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Selenium Interview Questions- Part 1

Are you gearing up for a career in software Testing or quality assurance? Our Selenium training program is your pathway to mastering the art of web automation and excelling in Selenium interviews. As you navigate the intricacies of Selenium automation, it’s crucial to be well-prepared in terms of technical skills and also in confidently answering interview questions. 

Whether you’re new to Selenium or seeking to advance your skills, our training and interview question resources are tailored to elevate your career prospects. With a strong foundation in Selenium and the ability to tackle interview questions with finesse, you’ll be well-prepared to take on the dynamic world of software testing and automation.

Enroll in our Selenium training program and explore our interview questions blog to embark on a growth, learning, and interview success journey. Your future in Selenium automation starts here.

Different types of waits in Selenium include implicit, explicit, and fluent waits.

  • Implicit wait: waits for a certain amount of time before throwing an exception if the element is not found

  • Explicit wait: waits for a certain condition to be met before proceeding with the next step

  • Fluent wait: waits for a certain condition to be met within a specified time frame, polling at regular intervals

  • Examples: WebDriverWait, ExpectedConditions

To handle broken links in Selenium, we can use the HTTPURLConnection class to check the response code of the link.

  • Get all the links on the page using findElements() method

  • Iterate through each link and get the href attribute

  • Create a URL object for the href attribute

  • Open a connection using HTTPURLConnection class

  • Get the response code using getResponseCode() method

  • If the response code is not 200, mark the link as broken

List of common WebDriver exceptions

  • NoSuchElementException – When an element is not found in the DOM

  • TimeoutException – When a command takes too long to complete

  • StaleElementReferenceException – When an element is no longer attached to the DOM

  • ElementNotVisibleException – When an element is present in the DOM but not visible

  • ElementNotInteractableException – When an element is present in the DOM but not interactable

  • InvalidElementStateException – When an element is in an invalid state for the command

  • InvalidSelectorException – When an invalid selector is used

  • NoSuchWindowException – When a window is not found

  • SessionNotFoundException – When a session is not found

  • UnhandledAlertException – When an unexpected alert is present

  • WebDriverException – General exception for WebDriver errors

Challenges in Selenium include browser compatibility, dynamic elements, and test maintenance.

  • Browser compatibility issues can arise due to differences in browser versions and configurations.

  • Dynamic elements can cause tests to fail if not handled properly.

  • Test maintenance can be challenging due to changes in the application under test.

  • Synchronization issues can occur when the test script runs faster than the application.

  • Handling pop-ups and alerts can be tricky.

  • Cross-domain testing can be difficult.

  • Debugging can be time-consuming.

  • Integration with other tools can be challenging.

TestNG is a testing framework for Java while Cucumber is a BDD tool for behavior-driven development.

  • TestNG is used for unit, functional, and integration testing

  • Cucumber is used for acceptance testing and supports BDD

  • TestNG uses annotations to define test methods and groups

  • Cucumber uses Gherkin syntax to define scenarios and steps

  • TestNG generates HTML reports while Cucumber generates reports in various formats

  • TestNG supports parallel testing while Cucumber does not

  • TestNG can be integrated with Selenium for web testing

  • Cucumber can be integrated with various programming languages and tools

  • TestNG is widely used in the Java community while Cucumber is popular in the Agile community

I have used various javascript commands in Selenium such as executeScript, executeAsyncScript, etc.

  • executeScript() method is used to execute JavaScript code in the context of the currently selected frame or window.

  • executeAsyncScript() method is used to execute asynchronous JavaScript code in the context of the currently selected frame or window.

  • Other commonly used JavaScript commands in Selenium include getElementById(), getElementsByClassName(), etc.

I have used concepts like OOPs, Exception Handling, Collections, and Multithreading in my Selenium script.

  • Used OOPs concepts like inheritance and polymorphism to create reusable code

  • Implemented Exception Handling to handle unexpected errors and exceptions

  • Used Collections like ArrayList and HashMap to store and retrieve data

  • Implemented Multithreading to run tests in parallel for faster execution

  • Used WebDriver interface to interact with web elements and perform actions

Agile methodology is an iterative approach to software development that emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and customer satisfaction. CI/CD pipeline is a set of practices that automate the process of building, testing, and deploying software.

  • Agile methodology involves breaking down a project into smaller, more manageable pieces called sprints.

  • Each sprint involves a cross-functional team working together to deliver a working product increment.

  • CI/CD pipeline involves continuous integration, which means that code changes are frequently merged into a shared repository and tested automatically.

  • CD stands for continuous delivery or continuous deployment, which means that changes are automatically deployed to production if they pass all tests.

  • Examples of tools used in CI/CD pipeline include Jenkins, Git, and Docker.

To insert value in text box using Excel sheet through Selenium, we need to read data from Excel and use sendKeys() method.

  • Read data from excel using Apache POI or JXL library

  • Identify the text box element using Selenium

  • Use sendKeys() method to insert the value from Excel into the text box

To identify objects in Selenium, we use locators such as ID, Name, Class Name, XPath, CSS Selector, etc.

  • Locators are used to identify web elements on a page

  • ID and Name are the most commonly used locators

  • XPath and CSS Selector are more powerful but slower

  • Class Name is useful for identifying multiple elements with the same class

  • Locators can be used with findElement() and findElements() methods

  • Example: driver.findElement(“username”));

Selenium is a popular automation testing tool used for web applications. It has various methods and commands for testing.

  • Selenium WebDriver is used for automating web applications

  • findElement() method is used to locate an element on the web page

  • sendKeys() method is used to enter text into a text field

  • click() method is used to click on an element

  • getTitle() method is used to get the title of the web page

  • getText() method is used to get the text of an element

  • getAttribute() method is used to get the value of an attribute of an element

TestNG is a testing framework for Java. Annotations like @Test, @BeforeMethod, @AfterMethod, etc. are used to define test cases and their order of execution.

  • @Test annotation is used to define a test case.

  • @BeforeMethod and @AfterMethod annotations are used to define pre and post-conditions for each test case.

  • Test cases can be grouped using @Test annotation with ‘groups’ parameter.

  • Test cases can be prioritized using @Test annotation with ‘priority’ parameter.

  • Test cases can be enabled/disabled using @Test annotation with ‘enabled’ parameter.

Syntax to take a screenshot in Selenium Python.

  • Import the necessary modules – ‘webdriver’ and ‘datetime’

  • Create an instance of the webdriver

  • Use the ‘get_screenshot_as_file’ method to take the screenshot

  • Save the screenshot with a unique name and location

  • Example: driver.get_screenshot_as_file(‘C:/Screenshots/screenshot.png’)

GeckoDriver helps Selenium talk to Firefox and do tests on web pages

Headless browser testing means running tests without showing a visible browser, which makes testing faster.

The post Selenium Interview Questions- Part 1 appeared first on Intelli Mindz.

This post first appeared on Python Course In Bangalore, please read the originial post: here

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Selenium Interview Questions- Part 1


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