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20 Things About PARA Commandos You Didn’t Know


The PARA Commandos, also known as the Parachute Regiment, are an elite special forces unit of the Indian Army. Renowned for their bravery, physical prowess, and specialized training, PARA Commandos are often called upon for high-risk operations. In this article, we will delve into 20 lesser-known facts about the PARA Commandos, shedding light on their history, training, and remarkable capabilities.

  1. Elite Special Forces: The PARA Commandos are one of India’s most elite special forces units, comparable to the British SAS and the United States Navy SEALs.
  2. Rich Heritage: The Parachute Regiment was formed in 1941 during World War II and has a long and distinguished history, with several battle honours to its name.
  3. Airborne Assault Experts: The PARA Commandos specialize in airborne assault operations, including parachute jumps from aircraft and helicopter-borne assaults.
  4. Selection Process: The selection process to become a PARA Commando is incredibly rigorous, with a high attrition rate. Candidates undergo grueling physical and mental tests to prove their mettle.
  5. Combat Divers: PARA Commandos are trained as combat divers, enabling them to operate in various aquatic environments and conduct special underwater missions.
  6. Sniper Training: Sniper training is an integral part of the PARA Commandos’ training curriculum. They undergo specialized sniper courses to develop exceptional marksmanship skills.
  7. Mountain Warfare Experts: The PARA Commandos are extensively trained in mountain warfare, which equips them to operate in high-altitude terrains, including the challenging Himalayan region.
  8. Jungle Warfare Specialists: The dense jungles of India present unique challenges, and the PARA Commandos are trained to navigate through them expertly. They acquire skills in survival, tracking, and guerrilla warfare.
  9. Counter-Terrorism Operations: PARA Commandos are frequently deployed in counter-terrorism operations, rescuing hostages, and neutralizing threats in urban environments.
  10. Close Quarter Battle (CQB): The PARA Commandos are proficient in CQB, which involves engaging adversaries in confined spaces with precision and speed.
  11. Surgical Strikes: The PARA Commandos are adept at carrying out surgical strikes, quick and precise military operations against specific targets, often deep within enemy territory.
  12. UN Peacekeeping Missions: PARA Commandos have been part of various United Nations peacekeeping missions, contributing to global peace and stability.
  13. Specialized Weapons and Equipment: PARA Commandos have access to a wide range of state-of-the-art weaponry, including assault rifles, sniper rifles, explosives, and cutting-edge communication equipment.
  14. High Physical Fitness Standards: PARA Commandos maintain exceptionally high physical fitness standards. Regular physical training and fitness tests ensure they are always at their peak performance.
  15. Operational Secrecy: PARA Commandos operate under a veil of secrecy. Their identities and missions are often classified to protect national security.
  16. Women in PARA: In recent years, women have been inducted into the PARA Commandos, breaking gender barriers and contributing to the unit’s diverse capabilities.
  17. Combat Free Fall: The PARA Commandos are trained in combat free fall techniques, allowing them to perform high-altitude jumps with specialized equipment, such as oxygen masks and navigation aids.
  18. Extensive Cross Training: PARA Commandos undergo cross-training with other special forces units, both domestically and internationally, to enhance their skills and exchange knowledge.
  19. Multiple Awards and Decorations: The PARA Commandos have received numerous awards for their gallantry and exceptional service, including the prestigious Param Vir Chakra and Ashok Chakra.
  20. Sacrifice and Honor: The PARA Commandos epitomize the values of sacrifice, dedication, and honor. They serve as an inspiration to the nation and a symbol of unwavering bravery.

Conclusion: The PARA Commandos are an exceptional special forces unit, revered for their unmatched bravery and remarkable skills. Through their rigorous training, versatility in various terrains, and specialization in airborne operations, they have become an integral part of India’s military might. These 20 lesser-known facts provide a glimpse into the incredible world of the PARA Commandos and their vital role in safeguarding national security.

This post first appeared on Best NDA Coaching Institute In Dehradun, please read the originial post: here

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20 Things About PARA Commandos You Didn’t Know
