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How Long Do Crows Live? Discover the Fascinating Fact!!


Crows are fascinating animals, frequently associated with bad omens and other special talents. But can they really be immortal? What is the average lifespan of crows in actual life? How Long Do Crows Live? Let’s find out.

The crow is a small bird with an average life span of 10 to 15 years.

This article will explore the fascinating aspects of the crow’s lifespan, looking at their lives in various locations and focusing on record-breaking moments. 

Follow me as I discover the exciting life story of crows from their first flight until their twilight years.

Lifespan Of Crow Species 

The Life Stages of a Crow

Female crows lay between four and five eggs per day and incubate them over 18 days. The chicks remain inside the nest for four weeks. Crows are co-breeders, and male crows stay near the nest, bringing food for mates as well as their young while securing the nest from predators.

The Life Stages of a Crow

After 4 weeks, the chicks can go out for brief intervals. However, their parents will feed them until they’re approximately 60 days old.

When they reach 60 days old, the hatchlings will go off with their parents and be able to fend for themselves. While they’re not yet fully mature, they’re considered mature birds by this time.

How Long Do Wild Crows Live?

Crows of all species have a lifespan of 7 to 8 years, but some species live longer if the conditions are right. For example, the Torresian crow is able to live for 20 years when it is in its natural habitat. It’s similar to the Hooded Crow, which could last for around 14 years more than the typical estimated lifespan of 7-9 years.

Crows collaborate within large family groups to ensure that the offspring of more children survive through adulthood. The parents rear their babies with the assistance of offspring that they had previously produced. 

Younger siblings will search for food sources and will defend their territories for the younger ones. There are many older brothers and sisters. Differs depending on the age of the pair, but older mated couples generally have more offspring who remain close for a couple of years before leaving to search for their own partner.

How long do crows stay on their own in nature? A majority of crows don’t live to the age of one year. A study of the rate of survival for American Crows found that 89% of them did not make it to breeding age. Only one in twenty Torresian Crows survived their first year of independence.

Crows that make it through their first years of life can last between 10 and 15 years. Certain species, such as that of Carrion crow, last between 4 and 7 years

How Long Do Wild Crows Live?

In Captivity

How long do crows last in captivity? Crows are among the bird species with the highest intelligence. Their long duration of life is an indication of their ability to adapt.

American Crows are often documented to live for more than 25 years in captivity. Even the Carrion crow has been documented as having lived for about 20 years.

Crows that are raised in captivity typically have lives that go beyond 20 years. Record-breaking for longest caged crow is held by one named Mrs. Grogans, who lived 59 years. Although the life expectancy of a crow in captivity is much more than its wild counterparts, it’s still smaller when compared to other pet birds.

Parrots are able to live up to 50 years, while Budgies typically reach 20 years old. The fact that birds can flourish in captivity is testimony to their ability and determination.

Factors Affecting Lifespan in the Wild

A variety of factors affect the lives of crows in the wild. The issue of predation is one of the main factors. Crows are a host of predators. These include bigger birds of prey, such as owls and hawks, as well as terrestrial predators, such as cats and foxes.

The illness also plays an important role in the lifespan of crows. West Nile virus has had a significant effect on the crow population in certain regions.

In addition, the availability of food will affect the length of time the crows stay. Crows are omnivores, and their diet is a variety of food sources that range from insects and small animals to fruits and seeds. In areas where food sources are abundant and varied, Crows can live longer and healthier lives.

The wild each day is a fight to survive for the crows. Their long lives are a testimony to their endurance and adaptability to the rigors of the challenges.

Record Lifespans of Crows

While average lifespans offer an overall notion of how long crowns last, individual cases may override these estimates.

Record Lifespan of Wild Crows

The record for the longest life span of a crow is approximately 17.5 years. The record was set by the Carrion Crow, a species that is found in Europe as well as Asia.

The crow’s longevity despite the constant challenges of nature is an example of the resilience of these smart birds.

Record Lifespan of Captive Crows

While in captivity, birds are able to live for a longer time. Records for the longest captive crow is held by the bird known as Tata, who was an amazing 59-year-old.

Tata’s life-long longevity is a result of the well-controlled environment, regular food intake, and the medical care she received while in confinement. 

Tata’s story is a testament to the longevity of crows once they are safe from the dangers they encounter when they are in the wild.

What Factors Cause Crow Mortality?

Although crows in the wild are known to thrive in difficult environments, these birds typically aren’t able to survive beyond the age of one.

  • 89% of American crows are not able to live at least the time they mate.
  • For Torresian Crows, just one out of 20 crows are known to live until adulthood.

Crows in the wild are faced with numerous threats, including parasites, predators, and diseases. The most frequent predators for crows are larger birds of prey, such as the hawks, eagles, and Owls.

Crows are incredibly susceptible to the West Nile virus, which has led to the death of almost 45 percent of the American Crow population in the US.

Humans may also be thought of as threats to crows because they are hunted for their meat. Young crows can also die due to diseases and infections, malnutrition, and weather conditions that are unfavorable.

Captive crows have a longer lifespan because they are not subject to the dangers of the wild. This is the reason why many of the longest-lived captive crows survived.

Factors That Impact On The Life Span Of Crows

The lifespan of crows varies based on different factors, and therefore, various species of crows have different lifespans. This is also the reason captive crows can last more than twice as long as wild crows.

1. Natural Enemies and Predators

As the eggs hatch and young chicks are released, they’re sluggish and unsteady to develop and rely on the adult crows to provide food as they wait inside the nest. They are also vulnerable to predators during this time.

Although crows are known for their warnings and vigilance, predators like ravens, snakes, raccoons, and cats are able to get into the nests of crows and consume nestlings and eggs. This is a reason for the poor survival rate of the crows. However, they develop predatory and scavenging abilities when they reach maturity, which makes it difficult for larger predators to take them on.

As crows grow to the adult stage, they can remain for a long time.

2. Disease Outbreak

The spread of viral infections is common among the crow population. They are also a major cause of death for crows. West Nile virus is known to affect families of crows and, in particular, the American crow, which has killed 75% of the population of crows within a single year.

Because of the virus’s susceptibility, any crow that is infected by it is believed to die within a week, with a small percentage of the survivors. Other bird species are at risk of contracting the virus and have been found to have a greater mortality rate than crows.

3. Food Scarcity

Crows are Omnivores. They rely on plants as well as animals for their food sources. They eat grains, seeds, nuts, tiny insects, etc. They also eat dead animals. In cases of food shortage, these animals are forced to hunt to find food in dumpsters.

Although this could allow them to live until the next day, it reduces the expected lifespan. This is the reason wild crows live shorter lifespans as compared to crows in captivity.

4. Low Conservation Efforts

Crows are often seen as a nuisance and threat. They are a threat due to their infuriating behavior of scavenging trash, scattering it, and causing an untidy mess. They also take eggs from the nests of other birds, ruin crops on farms, and release loud, irritating caws. These causes contribute to humans seeking for these creatures to go extinct.

So, those who are found grazing on plants are killed and fed poisonous food to protect the adults and fledglings. Nests of crows have been dispersed and destroyed in efforts to eradicate crows.

Why Do Some Crows Live Longer Than Others?


Crows depend on both plants and animals in order to remain healthy. The plants that provide nutrition to birds include grains, fruit, nuts, and seeds, and tiny rodents, insects, and worms make up the remainder of their diet.

They are predators of opportunity who consume the food available and aren’t fussy about their diet. If the food supply is scarce, they will search dumpsters and garbage cans to find scraps

2. Environment and Conditions

Crows are renowned for being highly adaptable to different habitats. This is why they can be present in a broad diversity of habitats all over the globe. They live in cities, flats with tidal grasslands, forests, savannah, and the arctic tundra.

The survival of crows is dependent on their capacity to avoid predators. As they try to do this, crows are increasingly moving into suburban and urban areas that have large populations of humans because there are no predators of nature in these areas.

3. Living conditions

Crows usually prefer an area that is close to trees as their home. But they’re not picky and are happy to build a nest on the roofs of a house when given the chance.

If kept in captivity, crows must spend a minimum of a few hours per day, so they are only able to thrive in an aviary constructed properly. In a lot of countries, it is prohibited to have crows for pets inside cages.

4. Size

Crows average 16-21 inches overall length. Around 40% of their total length is their tail. Crows’ wingspan is from 33 to 39 inches in total.

There are more than 40 different species of crows throughout the globe. The American Crow is the smallest bird, with a mean of 17.5 inches. Fish Crow averages 19 inches, and the common raven is about 27 inches.

5. Breeding and Mating

Female and male Crows form a pair for life and create nests in deciduous or evergreen trees. The branches that are elevated and horizontal are the most popular nesting areas.

Crows construct nests for themselves in the spring breeding period, which is the late months of March and early April. Egg incubation takes about 18 days. 

The hatchlings begin appearing from early May until June. During this time, male crows have been known to be extremely territorial, guarding their nest and stealing the food they feed their female as well as their offspring.

Wrap-Up: How Long Do Crows Live! 

Through this study of the lifespan of crows, we’ve found that these intelligent birds are able to have different durations of time, whether they’re either in captivity or the wild. Wild crows have to face problems like predation and illness, which may restrict their lifespan to a maximum of 7 to 8 years.

In the safe surroundings of captivity in which they are fed regularly and medical attention, Crows are able to live longer, and some even get to 30 years old.

The highest-recorded lifespans of crows, both wild and in captivity, provide further proof of the long-term potential of these fascinating birds.

Knowing the life span of crows gives a glimpse into their lives and their resilience when confronted with a variety of obstacles.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Do crows live for 500 years?

No. There is no evidence to suggest that crows could endure for more than 500 years. It’s just a myth. However, crows with adequate availability of food and living in a safe environment could live to 20 years on average.

How Long Can Crows Live Without Food Or Water?

For those with less body fat, they may not last more than a single day. Living species struggle to survive without food and drinking water, and crows are no exception. Crows’ survival rate is dependent on the body fat they have. A crow that has 10 percent of its body weight made up of fats may live up to three days without food. 

How Long Do Carrion Crows Live?

Carrion Crows are among the most short-lived species of crows, and they live for between 4 and 7 years. Some can even be alive for 10-15 years when in captivity. For birds this small in size, anything from 4-7, is around average or slightly higher than the average. A lifespan of twenty years is a remarkable feat.

How long do pied crows live?

There’s no information available about the typical life expectancy for Pied Crows; however, they could have some of the longer lifespans of crows, which is between 12 and 20 years. Similar to the Torresian crows, and could be a reflection of the warmer climates in their usual habitat (Africa as well as Australia).

How long do ravens live?

Ravens live longer than crows and rank among those with the longest lives. Passerine birds that live on earth. They usually last for around 15 years and can even reach 20 years old. In captivity, ravens may be alive for as long as 60 years. Ravens also have a better-than-average survival rate for infants, and about half live until they reach maturity.

This post first appeared on Angel Number 555, please read the originial post: here

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How Long Do Crows Live? Discover the Fascinating Fact!!
