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Oncological emergencies refer to critical situations that arise in individuals with Cancer, which require immediate medical attention and intervention. These emergencies can occur as a result of the cancer itself, its treatment, or complications related to the disease. Oncological emergencies are typically characterized by severe symptoms, rapid progression, and the potential to become life-threatening if not promptly addressed.

There are various types of oncological emergencies, including:

  1. Tumor Lysis Syndrome: This occurs when cancer cells release large amounts of cellular contents into the bloodstream, leading to imbalances in electrolytes (such as potassium, phosphate, and uric acid). It can result in kidney damage, cardiac arrhythmias, and metabolic disturbances.
  2. Hypercalcemia: Some cancers, particularly those affecting the bone, can lead to increased levels of calcium in the blood. Symptoms may include fatigue, confusion, constipation, nausea, and kidney problems.
  3. Superior Vena Cava Syndrome: It occurs when the superior vena cava, a major vein that carries blood from the upper body to the heart, becomes partially or completely blocked by a tumor or blood clot. This can result in swelling of the face, neck, and upper body, difficulty breathing, and dilated veins in the chest.
  4. Spinal Cord Compression: Tumors in or around the spinal cord can compress the nerves, causing back pain, weakness, sensory changes, and difficulty with bowel or bladder function.
  5. Neutropenic Fever: Chemotherapy and other cancer treatments can suppress the production of white blood cells, leaving individuals susceptible to infections. If a person with a low white blood cell count develops a fever, it may indicate a severe infection that requires immediate medical attention.
  6. Pericardial Tamponade: Some cancers, particularly those involving the lungs or breast, can spread to the pericardium (the sac around the heart) and cause the accumulation of fluid. This fluid buildup can lead to compression of the heart, impairing its ability to function properly.
  7. Bleeding or Hemorrhage: Certain cancers, such as leukemia or gastrointestinal tumors, can increase the risk of bleeding. This can manifest as uncontrolled bleeding, severe bruising, blood in the stool or urine, or persistent nosebleeds.

These are just a few examples of oncological emergencies. Prompt recognition, diagnosis, and management of these conditions are crucial to optimize patient outcomes and prevent potentially life-threatening complications. If someone with cancer experiences severe symptoms or their condition rapidly deteriorates, it is important to seek immediate medical attention.

Tumor Lysis Syndrome (TLS)

Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) is a potentially life-threatening condition that can occur as a result of rapid cell death, typically in the treatment of certain cancers. When tumor cells break down, they release their contents into the bloodstream, which can lead to imbalances in electrolytes and metabolic disturbances. Here are some guidelines for the prevention, early detection, electrolyte follow-up, and treatment of TLS:

  1. Prevention:
    • Identify patients at high risk for TLS, such as those with bulky tumors, high tumor burden, high sensitivity to chemotherapy, or renal impairment.
    • Adequately hydrate patients before and during chemotherapy to promote urine flow and dilute the concentrations of released toxins.
    • Consider prophylactic medications, such as allopurinol or rasburicase, which can help reduce uric acid levels and prevent TLS in high-risk patients.
    • Monitor electrolyte levels closely before, during, and after treatment.
  2. Early Detection:
    • Regularly monitor patients’ vital signs, fluid intake and output, and urine chemistry.
    • Assess for signs and symptoms of TLS, including weakness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, abdominal pain, muscle cramps, seizures, cardiac arrhythmias, and changes in mental status.
    • Conduct laboratory tests, including blood chemistry panels, complete blood count (CBC), uric acid levels, and kidney function tests.
  3. Electrolyte Follow-up:
    • Monitor and manage electrolyte imbalances promptly. Key electrolytes to monitor include potassium, phosphate, calcium, and uric acid.
    • Hyperkalemia (high potassium levels) can be managed through dietary restrictions, diuretics, or medication such as calcium gluconate, sodium polystyrene sulfonate, or insulin and glucose.
    • Hypocalcemia (low calcium levels) may require calcium supplementation or intravenous calcium gluconate.
    • Hyperphosphatemia (high phosphate levels) can be managed through dietary restrictions, phosphate binders, or hemodialysis.
    • Hyperuricemia (high uric acid levels) can be treated with allopurinol or rasburicase to prevent uric acid crystal formation.
  4. Treatment:
    • In severe cases of TLS, hospitalization may be necessary. Supportive care, including hydration, correction of electrolyte imbalances, and management of complications, should be provided.
    • Dialysis may be required for patients with significant renal impairment or severe electrolyte disturbances.
    • Consult with an oncologist or hematologist for appropriate chemotherapy adjustments or alternative treatments to minimize the risk of TLS.
    • Treat underlying malignancy aggressively to reduce tumor burden and prevent further TLS episodes.

It’s important to note that TLS is a medical emergency, and immediate medical attention should be sought if there are any signs or symptoms. The management of TLS should be tailored to the individual patient’s condition, and healthcare professionals with expertise in oncology and critical care should be involved in the care of these patients.

Cord compression

Cord compression refers to the compression or pressure on the spinal cord, which can lead to neurological deficits and potentially permanent damage if not promptly addressed. The management of cord compression typically involves a combination of surgical intervention, steroids, and referral to radiotherapy. Here’s some information regarding these aspects:

  1. Time of Surgical Intervention: The timing of surgical intervention for cord compression depends on various factors, including the underlying cause, severity of symptoms, and the individual patient’s condition. In general, it is crucial to initiate surgical treatment as soon as possible to relieve the pressure on the spinal cord. Delays in surgical intervention may increase the risk of irreversible neurological damage.
  2. Steroids: Steroids, specifically glucocorticoids like dexamethasone, are commonly administered in cases of cord compression. Steroids help reduce inflammation and swelling around the spinal cord, thereby alleviating symptoms and providing temporary relief. They are typically given prior to surgery and may be continued postoperatively. However, it’s important to note that steroids alone are not considered definitive treatment for cord compression but rather serve as an adjunctive therapy.
  3. Referral to Radiotherapy: Radiotherapy plays a crucial role in the management of cord compression, especially when the compression is due to cancer or metastatic tumors. It involves the use of high-energy radiation to target and destroy cancer cells, thereby relieving pressure on the spinal cord and preventing further damage. Referral to radiotherapy is often done after surgical intervention to provide additional treatment for the underlying cause and reduce the risk of recurrence.

It’s worth mentioning that the specific treatment approach for cord compression can vary depending on the underlying cause, individual patient factors, and the preferences of the healthcare team involved. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis, appropriate management plan, and timely intervention tailored to the individual’s specific condition.

Hyper-viscosity syndrome

Hyper-viscosity syndrome, also known as hyperviscosity syndrome, is a condition characterized by an abnormal increase in the viscosity or thickness of the blood. This can occur due to various underlying disorders, such as multiple myeloma, Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia, or polycythemia vera. The increased viscosity can impair blood flow, leading to various complications.

Treatment for hyper-viscosity syndrome often involves therapeutic procedures aimed at reducing the viscosity of the blood. Three common procedures used in the management of hyper-viscosity syndrome are plasmapheresis, leukapheresis, and venesection.

  1. Plasmapheresis:
    • Plasmapheresis is a procedure that involves the removal of plasma, which is the liquid component of blood, from the patient’s circulation.
    • The plasma is separated from the cellular components of the blood, and then either replaced with a substitute solution or the cellular components are returned to the patient along with donor plasma.
    • Plasmapheresis helps to reduce the concentration of abnormal proteins or other substances responsible for the increased viscosity.
    • This procedure requires specialized equipment and is typically performed in a hospital or clinical setting.
  2. Leukapheresis:
    • Leukapheresis is a procedure that specifically targets the removal of excessive white blood cells from the bloodstream.
    • It is often used in cases where hyper-viscosity syndrome is associated with a high white blood cell count, such as in leukemia or certain lymphomas.
    • Similar to plasmapheresis, leukapheresis involves the separation of blood components, and the white blood cells are selectively removed.
    • The remaining blood components, including red blood cells and plasma, are then returned to the patient’s circulation.
  3. Venesection:
    • Venesection, also known as phlebotomy, is a procedure that involves the removal of whole blood from a patient’s circulation.
    • It is commonly used in the management of polycythemia vera, a condition characterized by an excessive production of red blood cells.
    • By removing a certain volume of blood, venesection helps to reduce the hematocrit (the proportion of red blood cells in the blood) and decrease blood viscosity.
    • The frequency and amount of blood removed during venesection are determined by the patient’s condition and the physician’s recommendation.

It’s important to note that the specific treatment approach for hyper-viscosity syndrome may vary depending on the underlying cause and individual patient factors. These procedures should be performed by trained healthcare professionals in appropriate medical settings. The decision to use plasmapheresis, leukapheresis, or venesection will be made by the patient’s healthcare team based on the specific clinical situation and individual needs.

Superior vena cava syndrome

Superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome is a condition characterized by the compression or obstruction of the Superior Vena Cava, a major blood vessel that carries deoxygenated blood from the upper body back to the heart. This obstruction can lead to a range of symptoms and requires appropriate management. Here’s some information about the symptoms and treatment options for SVC syndrome:

Symptoms of Superior Vena Cava Syndrome:

  1. Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
  2. Swelling of the face, neck, and upper body.
  3. Enlarged veins in the chest or upper body.
  4. Bluish discoloration of the skin.
  5. Headache.
  6. Dizziness or lightheadedness.
  7. Cough, hoarseness, or difficulty swallowing.
  8. Chest pain.
  9. Edema (fluid retention) in the arms, hands, and/or fingers.

Rules of Anticoagulation: Anticoagulation (blood thinning) therapy may be considered in certain cases of SVC syndrome, such as when there is thrombosis (blood clot) formation. The decision to initiate anticoagulation depends on various factors, including the underlying cause of the syndrome and the patient’s overall condition. The specific rules and dosages for anticoagulation should be determined by a qualified healthcare professional.

Stenting: Stenting is a procedure that involves the placement of a stent (a small mesh tube) in the affected area of the superior vena cava to relieve the obstruction and restore normal blood flow. This is often performed when the SVC syndrome is caused by external compression, such as from a tumor. The stent acts as a scaffold, keeping the vessel open and allowing blood to flow freely.

Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy: In cases where the SVC syndrome is caused by a tumor, chemotherapy and radiotherapy may be recommended as part of the treatment plan. Chemotherapy involves the use of medications to kill cancer cells or shrink tumors, while radiotherapy uses high-energy radiation to destroy cancer cells. These treatments can help reduce the size of the tumor and relieve the compression on the superior vena cava, thereby alleviating the symptoms of SVC syndrome.

It’s important to note that the specific treatment approach for SVC syndrome can vary depending on the underlying cause, the severity of symptoms, and individual patient factors. A multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including oncologists, interventional radiologists, and thoracic surgeons, is often involved in the management and decision-making process to provide the most appropriate treatment for each patient.

Malignant hypercalcemia

Malignant hypercalcemia refers to a severe and potentially life-threatening condition characterized by abnormally high levels of calcium in the blood. It can occur as a result of various underlying causes, such as malignancies (cancers), hyperparathyroidism, or certain medications.

The management of malignant hypercalcemia involves a combination of fluid replacement, specific medications like bisphosphonates and steroids, and sometimes hemodialysis. Let’s discuss each of these approaches in more detail:

  1. Fluid Replacement: Intravenous (IV) fluids, particularly isotonic saline (0.9% sodium chloride), are administered to increase urine output and promote the excretion of excess calcium through the kidneys. Adequate hydration helps prevent dehydration and maintain kidney function.
  2. Bisphosphonates: These medications are commonly used in the management of hypercalcemia. Bisphosphonates, such as zoledronic acid or pamidronate, work by inhibiting the breakdown of bone, which helps lower calcium levels in the blood. They are typically administered intravenously over a period of time, and their effects can be observed within a few days.It’s important to note that bisphosphonates have some specific rules regarding their use. They should be used cautiously in patients with impaired kidney function, as they can further affect renal function. Prior to their administration, adequate hydration should be ensured, and kidney function should be evaluated. In some cases, dose adjustments may be necessary.
  3. Steroids: Glucocorticoids, such as prednisone or dexamethasone, can be used in combination with bisphosphonates to help lower calcium levels. They work by reducing calcium absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and promoting urinary calcium excretion.
  4. Hemodialysis: In severe cases of hypercalcemia that are unresponsive to other treatments or when there is renal failure, hemodialysis may be considered. Hemodialysis is a procedure that involves using a machine to filter the blood and remove excess calcium and other waste products directly.

The specific treatment approach for malignant hypercalcemia depends on the underlying cause, the severity of symptoms, and the individual patient’s condition. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management plan.

Malignant pericardial effusion

Malignant pericardial effusion refers to the accumulation of fluid in the pericardial space (the space between the heart and the outer pericardium) due to a cancerous condition. It can occur as a complication of various malignancies, most commonly lung cancer, breast cancer, and lymphoma.

Pericardiocentesis is a procedure that involves the removal of fluid from the pericardial sac using a needle or catheter. It is typically performed to relieve symptoms and manage complications associated with pericardial effusion. Indications for pericardiocentesis in the context of malignant pericardial effusion include:

  1. Cardiac tamponade: Malignant pericardial effusion can lead to the development of cardiac tamponade, a life-threatening condition where the accumulation of fluid in the pericardial space puts pressure on the heart, compromising its ability to pump blood effectively. Pericardiocentesis is indicated as an emergency procedure to relieve the pressure on the heart and restore cardiac function.
  2. Symptomatic effusion: Malignant pericardial effusion can cause symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, and fatigue. If these symptoms become severe and significantly affect the patient’s quality of life, pericardiocentesis may be performed to alleviate the symptoms and improve the patient’s comfort.
  3. Diagnostic purposes: Pericardiocentesis can also serve as a diagnostic procedure. The fluid obtained during pericardiocentesis can be analyzed to determine the cause of the pericardial effusion and confirm the presence of cancer cells, aiding in the diagnosis and management of the underlying malignancy.

It’s important to note that pericardiocentesis is a specialized procedure that should be performed by a trained healthcare professional, typically an interventional cardiologist or an experienced clinician. The decision to perform pericardiocentesis depends on the patient’s clinical condition, symptoms, and the underlying cause of the pericardial effusion. A thorough evaluation and consultation with a medical specialist are essential to determine the appropriateness of pericardiocentesis in each individual case.

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) is a serious medical condition characterized by the abnormal activation of blood clotting throughout the body’s blood vessels. It is typically a secondary complication that arises due to an underlying condition or trigger, such as severe infection, trauma, obstetric complications, or malignancies.

When a person has DIC, the normal balance between clotting and bleeding is disrupted. The blood clotting process becomes overactive, leading to the formation of small blood clots throughout the body. These clots can block blood vessels and reduce blood flow to vital organs, which can result in organ damage. At the same time, excessive clotting can deplete clotting factors and platelets, leading to an increased risk of bleeding.

In the context of malignancies, certain types of cancer can trigger DIC due to various mechanisms. Cancer-associated DIC is often seen in advanced stages of cancer or in malignancies with high metastatic potential. The cancer cells may release procoagulant substances that activate the clotting system, leading to widespread clot formation. Additionally, cancer can cause tissue damage, release inflammatory mediators, or interact with the body’s coagulation system, further contributing to the development of DIC.

Early intervention and treatment of the underlying malignancy are crucial in managing DIC. The primary goal is to address the root cause and control the cancer. This may involve surgical removal of the tumor, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, or a combination of these approaches, depending on the specific type and stage of the cancer.

By effectively treating the malignancy, the release of procoagulant substances from the tumor can be reduced, helping to normalize the clotting process and prevent further clot formation. Moreover, managing the cancer can also alleviate other potential triggers for DIC, such as tissue damage or the release of inflammatory mediators.

In addition to treating the underlying malignancy, DIC itself requires prompt medical intervention. Treatment strategies for DIC aim to restore the balance between clotting and bleeding, support organ function, and prevent complications. This may involve the administration of blood products, such as platelets, clotting factors, and fresh frozen plasma, to replenish depleted components of the blood clotting system. Anticoagulant medications may be used to inhibit excessive clotting, while careful monitoring of the patient’s condition is essential.

It is important for healthcare professionals to be aware of the potential association between malignancies and DIC, especially in patients with unexplained clotting abnormalities or a known cancer diagnosis. Early recognition, prompt intervention, and a multidisciplinary approach involving oncologists, hematologists, and critical care specialists can significantly improve the outcomes for patients with DIC and underlying malignancies.


Typhlitis, also known as neutropenic enterocolitis, is a serious condition characterized by inflammation of the cecum (the first part of the large intestine) that primarily affects individuals with weakened immune systems, particularly those undergoing chemotherapy for cancer treatment. Early detection and prompt treatment are essential for managing typhlitis effectively. However, please note that while I strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it’s always important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance.

Early Detection:

  1. Awareness: Be aware of the risk factors associated with typhlitis, such as undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy, having a low white blood cell count (neutropenia), and having a weakened immune system.
  2. Monitoring: If you are undergoing cancer treatment or have a weakened immune system, your healthcare provider may closely monitor your blood counts, including white blood cell levels, to detect any signs of neutropenia. Regular blood tests and medical check-ups are essential.
  3. Symptoms: Pay attention to the symptoms of typhlitis, which may include abdominal pain or tenderness, fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and bloating. Contact your healthcare provider immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.


  1. Medical Evaluation: If typhlitis is suspected, your healthcare provider will conduct a thorough evaluation, including a physical examination, review of symptoms, and possibly imaging studies such as abdominal CT scan or ultrasound.
  2. Supportive Care: Treatment typically involves supportive care measures to manage symptoms and stabilize the condition. This may include fluid and electrolyte replacement, pain management, and antibiotics to prevent or treat infection.
  3. Neutropenic Precautions: Strict neutropenic precautions will be initiated, which involve taking measures to minimize the risk of infection. This may include isolation, limiting visitors, and practicing proper hand hygiene.
  4. Antibiotic Therapy: Broad-spectrum antibiotics are often administered to treat or prevent infection. The choice of antibiotics will depend on local guidelines and the individual’s specific condition.
  5. Nutritional Support: In severe cases, when oral intake is limited, nutritional support may be provided through intravenous or tube feeding to ensure adequate nutrition.
  6. Surgical Intervention: In rare cases, if there are complications like perforation or abscess formation, surgical intervention may be necessary.

It’s important to emphasize that early detection and prompt medical attention are crucial in managing typhlitis effectively. If you suspect you or someone you know may have typhlitis, it is vital to seek immediate medical care.

This post first appeared on DON STEVE, please read the originial post: here

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