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How To Find The Correct Rapid elearning Authoring Tools?

Rapid eLearning Authoring Tools are growing popular day by day. The eLearning companies and organizations use the Rapid Authoring Tools to develop the eLearning courses faster and more efficiently. But, there are many rapid authoring tools available nowadays. So, the clients must choose the right tool very carefully. In this blog, we will discuss how to choose the correct rapid eLearning authoring tools. 

In this blog, we will cover:

  • What is a rapid authoring tool?
  • Why are they popular, and what is their use?
  • How to choose the correct rapid authoring tool?

What is a Rapid Authoring Tool?

The rapid authoring tools have many templates and functionalities, which helps us develop the eLearning courses quickly. One does not need much coding or other hard technical skills to develop these courses. That is why it saves a lot of time and effort for the companies. 

There are different types of rapid authoring tools available in the market. But, you must ensure that the rapid authoring tools develop eLearning courses that comply with SCORM guidelines. Such courses are easier to share and can be preserved for the future. 

Hence, by using rapid authoring tools, you can develop relevant courses instantly and catch up with the trend in the market. But, to optimize the benefits of this process, you must choose the right rapid eLearning tool and have good expertise in that tool too! That is why it is important to choose the tool very carefully.     

Why Are Rapid eLearning Tools Popular?

The rapid authoring tools enjoy immense popularity due to multiple reasons. Let’s explore some of those reasons below. 

They Help To Catch Up With The Trend

When it comes to eLearning, catching up with the trend is extremely important. Many courses have very extreme highs and lows, and the eLearning companies need to publish the courses right on time to leverage the high popularity of the topics. 

But, if you start developing the courses using conventional methods, it might take 15 days or sometimes even a month to create an eLearning course. In this time frame, many other companies would have already launched their courses. 

But, rapid authoring provides a remedy to this situation. These tools help to create complete courses within a very short time. Hence, the companies can launch the courses faster, ensuring maximum profits. 

They Can Repurpose Existing eLearning Content

Repurposing becomes way easier with rapid eLearning tools. With the rapid eLearning authoring tools, you can repurpose all digital eLearning materials. 

There’s no need to redesign; only simple modifications to the existing content will do the job! Repurposing isn’t only the thing that rapid eLearning tools do! 

Think about the entire process.

Creating a brand new module with images, presentations, and graphics is cumbersome. But, everything is spared with the rapid authoring tools. Along with time, you can also save yourself money.

They Save Time and Money 

Continuing the last point, let’s understand better how rapid authoring tools save time and money. 

Developing eLearning courses takes up a lot of time. But, with rapid authoring tools, you have a wide range of eLearning templates, objects, and themes. All these can be simply dragged and dropped in the eLearning course. 

HTML coding is indeed time-consuming work. But, with user-friendly interfaces of rapid eLearning authoring tools, developers can quickly create multimedia. 

With the reduction in eLearning development time, you’ll also see a reduction in costs. Rapid authoring tools allow you to save money by opting for third-party tools.

With an LMS with rapid eLearning tools integration, the costs are comparatively reduced. How? Also read Everything That Brands Should Know About Rapid eLearning Development

Along with devoting less money to payroll, companies can also save on the upfront tool costs.

They Help With Easy Updates

 Updates aren’t a problem anymore! All you need to do is access the eLearning content via the rapid authoring tool dashboard and make the necessary changes.

Without rapid authoring tools, it would have been a challenging task. The traditional way of creation would have involved a complete redesign of the eLearning content module. 

For organizations and businesses planning to expand in the future, rapid eLearning authoring tools are the best option. Because, with them, companies can scale up eLearning courses at cost-effective rates. 

They Help Enhance Performance

How will learners improve if there’s no one to keep track of their performance? But, with rapid eLearning tools, there are no more reasons to fret!

With rapid authoring tools, learners can keep track of their performance. Rapid eLearning tools create a learning environment that helps the learners access all the required materials.

Tracking performance isn’t easy with rapid authoring tools; it isn’t that critical either! 

The above points justify the reasons for the avid popularity of rapid authoring tools. Now, as far as rapid eLearning tools’ usage is concerned, some undeniable points sum it up:

  • The elearning development time sees a significant reduction.
  • You can publish LMS-compatible eLearning courses according to the latest technical standards.
  • With rapid authoring tools, it becomes easier to update existing eLearning courses. 
  • You also see improvements in learners’ engagement and participation.

Yes, rapid authoring tools are way too beneficial. But, you can properly utilize it if you have the right authoring tool. But, how to select one? We’ll help you.

How to Choose the Correct Authoring Tool?

Ask an eLearning developer about their favorite thing about creating eLearning courses. Rapid authoring tools will be the definite answer.  The reasons for its immense popularity have been stated in the points above. 

Along with improved popularity,  many authoring tools have come to the scene so much that it has become difficult for the companies to choose the one that’ll meet their custom eLearning needs.

But, the few pointers that we’ll offer will help companies choose the best rapid authoring tool.

Competency in the Tool Matters

There is a myriad of rapid eLearning authoring tools available in the market today. But don’t be overwhelmed with the other features. Make sure the learning designers are comfortable with the rapid eLearning tool you choose. 

Who do you think is at a loss if you choose an authoring tool that your team isn’t familiar with? It’s your company.  So, make sure your team can utilize and make the best use of the chosen rapid authoring tool.

But, if you want to try it with a  new tool. Take care of this checklist first.

  • Review the technical support 
  • Review the online tutorials 
  • Hire an expert 
  • Know about its pros and cons
  • And then make a decision.

Comparison and Analysis Matters

As already stated, plenty of rapid eLearning authoring tools are available in the market, so make a wise decision.

Your eLearning course will have its own unique features. And accordingly, you’ll need to choose a tool that meets your needs. 

See, honestly, a rapid authoring tool may have the highest ratings but still be a bad choice for your company. So, it is necessary to compare and analyze various authoring tools before making a decision. 

You need to be aware of the functions and intricacies of each tool. An accurate understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the various authoring tools will help your organization compare and analyze.  And then you can come up with the best option.

Support Responsive Design is a Must 

eLearning courses must be compatible with all devices today. This allows them to engage with the content anytime and anywhere! So, responsive design is the ultimate necessity in eLearning courses.

Most of the rapid eLearning authoring tools support responsive design in today’s scenario. But, some specific tools help companies with more options in responsive designs.

Such authoring tools can meet your company’s requirements to offer a seamless experience to the learners.

Evaluating the Media Libraries and Assets is a Must 

Every authoring tool has assets and media libraries. But how many of us are aware of it?  

If you know the media libraries and assets that your rapid authoring tool provides, you can know the best time to leverage them. And, in the process, gain maximum advantage.

Take a note. 

Make sure to compare the multiple assessment templates offered by various tools and take a look at the available customized feedback options.

Select the one that works best for you.

Easy Translation is a Must 

What’s one major difference between traditional and eLearning courses?

Traditional courses have a limited audience, but you can encourage a million people globally with eLearning courses.

But, if that’s your target, your company must focus on removing the language barriers. To make your eLearning company a global hit, catering to the target audience is necessary.

So, companies must opt for a rapid authoring tool that supports course translation with minimum effort and time. 

Final Words

Rapid eLearning authoring tools have made course creation easier, time-saving, and cost-effective. Companies face many challenges in selecting the right authoring tool for their custom e-learning courses with so many options available.

But with Acadecraft in the picture, all such worries vanish like fumes! We are an ed-tech company offering the best rapid authoring tools and rapid eLearning solutions at the most affordable rates. Join in our venture to provide the best eLearning content worldwide.

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How To Find The Correct Rapid elearning Authoring Tools?


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