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7 Types of Digital Marketing With Examples [2023 Guide]

Digital marketing is a proven method for achieving tangible company benefits. There are many types of digital marketing that get results for the company. But first, we must comprehend what this approach entails, how it operates, and the many sorts of Digital Marketing that may be employed.

It is essential to comprehend each sort of digital marketing if you want to increase traffic, acquire more clients, increase brand awareness, engage teams, or engage your audience.

Any advertising that makes use of electronic devices that marketing professionals may utilize to provide promotional content and track its effectiveness throughout the consumer journey. 

Online marketing, in practice, refers to advertising efforts that display on a laptop, smartphone, tablet, or even other gadgets. Online video, display advertisements, search engine optimization, paid social ads, and social media postings are all examples. 

Traditional marketing methods such as magazine advertisements, billboards, and direct mail are frequently contrasted with digital marketing. Surprisingly, television is frequently grouped with traditional marketing.

This guide was developed to assist you in learning more about this topic. Each of the most effective methods of Digital Marketing is described here, along with its benefits and aims, as well as when and how to utilize them.

So, please keep reading and let’s broaden our horizons!

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing, often known as online marketing, is the use of the internet and other kinds of digital communication to promote businesses and interact with potential consumers. This covers text and multimedia messaging as well as email, social media, and web-based advertising as marketing channels.

Advantages of Digital Marketing [With Infographic]

Digital marketing has grown in popularity due to its ability to reach a vast number of people, but it also provides a number of additional benefits. These are only a handful of the advantages.

6 Best Advantages of Digital Marketing

Geographically diverse

People can view your ad online regardless of where they are (assuming you haven’t restricted your ad geographically). This makes expanding your company’s market reach simple.


Digital marketing not only covers a larger audience but also has a cheaper cost than conventional marketing. Newspaper advertisements, television spots, and other traditional marketing avenues often have substantial overhead expenditures. They also provide you less control over whether or not your target audiences will receive those communications at all.

You may use digital marketing to attract people to your blog with only one piece of content as long as it is active. You may set up an email marketing campaign to send messages to certain consumer groups on a regular basis, and you can easily adjust the timetable or content if necessary.

When all is said and done, digital marketing provides you with far more freedom and client interaction for your business.

Quantifiable outcomes

To determine whether your marketing plan is effective, you must determine how many consumers it attracts and how much income it generates. But how can you achieve it with a marketing plan that isn’t digital?

“How did you find us?” is a classic question to ask each customer.

Regrettably, this does not apply to all sectors. Many businesses do not have the opportunity to speak with their clients one-on-one, and surveys do not always yield accurate answers.

Results tracking is straightforward with digital marketing. Whether it’s open email rates, visits to your home page, or direct transactions, digital marketing software and platforms automatically measure the number of targeted conversions.

Customization is Simple

In a manner that traditional marketing cannot, digital marketing allows you to collect customer data. Digitally acquired data is far more exact and detailed.

Assume you’re a financial services provider who wants to send out unique offers to those who have looked at your offerings. You know that tailoring the offer to the person’s interests would provide better results, so you decide to create two campaigns. The first is for young families who have looked into your life insurance products, and the second is for millennial entrepreneurs who have looked into your retirement plans.

Without automatic tracking, how can you collect all of that data? How many phone records would you have to examine? How many distinct client profiles exist? And how do you know whether or not the brochure you put out was read? The answer is digital marketing!

Increased client interaction

One of the pros of digital marketing is that you may connect with your consumers in real-time with digital marketing. It also enables them to communicate with you.

Consider your social media marketing plan. When your target audience views your most recent post, it’s terrific, but it’s even great when they remark or share it. It implies more buzz for your service or product, as well as greater visibility each time someone enters the conversation.

Your clients will gain from interactivity as well. As customers become active players in your brand’s story, their degree of engagement rises. This sense of belonging can lead to strong brand loyalty.

Conversions that are simple and convenient

Your clients may take action right after seeing your ad or content using digital marketing. The most immediate return you can expect with traditional marketing is a phone call immediately after someone sees your ad. But, whether you’re cleaning the dishes,traveling down the interstate, or updating data at work, how frequently do you have time to contact a company?

They may click a link or bookmark a blog article and progress directly down the sales funnel using digital marketing. They may not make a purchase right away, but they will keep in touch with you and allow you to contact them more.

Now, with no further wait, let us dive into the types of digital marketing with examples.

7 Different Types of Digital Marketing With Examples

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The purpose of SEO is to encourage a company’s website to rank higher in Google search results, resulting in more traffic from search engines. To do so, SEO marketers look for words and phrases that people use to seek information online and include them in their own material. As per studies, SEO includes a variety of factors, including the text on your web pages, how other sites connect to you on the web, and how your website is built. According to, an SEO professional may earn roughly $70,058.

With all the benefits of SEO, what are some ways to boost a website’s SEO? It’s critical to recognize that one of the factors that makes SEO difficult is that the answer to this query is always contingent on Google and its most recent algorithm. With that in mind, here are a few of the most crucial factors for SEO strategists and marketers, in general, to grasp how SEO works today:

Content indexing  

It’s critical to make it easy for search engines to understand what your site’s content is by including alt text for pictures and text transcripts for video and audio material.

Good link structure

It’s critical that search engines can “crawl” your site structure and discover all of your content quickly. An SEO professional may style links, URLs, and sitemaps in a variety of ways to make them more accessible to site crawlers.

Keywords and targeted keywords

One of the essential building blocks of SEO is properly employing your keywords – i.e. the search phrases you want your site to be found for – in your content and headers. Stuffing your content with as many keywords and keyword variants as possible is no longer a good idea. Writing high-quality content with keywords in the headers and a few times throughout the crawlable page content is now regarded as best practice and will improve page rankings.

Examples of SEO strategies

On-page SEO

On-page SEO refers to the changes you make to your website. You make adjustments to components on your website’s various pages in order to appear in more relevant search results.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO refers to factors that aren’t immediately on your website yet have an impact on its ranking. Backlinks are the most well-known. These factors have an influence on where you rank in search results, even if they are not on your website.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the final component of SEO. Technical SEO refers to features on your website’s back end that affect how people interact with the front end, such as site speed.

The image below is an example of SEO

2. Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)

Paid adverts and sponsored search engine results are referred to as pay-per-click. This is a short-term kind of digital marketing, meaning the ad will disappear once you stop paying. PPC, like SEO, is a strategy to boost a company’s internet search traffic.

Pay-per-click advertising includes ads that appear at the top and sides of search results pages, ads that appear when surfing the web, ads that appear before YouTube videos, and ads that appear in mobile applications.

Another feature that sets pay-per-click apart from SEO is that you just pay for the outcomes. In a traditional PPC strategy, such as a Google AdWords campaign, you will only pay for clicks.

When someone visits your website after clicking on your ad Pay-per-click advertising allows you to spend virtually any amount of money. Some businesses may get a return on their investment of a few hundred dollars, while many huge businesses spend tens of thousands of dollars every month on pay-per-click advertising.

The cost of running an ad or promoting your search results is mostly determined by the level of competition for your keywords. Keywords with high competition (i.e., those with a lot of people searching for them and a lot of sites wanting to be discovered for them) will cost more, while keywords with lesser competitiveness will likely cost less.

You may specify whether your ad or promoted results are shown to people all over the world or exclusively inside a certain geographic area when you set up a pay-per-click campaign. If you’re marketing a physical store, the ability to target customers based on their geography saves you money by preventing you from wasting ad expenditures on people who don’t reside in your area.

Examples of Pay-Per-Click Advertising

PPC is a payment strategy that is not tied to a certain site or area. As a result, you have a lot of alternatives when it comes to where you want your adverts to appear. The following are the most important:

PPC Ads in Search Engines

Search engine advertising (commonly known as SEM) allows you to show adverts to people depending on the terms they type into the search field (for example, “car-sharing in London”). The major search engines, such as Google and Bing, employ an auction-based PPC approach.

PPC Ads on Social Networks

Pay-per-click alternatives are available on most social media advertising tools, such as Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads.

These advertisements are embedded in the user’s social media experience, either in the news section or in a side column. One of their key advantages is that they enable you to leverage the information that social media networks have about their members to create highly segmented PPC advertising (for instance, “married females who have recently moved to X”).

PPC Display Ads

Finally, banner advertising linked to a brand’s goods and services or the interests of its target audience is shown using PPC.

3. Social Media Marketing(SMM)

This encompasses everything a company does through social media. Although almost everyone is acquainted with social media, marketers must use it in a planned and integrated manner due to the benefits that social media offers. Generating social media postings and reacting to comments are only the beginning of social media marketing.

Instead of being an afterthought, activities must be planned and consistent to be effective. There are several online tools available to automate and schedule social media postings to help keep messages consistent, but marketers should only use automation as a tool, not as a “set it and forget it” solution. If there is no genuine person behind the posts, users will immediately figure it out.

Entrepreneurs that use social media should not be isolated from other marketing functions. Social marketers must collaborate with the rest of the marketing team to ensure that the brand’s message is consistent across all channels, both online and offline.

Analytics is an important component of social media marketing: social media marketers must be adept at assessing the performance of their postings and developing plans based on that information. Another reason marketers should measure and track their initiatives on a regular basis is that this information helps them to demonstrate a campaign’s return on investment and whether it added value to the organization.

Beyond Instagram and Twitter, there are other free avenues for spreading your message. Google My Business, eBay, Facebook Messenger, and Marketplace are some of the other alternatives.

To put it another way, social media marketing is far more difficult than maintaining a personal Facebook or Twitter account. It necessitates a combination of creative thinking and objective, data-driven planning, and it might be a good fit for individuals who appreciate combining these two disciplines. According to, a social media analyst with a bachelor’s degree may make around $68,230.

An example of social media marketing is Apple’s – Shotoniphone

The perfect illustration of Apple must be mentioned in social media marketing strategies. Apple’s #ShotOniPhone social media campaign intends to promote user interaction and empower its own consumers to promote the brand. To participate in this user-generated content initiative, users only need to include the hashtag in the description of their social media postings.

The company will utilize the hashtag to announce enhancements in photography features and functionality of each new phone version by allowing users to do so themselves by posting images taken with their iPhones.

Apple has successfully developed a large amount of user-generated material through its user-generated content program, which empowers its own users. Apple has benefited greatly from original and creative material created by brand customers.

Apple did it with their hashtag campaigns #ShotOniPhone, #ShotOniPhone6, #ShotOniPhone7, and the like, with little marketing effort and input and maximum social notoriety.

4. Content Marketing

To raise brand recognition, content marketing employs narrative and information sharing. The ultimate aim is for the reader to take a step toward becoming a client, such as seeking additional information, joining an email list, or purchasing something.

Blog entries, resources like as white papers and e-books, digital videos, podcasts, and more are all examples of “content.” In general, it should deliver value to the consumer first and foremost, rather than simply market the brand or try to sell something. Content marketing is all about developing a long-term, trustworthy relationship with your consumers that can lead to several sales over time rather than just one.

Material marketing works in tandem with other forms of digital marketing: it’s a means to combine SEO search phrases into new website content, and the results may be disseminated via social media and email marketing.

Analyzing your content marketing statistics may reveal a lot about your customers: what are they looking for when they come to your site? What types of content entice people to stay on the site longer and explore? What types of things make them lose interest and leave?

Content marketing, unlike PPC advertising, is a long-term approach. According to Marketo, a marketing automation business, marketers build up a library of material (text, video, podcasts, etc.) over time that will continue to draw consumers to the site via search engines. This content collection also helps to spread brand awareness and raises your status as an information provider. When people come to your site for knowledge, you want them to remember you as an expert when it’s time to buy anything.

Individuals who like writing, video, and audio creation might consider content marketing. there are a lot of tools for content marketing However, like other aspects of digital marketing, it needs excellent strategic and analytic abilities.

An example of content marketing is Coke’s “Share A Coke” Campaign.

The campaign has since extended all across the world. What was the secret to its success? Personalization.

You felt unique because of Coke. You and your bottle were alone against the world. And content marketing is all about adding a human touch.

Coke wasn’t looking at vanity metrics, retargeting customers, or analyzing internet activity.

Instead, they focused on the most crucial aspect of a customer’s identity: their name. Everyone’s favourite subject is, after all, themselves. Using someone’s name as a starting point for getting them to pay attention is also a good idea.

5. Email Marketing

Despite the rise of social media, smartphone apps, and other platforms, email remains one of the most successful marketing tools, according to Rogers. It may be used as part of a content marketing plan to provide value to customers and convert them over time.

According to research, email marketing professionals are competent at not just creating attractive campaigns, but also understanding appropriate audience outreach and monitoring customer interactions and data and making strategic decisions based on that data.

The open rate – the proportion of recipients who viewed the email – and the click-through rate – the number of recipients who viewed the email and clicked on a link in the email – are two analytical measurements that email marketers are always aiming to improve.

According to Constant Contact, a renowned email marketing software business, there are several things marketers can do to make their emails more appealing to consumers and more likely to be opened. 

Among them are:

Make a Sense of Immediacy

Writing email language that informs readers that a special offer is running out of time or that just a limited number of offers are available might boost the number of people who visit your website.

Make Your Email More Personal

Including the recipient’s name in your emails and subject, lines have been shown to enhance open and click-through rates. (For instance, “Katie, a special deal only for you.”)

Allow recipients to choose their own preferences –

Allowing consumers to choose how frequently they want to hear from you can help you keep some of your email subscribers on your list and click on your emails.

An example of Email marketing is Uber’s mails.

Uber’s emails are elegant in their clarity. Deals and promotions are announced to email subscribers via emails like the one below. writing the best call to action in an email is essential, We like how the first explanation is succinct, with a clear CTA—excellent for recipients perusing the email fast.

These are followed by a more extensive (but still pleasingly basic) step-by-step explanation of how the deal works for those who wish to learn more.

It’s appreciable how consistent Uber’s email design is with its overall brand. Bright colours and geometric patterns are used in emails, much as they are in the app, website, social media photographs, and other components of the visual identity.

6. Mobile Marketing

This sort of digital marketing focuses on reaching out to your target audience via smartphone or tablet. Text messaging, social media, websites, email, and mobile applications are all examples of mobile marketing. Marketers can customize offers or unique content based on a customer’s location or time, such as when they visit a store or attend an event.

Consumers now spend five hours a day on their phones, according to a recent TechCrunch story. This is a 20% rise compared to the fourth quarter of 2015. In addition, users are spending far more time in apps than on mobile browsers. Users spend far more time with apps than they do with television. According to the TechCrunch report, 15 per cent of that app time is spent on entertainment applications like Netflix and Hulu, 19 per cent on Facebook’s mobile app, 12 per cent on other social and messaging apps, and 11 per cent on gaming apps.

According to Retail Dive, 45 per cent of all purchases use a mobile device in some form, whether it’s for research, pricing comparison, or making a purchase. That percentage is 57 per cent among the bulk of Millennials (those born between 1981 and 1997), according to the Pew Research Center.

Marketers understand that you must carry your message to your customers where they are, and one thing is certain: your prospective customers are on their smartphones.

An impressive example of mobile marketing is IKEA’s AR.

IKEA Place allows smartphone users to explore their catalogue as well as see how a piece of furniture will look in its intended setting. The smartphone app does the latter by overlaying a life-scale picture of the object over the backdrop acquired by the camera using Augmented Reality (AR).

IKEA Place now has over 370,000 active users across the world thanks to this innovative approach. Furthermore, this mobile marketing strategy increased engagement since app users spent an average of 8 minutes on the app, up from 3 minutes previously.

7. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing, also known as influencer marketing, has been popular among many organizations as a means of bridging the gap between customers and businesses as internet marketing has grown in significance. However, what exactly is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing takes use of industry experts and social media influencers’ rising popularity. Your company will partner with these third-party influencers in exchange for money to market your products or services. Influencers will engage their audiences through articles, blogs, or videos as part of cooperation to bring in more revenue and generate new leads for your company.

With new media like TikTok, Instagram, Youtube, and blogs becoming a widespread method of entertainment, news, and distribution in recent years, affiliate, or influencer marketing, has risen tremendously. One of the most prominent kinds of internet marketing is affiliate marketing. The affiliate marketing sector is anticipated to expand to $6.8 billion in 2020.

An example of affiliate marketing isSimple Rate.

“Creating a credit card finding app in the form of an interactive quiz was one of our most successful affiliate marketing campaigns we performed lately,” says Paul Kim of Simple Rate.

“At Simple Rate, we assist individuals, and companies select the perfect credit card, and instead of ranking all the cards in a normal affiliate piece, we design a quiz that takes less than 60 seconds to complete.” The quiz was billed as “Find the right credit card in under 60 seconds,” and the conversion rate was incredible.”

In conclusion,

Because digital marketers must always be where their consumers are, they must be aware of advances in technology, social media, and software.

Technology evolves swiftly; today’s popular social networking app may be all but forgotten by next year, yet many marketing fundamentals stay constant. (As stated above)

We hope the above comprehensive article on the types of digital marketing with their examples has been helpful for you. What do you feel regarding the same?

Do let us know in the comments section below.

This post first appeared on Best Online Digital Marketing Course, please read the originial post: here

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7 Types of Digital Marketing With Examples [2023 Guide]


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