see if we can reuse and recycle it to help you work smarter rather than harder. There are several methods to repurpose your old blog material for new use. This article will give you some free tips on how to update old blog posts for SEO. Keep reading.

Original, distinctive material is prioritized by Google’s so-called “Farmer” algorithm update for good organic search results. Your e-commerce site may benefit from unique material from regularly updated, keyword-optimized, topically relevant blog entries, which will also raise its search engine ranks. I’ve often witnessed it with my own blogging endeavors. In fact, I think that blogging is a type of SEO in and of itself. While there is no way to ensure higher SEO results, the following recommendations can be helpful.

How often should I post?

The question “How often should I post?” is one that I am asked frequently concerning blogging. The response is “As frequently as you can.” The more regularly you can update your material, the better if you want to utilize your blog for marketing and SEO. Google benefits greatly from new material. I advise doing it three to five times a week at the very least. Additionally, blog postings don’t need to be lengthy; 350 words is a nice amount for one.

Keep in mind that when we mention “old blog material,” we’re usually referring to evergreen pieces, which are ageless in the sense that the narrative or information is still relevant no matter when it’s read. Is this a fantastic recipe? Isn’t it a funny story? A do-it-yourself project? Everything is evergreen. A post about what’s on sale at your favorite retailer today? It isn’t evergreen.

How to update old blog posts for SEO

Let’s find below how to update old blog posts for SEO:

1. Update old contents

What criteria do you use to pick which old postings to update? Check Google Analytics to discover what your most popular posts have been in the last six or twelve months. Start with previous posts if you’re receiving a lot of traffic.

For the most part, the first thing that needs to be updated or improved is the size or clarity of the photographs. Take new photographs or add a new graphic if necessary, and place text on the image to make it Pinnable. You may also improve the SEO of the article by changing the title and adding keywords; as long as you don’t alter the URL, you won’t lose any external links.

Do you have any recent postings that can connect back to this newly revised one and vice versa? By offering similar material that your visitors might find useful, you’ll keep them on your site longer.

2. Include new Key Words in the post

A keyword is a key phrase or term that characterizes the content of a blog post or website. A related keyword is a phrase or term that is closely linked to the main keyword. It’s a synonym or variant of a primary term that’s semantically similar.

Focus on one or two long-tail keywords in every blog article is a solid rule of thumb. While you may include many keywords in a single article, keep the emphasis small enough that you can spend effort optimizing for only one or two of them.

3. Consider long tail keywords

Frequency by itself won’t significantly raise search engine ranks. Additionally, the usage of keywords is crucial. I’m not referring to outdated strategies like keyword stuffing because modern search engines are too smart for that. I’m not even implying that keywords are the only thing that matter. This is not true.

Search engines’ responsibility is to deliver the results that are most pertinent to a particular search. They aim to comprehend the value proposition of a site as a whole, or how one page within a site relates to the other, as one method of accomplishing this objective. A site will rank higher the better they are able to achieve that. One approach to help search engines with that process is through the intelligent use of keywords.

4. Updated Posts Should Be Promoted

Let’s get your previous posts out there to new readers now that they’re “new and better.” Add them to your social media calendar and promote them on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Bring back seasonal posts at the appropriate time each year so that they may be seen and shared again. You may also use these past pieces in your email newsletter, roundup posts, or a list of favorites or seasonal material on your sidebar.

5. Produce A Video

Changing the presentation of existing blog content is another option to repurpose it. If you have a popular prior post, turn it into a Facebook video or perform a Periscope with it today.

You may add some updates to the material as you’re speaking to keep it current. Is it also true that you have older YouTube videos that are still getting views?

That suggests the information is attracting attention, so try turning it into a blog post.

6. Condense Multiple Posts

Condense previous posts into a single list, roundup, or printable that you can use as a new post or a giveaway for your email subscribers. When you’re searching for content to offer as a way to entice readers to sign up for your newsletter, take a peek at the most popular earlier pieces to see what themes are still attracting attention.

7. Enrich thin posts

Rather than condensing, beef up past entries and transform them into an eBook, video series, or online course. Update the material and add something fresh to provide value, then share it with your readers/subscribers for free or as a paid product.

As you can see, there are a variety of methods to repurpose previous blog posts, so keep in mind that creating evergreen content pays off in the long term. Make it a purpose to accumulate a body of useful material in your archives, then republish those old items for new readers.

8. Share posts on social media

You’re returning the favor. Your followers frequently help you out by granting you access to their home feed and allowing you to communicate with them. This is a privilege that many people overlook. I recommend blogging as a means to show the rest of the world how much you value your readers and those who need your knowledge.

As you probably guessed from the preceding section, one of the benefits of social sharing is the potential to reach a larger audience with your information, offers, and articles. As a result, instead of being self-contained, your small blog article might potentially reach thousands of people.

9. Link building

Long-term search engine optimization best practices include obtaining backlinks. That is one of the key factors that Google considers when prioritizing search results. You may use this search engine to look for “links to other articles on link building.”

The majority of bloggers are innate linkers. The practice of including hyperlinks in blog posts dates back to the early days of blogging when articles mostly consisted of lists of links.

Don’t forget to share material from blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. There is more to it than just “write it and they will come.” You must distribute your material in public spaces where people congregate. Today, that refers to social media.

Additionally, release a press release if you publish anything really newsworthy.

How to make the best keyword strategy?

  • Per the post, one keyword. Make a list of potential keywords for your website, then pick one specific term for each post.
  • Early keyword use If at all feasible, use the word in the post’s title and early on. Use the keyword term early rather than later, in other words.
  • Repeat keyword. Include the keyword in the first sentence. Use the phrase once more in the body text, depending on how long the post is.
  • Connect the term to other material. Link the phrase, if you can, to pertinent information. It can be other postings on the same website or posts on different websites.
  • Embedding in the URL. Include the term in the blog post’s URL. The requirement to incorporate the keyword into the article title is further reinforced by the fact that blog platforms like WordPress will utilize the blog post’s title in the URL.
  • Add to H1 headers. Include the first few keywords you want to rank for in level 1 headers, or H1 tags in HTML. The H1 tag for the blog title is often automatically included by the most blogging software. If your platform does not support it, you might be able to fix the issue by editing the style sheet.
  • Use categories and tags. These serve as both keywords and organizational units for material in a taxonomic or hierarchical framework. They can be, at the very least. Think about keywords while building categories and tags.
  • Don’t go overboard. It should be adequate if the term appears a few times in the post’s URL, title, and body content. Avoid overloading your content with keywords, which might result in search engine penalties.

Final thought

Writing sincere, practical, humanizing pieces and cultivating connections with other bloggers as well as friends, fans, and followers on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are the keys to blogging success. That strategy will ultimately be more effective in terms of SEO than anything else.

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The post 9 Tips On How to Update Old Blog Posts for SEO appeared first on Career Cliff.

This post first appeared on Career, please read the originial post: here

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