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10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

Find yourself constantly feeling depleted and like you need the approval of your narcissist. It may be time to assess whether or not this person is an Emotionally Needy Narcissist.

An Emotionally Needy narcissist will often take advantage of weaker or more vulnerable people, using them for their own gain.

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10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

1 – They are always the victim

10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

It can be hard to deal with an emotionally Needy Narcissist. They always have to be the victim, and they will suck you dry of all your positive energy.

If you can, try to set boundaries and stick to them. Narcissists are very good at manipulating people, so it can be hard to say no, but if you don’t put your foot down, they will continue to take advantage of you.

Keep in mind that narcissists are not capable of change, so don’t expect them to get better. The best thing you can do is distance yourself from them and move on.

What Is Victim Mentality?: 10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

When people think of the term “victim mentality,” they often think of someone who is always playing the victim in every situation and never takes any personal responsibility for their life.

While this may be one type of person with a victim mentality, it’s not the only one. There are different types of victim mentality, each with its unique set of characteristics.

One type of person with a victim mentality is the perpetual victim. This type of person always seems to have something bad happen to them, and they often play the victim role to get attention or sympathy from others.

They may also use their victim status as an excuse not to take responsibility for their own life or choices.

Another type of person with a victim mentality is the martyr. This type of person often feels like they’re always doing things for others and never getting anything in return.

You Cannot Help Someone With A Victim Mentality

People with a victim mentality often feel like they are not in control of their lives and that the cards are stacked against them. They may feel like they are always the one who gets hurt or taken advantage of.

People with a victim mentality typically need someone else to help them change their mindset and take control of their life.

Unfortunately, you cannot help someone with a victim mentality until they want to help themselves.

You can provide support and encouragement, but you cannot force them to change.

Until they are ready to take responsibility for their own life, they will continue to see themselves as victims.

2 – They need constant validation

10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

Narcissists are emotionally needy people who require constant validation from others. They often have a grandiose view of themselves and need others to agree with them or admire them. If someone does not meet their high expectations, they may become angry, resentful, or even vindictive.

Dealing with an emotionally needy narcissist can be difficult. It is important to remember that they are not doing this on purpose and cannot help how they feel.

Try to be understanding and patient, and avoid giving them too much attention. Let them know when they are crossing the line, but do so constructively.

Why Do Narcissists Need So Much Validation?: 10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

Narcissists need validation to feel good about themselves. They often have a fragile ego and need others to tell them they are smart, pretty, and successful. Narcissists also like to be the center of attention and need validation from others to feel important.

Some people may give narcissists validation out of fear or because they want something from the narcissist. But some people genuinely like a narcissist and enjoy giving them compliments. These people may think that narcissists are charming or fun to be around.

Although validation feels good for narcissists, it is not a healthy way to get their needs met. Narcissists need to learn how to meet their own needs instead of relying on others for validation.

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3 – They have a high need for control

10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

Dealing with an emotionally needy narcissist can be a daunting task. They have a high need for control and often put their own needs above everyone else’s.

They may come across as charming and charismatic at first, but their true colors will eventually shine through. If you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, there are some things you can do to manage the situation better.

First, it’s essential to understand that they will never change. They may promise to change, but it’s just a ploy to get what they want from you.

Second, set boundaries and stick to them. Don’t let the narcissist manipulate you into doing things you don’t want to do.

And lastly, don’t take their behavior personally. Remember that it’s not about you; it’s about them.

Why Do Narcissists Need To Control Others?: 10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

There are many reasons why narcissists need to control others.

One reason is that narcissists have low self-esteem and a fragile ego. They need to feel influential and in control to boost their self-image.

Another reason is that narcissists are usually very insecure and need to be the center of attention at all times to feel validated. They also lack empathy and compassion, so they don’t care about the feelings of others. They only care about themselves and their own needs.

Lastly, narcissists are often pathological liars and manipulators, so they use control as a way to get what they want from others.

4 – They are hypersensitive to criticism

10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

If you are in a relationship with an emotionally needy narcissist, you know that criticism is not tolerated. They are hypersensitive to any perceived criticism and will lash out at you in response.

If you make the mistake of criticizing them, they will likely turn the tables on you and criticize you for being critical.

The best way to deal with an emotionally needy narcissist is to avoid criticizing them altogether. If a problem needs to be addressed, approach it from a neutral standpoint and avoid making it personal.

It’s also important to remember that they cannot accept constructive criticism, so don’t bother trying to give it to them.

Narcissists Are Very Thin Skinned: 10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

If you cross a narcissist, be prepared to face their wrath. Narcissists have fragile skin and can’t stand it when they are criticized or confronted. They often react with anger, rage, or even violence. This can be extremely intimidating for people who don’t know how to handle it.

Narcissists often need constant validation from others and become easily hurt if they don’t receive the admiration they feel they deserve. If you make them feel like they’re not the best since sliced bread, they’ll likely come after you with a vengeance.

It’s important to remember that narcissists are very fragile creatures who are constantly in search of approval. If you can learn how to deal with their outbursts, you’ll be better equipped to protect yourself from them.

** FYI: To not be like the narcissist, I suggest you learn how to become Anti-Fragile. Learn how to not be moved or deterred by the opinions of other people.

I highly recommend that you pick up this book “Anti-Fragile” by Nassim Taleb. If you don’t like reading you can listen to the Audiobook and with the link provided, you can sign up to Audible for free and listen to it.

5 – They take everything personally

10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

If you have a friend, family member, or partner who is emotionally needy and narcissistic, you know how difficult they can be to deal with. They take everything personally and are quick to react with anger, hurt, or shame.

Narcissists often require excessive validation and attention to feel good about themselves. They have difficulty tolerating any criticism or perceived slight.

If you find yourself in a narcissistic relationship, it’s essential to set boundaries and protect yourself from their abuse.

Narcissists often try to control and manipulate their victims by making them feel guilty or worthless.

It’s important to remember that you are not responsible for the narcissist’s feelings, and you cannot change them. You can only change how you respond to them.

Narcissists Are Kidults: 10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

Most people grow out of their narcissistic stage by reaching adulthood. Narcissists, however, never grow up. They remain fixated in a self-centered world where they are the center of everything, and everyone else exists to serve them.

In other words, these people are kidults.

Narcissists constantly seek validation from others but never really feel satisfied. This leads to a lot of drama and chaos in their lives as they continuously seek new ways to boost their egos.

Narcissists can be very manipulative and often use others to get what they want. They are also very good at hiding their true motives, making them difficult to spot.

If you have a narcissist in your life, it’s essential to be aware of the signs to protect yourself from their manipulation.

6 – They are afraid of accountability

10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

Dealing with an emotionally needy narcissist can be a daunting task. They are often afraid of accountability and will go to great lengths to avoid it. 

They may try to manipulate you into taking the blame for their wrongdoings or making you feel like you are the one who is needy and desperate. 

It is essential to stand your ground and maintain healthy boundaries. Remember, you are not responsible for their behavior, and you cannot change them.

Narcissist Like To Shift Blame On Others: 10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

Narcissists are masters of manipulation. They often like to shift the blame on others to make themselves look innocent. This way, they can avoid taking any responsibility for their actions.

Furthermore, narcissists also like to control and manipulate those around them. They will often use guilt trips or gaslighting to get what they want.

Lastly, narcissists have a strong sense of entitlement and often feel above the law.

7 – They have a fragile ego

10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

When we think of someone with a fragile ego, we might picture someone who is easily offended and quick to anger.

While these qualities may be indicative of a fragile ego, the definition is broader than that. A fragile ego can be defined as a person whose self-esteem and sense of identity are highly dependent on external validation.

People with fragile egos often have a minimal sense of self-worth and are very vulnerable to criticism.

They tend to be very insecure and need constant reassurance from others that they are good, competent, and essential.

When their self-esteem is challenged, or they experience failure, they can become very defensive and even lash out at others.

A person with a fragile ego can be challenging to deal with because their needs are always in conflict with the needs of others.

Narcissists Need Us To Reassure Them That They Matter: 10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

Narcissists need us to reassure them that they matter. They often require excessive admiration and attention, which can be draining for the people around them.

Narcissists may also be very sensitive to criticism and can become defensive or even hostile when their self-image is questioned.

It’s important to remember that narcissists are not necessarily bad people; they have a different way of viewing the world.

By understanding what motivates them, we can learn to deal with them more effectively.

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8 – They are manipulative and exploitative

10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

If you are in a relationship with an emotionally needy narcissist, you are likely feeling drained and used. These individuals are experts at manipulating others and exploiting them for their gain.

They may make you feel like you are the only one who understands them or that they cannot live without you. However, this is simply a ploy to keep you under their control.

The best way to deal with an emotionally needy narcissist is to set boundaries and stick to them.

Be clear about what you will and will not tolerate, and do not let yourself be manipulated or guilt-tripped into doing things that you don’t want to do.

It may be difficult at first, but eventually, the narcissist will get the message and back off.

It is also essential to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally when dealing with an emotionally needy narcissist.

Narcissists’ Tactics To Control: Gaslighting – 10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

Narcissists use various tactics to control their victims. One such tactic is gaslighting.

Gaslighting is a manipulation technique that causes the victim to question their sanity.

The narcissist will often make subtle comments or accusations designed to make the victim doubt their memory or perception of events.

For example, the narcissist may say “I never said that” in response to something the victim remembers them saying. Or they may accuse the victim of being crazy or paranoid.

By making the victim second-guess, the narcissist can gain more control over them.

Narcissists’ Tactics To Control: Guilt-Tripping – 10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

Narcissists will use guilt-tripping as a way to control those around them. By making someone feel guilty, the narcissist can get what they want from the person.

They may even use this tactic with people they are in a relationship with. The narcissist may make their partner feel like they are never good enough and are always doing something wrong.

This can lead to the partner feeling guilty and wanting to make up for their “mistakes.” The narcissist may also use guilt-tripping to get what they want from friends or family.

For example, they may ask for favors and make the person feel bad if they don’t do what the narcissist wants.

Narcissists’ Tactics To Control: Projecting – 10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

Many people with narcissistic personality disorder use projection to control and manipulate others. They will often accuse their victims of doing the things they are guilty of.

This is a way to deflect attention away from their behavior and put the focus on their accuser. Narcissists will also use projection to make themselves feel better about themselves.

They may claim that someone is jealous of them or trying to hurt them when, in reality, that person is just trying to tell the narcissist what they need to hear.

9 – They are often drama queens or kings

10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

If you have a friend, family member, or partner who is emotionally needy and narcissistic, you know that dealing with them can be a real challenge.

These individuals often require a lot of attention and drama to feel satisfied. They may be very demanding and make unreasonable requests. And they can be susceptible to any perceived criticism or slight.

If you cannot meet their needs, they may become angry or withdraw from you completely. It’s important to remember that these people are not easy to deal with, but there are things you can do to help manage the situation.

First, try to understand what is driving their behavior. Narcissists often feel insecure and need constant reassurance that they are loved and valued. They may also be looking for someone to take care of them and make all of their problems go away, like KIDULTS.

10 – They are just annoying to be around

10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

People who are emotionally needy and narcissistic can be draining to be around. They often require much attention and make themselves the center of attention. This can be very frustrating, especially if you are trying to get things done or have other things you need to attend to.

Final Words: 10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist

If you are experiencing any of the signs mentioned in this article, you may be dealing with an emotionally needy narcissist.

It is important to remember that you are not responsible for their behavior and that you deserve to be treated with respect and consideration.

If you are in a relationship with an emotionally needy narcissist, it is best to seek help from a professional.

This post first appeared on A Personal Lifestyle, please read the originial post: here

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10 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Needy Narcissist


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