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What Skills Do You Need to Be a Kennel Assistant? Best Guide

If you’re looking for a career that involves working with animals, becoming a kennel assistant may be a perfect choice.

Kennel assistants care for dogs and cats in a kennel setting. They typically have a wide range of duties that vary depending on the facility’s specific needs.

If you’re interested in becoming a kennel assistant and know what skills do you need to be a kennel assistant, you must know what skills you’ll need to succeed in this field.

Here are the essential skills that all kennel assistants should possess:

What is a kennel assistant?

A kennel assistant is a professional who works in a facility that cares for animals, such as a shelter or veterinary clinic.

Kennel assistants are responsible for the day-to-day care of the animals in their facility, including feeding, watering, exercising, and cleaning.

In addition, kennel assistants must be able to provide basic medical care, such as administering medication and checking for signs of illness or injury.

To be successful in this role, kennel assistants must have a strong passion for animal welfare and be able to work well under pressure.

They must also be able to handle large and small animals safely and effectively.

Now, after we established what is a kennel assistant we can finally explain What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant!

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant?

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant?

Being a kennel assistant requires a mix of hard and soft skills.

On the hard skills side, you need to be able to lift heavy dogs, handle dog food and waste, and clean extensively. You must also be comfortable working around dogs of all sizes and temperaments.

As for soft skills, excellent customer service is a must, as is the ability to remain calm under pressure. Patience is also key, as is the ability to follow instructions.

In addition, kennel assistants need to be able to work independently and take initiative when needed. Those who possess these skills will thrive as kennel assistants.

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant? Here are the most important skills you need to master to become a kennel assistant:

Animal care skills

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant – Animal care skills

Individuals who wish to work as kennel assistants should be passionate about animal care and possess several important skills.

  • First and foremost, kennel assistants must be able to maintain a clean and safe environment for the animals in their care. This includes cleaning cages and kennels, disinfecting surfaces, and ensuring that food and water bowls are always full.
  • In addition, kennel assistants must be able to identify signs of illness or injury in animals and know when to seek medical attention.
  • They also need to be able to handle animals safely and confidently, as some animals may be aggressive or frightened.
  • Finally, kennel assistants should have excellent customer service skills, as they will often be clients’ first point of contact.

Those with these skills and traits will be well-suited to a career path as a kennel assistant.

Interpersonal skills

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant – Interpersonal skills

We can’t tell you what skills do you need to be a kennel assistant without talking about interpersonal skills.

If you’re thinking of becoming a kennel assistant, there are certain interpersonal skills that you’ll need to be successful in the role.

  • First and foremost, you must be comfortable working with all kinds of animals. This includes everything from dogs and cats to rabbits and reptiles.
  • You’ll also need to be able to handle the occasional aggressive animal, so a calm and confident demeanor is essential.
  • Furthermore, you should be able to build relationships with both clients and co-workers. As a kennel assistant, you’ll be interacting with people regularly, so you must be friendly and easy to get along with.
  • Finally, good organizational skills are also a must. From keeping the kennel clean to scheduling appointments, there will be a lot of little details for you to keep track of.

If you have the necessary interpersonal skills, then a career as a kennel assistant could be the perfect fit for you.

Scheduling skills

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant – Scheduling skills

As a kennel assistant, one of the most important skills you can develop is good scheduling skills.

Because you will be responsible for the care of multiple animals, it is essential that you can keep track of when each animal needs to be fed, exercised, and groomed.

Furthermore, you will also need to be able to schedule your own time to complete all of your tasks promptly. This might sound like a lot to keep track of, but with a little practice, it can become second nature.

In addition to developing good scheduling habits, it is also important to be flexible and adaptable. No two days at the kennel are ever exactly the same, and you will need to be able to adjust your schedule on the fly to accommodate the needs of the animals in your care.

By developing these skills, you will be well on becoming a successful kennel assistant.

Time management skills

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant – Time management skills

Any good kennel assistant knows that time management skills are essential. After all, there is a lot to be done in a day, and it is important to prioritize tasks and use time wisely.

A well-run kennel requires cleaning, feeding, exercising, and socializing the dogs, and all of these tasks must be completed promptly.

In addition, the kennel assistant must handle any unexpected events, such as a dog getting sick or an owner coming to pick up their pet early.

By staying organized and efficient, the kennel assistant can ensure that all the dogs in their care are happy and healthy.

Animal behavior analysis

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant? – Animal behavior analysis

As a kennel assistant, it is important to have skills in animal behavior analysis. This will allow you to properly care for the animals in your charge and ensure their safety and well-being.

By understanding how animals behave, you will be better able to identify signs of stress or discomfort and take steps to address these issues.

Additionally, animal behavior knowledge can help you develop a stronger bond with the animals in your care.

When you understand why an animal behaves in a certain way, it is easier to forge a connection with them.

As such, skills in animal behavior analysis are essential for anyone working as a kennel assistant.

Record keeping abilities

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant – Record keeping abilities

One of the most important skills for a kennel assistant is keeping accurate records.

This includes everything from tracking which dogs are scheduled for baths and grooming appointments to keeping track of which dogs need to be vaccinated and when.

Accurate record-keeping is essential for providing the best possible care for the animals in our care.

It also helps to ensure that we comply with all local, state, and federal regulations.

In addition, accurate records can be helpful in an emergency, such as a dog escaping from the kennel.

We can quickly and easily locate the dog and reunite it with its owner by having up-to-date records.

High attention to detail

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant – High attention to detail

Working as a kennel assistant requires high attention to detail skills.

You will need to be able to keep track of the animals in your care, their food and water intake, medical needs, and exercise schedule.

In addition, you will need to maintain a clean and safe environment for the animals. This means cleaning cages and pens regularly and mopping and sweeping the floors.

Furthermore, you will need to be able to handle a variety of animals, some of which may be aggressive.

As such, it is essential that you can remain calm and collected at all times.

If you can stay organized and pay close attention to detail, you will be an excellent kennel assistant.

Client communication skills

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant – Client communication skills

Effective communication with clients is one of the most important skills for a kennel assistant. This involves more than just providing updates on their pet’s status; it also requires handling difficult conversations and understanding the client’s standpoint.

Sometimes, the kennel assistant may be the only staff member the client interacts with, so it is important to make a good impression.

The ability to defuse tense situations and provide empathy will go a long way in establishing trust and rapport with clients.

Good communication skills are essential for keeping clients happy and ensuring they continue using the kennel’s services.

Techniques of restraint

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant – Techniques of restraint

Kennel assistants work in various settings, from animal shelters to veterinary clinics to boarding facilities.

Working safely and effectively to restrain animals in each of these environments is essential. Several techniques can be used to restrain an animal, and each has advantages and disadvantages.

One common technique is called scruffing, which involves grabbing the animal by the skin on the back of the neck. This method is often used on cats and small dogs, giving the handler much control without causing discomfort.

Another common technique is wrapping, which involves using a towel or blanket to control an animal’s movement. This method is often used on larger dogs, as it helps to prevent them from thrashing around and injuring themselves or others.

Regardless of which technique is used, it is important to be gentle and firm to keep the animal calm and prevent them from becoming agitated.

With practice, any kennel assistant can learn how to safely and effectively restrain animals.

Sanitation and cleaning

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant – Sanitation and cleaning

Anyone who owns a pet knows they can be messy creatures.

From shedding fur to tracking in mud, pets tend to make a mess of things.

That’s why it’s important to have kennel assistants skilled in sanitation and cleaning.

A good kennel assistant will have the ability to keep the facilities clean and free of pests.

They will also have the knowledge to safely clean and disinfect cages and other areas where pets are kept.

In addition, kennel assistants should be able to handle basic first aid in case a pet becomes injured while in their care.

By being skilled in sanitation and cleaning, kennel assistants can help to ensure that the facilities are safe and comfortable for both pets and their owners.

Patience skills

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant – Patience skills

Patience is an important skill for any kennel assistant.

Dealing with various animals daily can be challenging, and it is important to remain calm and patient to provide the best possible care.

This is especially true when dealing with animals that are nervous or anxious.

A kennel assistant who can maintain a calm demeanor can help to put animals at ease and make them more receptive to care.

In addition, patience is often required when dealing with difficult behaviors. A kennel assistant who can remain patient and positive when faced with challenging situations is more likely to manage the behavior successfully.

Ultimately, patience is an important skill for any kennel assistant who wants to provide the best possible care for the animals in their charge.

Physical endurance

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant – Physical endurance

As a kennel assistant, being physically endurance is important.

The job involves being on your feet for long periods of time, as well as being able to lift and move heavy animals.

In addition, kennel assistants need to be able to handle the stress of dealing with potentially dangerous animals.

As a result, having strong physical endurance skills is essential for anyone wanting to pursue a career in this field.

There are a few different ways to develop these skills.

  • Firstly, regular exercise can help to build up your stamina and strength.
  • Secondly, working with animals regularly will allow you to practice handling them safely and effectively.
  • Finally, it is also important to be aware of your own limitations and to know when to seek help from more experienced colleagues.

By developing strong physical endurance skills, you will be well-prepared for a career as a kennel assistant.

First aid for animals knowledge

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant – First aid for animals knowledge

As a kennel assistant, it is important to know about first aid for animals.

While most kennels have a staff veterinarian on call, there are many situations where you will be the first responder to an injured or ill animal.

Therefore, you must properly care for an animal in need.

Some basic knowledge of animal first aid includes understanding how to check vitals, provide CPR, and control bleeding.

It is also important to know when to seek professional medical help and how to transport an injured animal properly.

By being prepared for any eventuality, you can help ensure that every animal in your care receives the best possible care.

Animal playtime and exercise

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant? – Animal playtime and exercise

As a kennel assistant, it is important to provide animals in your care with regular opportunities for playtime and exercise.

This helps keep them healthy and happy and prevents them from becoming bored or destructive. There are several ways to achieve this, depending on the type of animal you are caring for.

For example, dogs may enjoy a game of fetch, while cats might appreciate some time to explore a safe outdoor space.

Whatever the activity, it is important to supervise playtime carefully to ensure that all animals remain safe and comfortable.

With creativity, you can easily incorporate playtime and exercise into your daily routine as a kennel assistant – and your animal charges will be all the better.

Watering and feeding

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant? – Watering and feeding

Proper hydration and nutrition are important for all living things, including kennel assistants.

Water is essential for flushing toxins from the body, carrying nutrients to cells, and regulating body temperature.

Without enough water, kennel assistants can dehydrate, leading to headaches, fatigue, and other health problems.

Similarly, a well-balanced diet is crucial for maintaining energy levels and supporting vital organs.

Kennel assistants who don’t consume enough calories or eat a diet lacking key nutrients may quickly become run down and susceptible to illness.

Kennel assistants can help keep themselves healthy and safe while on the job by taking care to stay hydrated and well-nourished.

Flexibility skills

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant? – Flexibility skills

As a kennel assistant, it is important to have flexibility skills.

This means adapting to different situations with different types of animals.

For example, some animals may need special care or attention, while others may be more independent.

It is also important to work well under pressure, as there may be times when the kennel is short-staffed, or multiple animals need assistance.

In addition, being flexible also means working odd hours, as many kennels are open 24 hours a day.

As such, flexibility skills are essential for anyone who wants to be a kennel assistant.

How can you learn these kennel assistant skills?

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant? – How can you learn these kennel assistant skills?

There are several ways to learn what skills do you need to be a kennel assistant.

One way is to attend a training program or workshop for kennel assistants. Animal welfare organizations or veterinarians often offer these programs and cover topics such as animal first aid, feeding and watering, and exercising animals.

Another option is to read books or articles on kennel assistant skills. This can be done in person at a library or online. There are many resources available that cover a range of topics related to kennel assisting, from basic first aid to how to handle aggressive animals.

Finally, you can also learn by observing other kennel assistants. This may be done by visiting local kennels or by talking to other professionals in the field.

By watching and asking questions, you can learn various tips and tricks to help you become a successful kennel assistant.

How to become a kennel worker?

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant – How to become a kennel worker

To become a kennel worker, it is important to have a genuine love for animals and understand what skills do you need to be a kennel assistant. A high school diploma or equivalent is typically required, although some employers may prefer candidates with prior experience working with animals. Those interested in becoming a kennel worker should also be prepared to undergo a background check and drug test.


Although a college degree is not always necessary to become a kennel worker, it can be helpful in terms of advancement and career opportunities.

Kennel workers are responsible for caring for and cleaning animals in various settings, including zoos, animal shelters, and pet stores.

They typically work under the supervision of a veterinarian or another medical professional.

A college degree in animal science or a related field can provide kennel workers with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their duties more effectively.

In addition, a degree can open up opportunities for advancement into management positions.

As such, while a college degree is not required to become a kennel worker, it can benefit career development.

Requirements for Entry

There are a few requirements to enter college to become a kennel assistant.

  • Firstly, most places will require a high school diploma or equivalent.
  • Secondly, some colleges may require students to undergo a background check and/or drug test.
  • Finally, students should be prepared to complete coursework in animal care, including topics such as animal nutrition, safety procedures, and basic grooming.

By completing these requirements, students will be on their way to starting a rewarding career working with animals.


To become a kennel assistant, an apprenticeship is a great way to gain the experience and knowledge necessary to work in this field.

As an apprentice, you will have the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals and gain hands-on experience working with various animals.

The apprenticeship will also allow you to learn about the business side of running a kennel, including financial management and marketing.

In addition, you will have the opportunity to network with other kennel assistants and learn about different approaches to animal care.

By the end of the apprenticeship, you should be well-prepared to take on a full-time position as a kennel assistant.

Requirements for Entry

An apprenticeship is a great way to learn the skills needed to become a kennel assistant.

There are typically three requirements for entry into an apprenticeship program:

  • A high school diploma or equivalent.
  • A clean criminal record.
  • A passion for working with animals.

Those who meet these requirements and are accepted into an apprenticeship program will receive on-the-job training in animal care, behavior, and basic business operations.

In addition, apprentices will be able to shadow experienced kennel assistants and learn from their expertise.

Upon completion of an apprenticeship, kennel assistants will be prepared to provide compassionate care for all kinds of animals.


If you love animals and enjoy working with them, volunteering to become a kennel assistant at your local Animal Shelter may be the perfect way to give back to your community.

As a kennel assistant, you will be responsible for feeding, walking, and cleaning up after the dogs in the shelter.

You will also have the opportunity to play with them and help socialize them so that they will be better prepared for adoption.

In addition to getting the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to care for homeless animals, being a kennel assistant can also be a lot of fun.

So if you are looking for a way to make a difference in your community, consider becoming a kennel assistant at your local Animal Shelter.

Career path tips

If you’re interested in becoming a kennel assistant, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

  • First, it’s important to have a strong interest in animal care.
  • Second, you should be prepared to handle the job’s physical demands, including lifting heavy cages and cleaning out kennels.
  • Finally, you should be able to work well under pressure and be comfortable working with a team.

If you have these qualities, then a career as a kennel assistant may be right for you.

What does it take to become a kennel assistant worker?


Kennel assistants play an important role in the care of animals.

They are responsible for feeding, exercising, and cleaning up after the animals in their facility.

In addition, kennel assistants must be able to handle animals safely and effectively and maintain a clean and orderly work environment.

Becoming a kennel assistant requires some basic skills and knowledge.

Many kennel assistants have previous experience working with animals, although this is not always required.

In addition, most kennel assistant positions require basic math skills and the ability to follow instructions and work independently.

With the right skills and attitude, anybody can become a kennel assistant and make a difference in the lives of animals.

Skills and knowledge

Those interested in becoming a kennel assistant should have some related skills and knowledge.

  • First, it is important to be comfortable around animals, as kennel assistant workers will be responsible for their care.
  • Secondly, basic animal behavior knowledge can help understand how to best care for them.
  • Finally, kennel assistant workers should be able to work independently and follow instructions carefully.

With these skills and knowledge, kennel assistant workers can provide animals the care and help keep them healthy and happy.

Restrictions and Requirements for Entry

To work as a kennel assistant, you will need to have some knowledge of animal care and be able to follow strict guidelines.

You will also need to be able to lift heavy objects and handle animals of all sizes.

As a kennel assistant, you will be responsible for feeding, watering, and exercising the animals in your care.

You will also need to clean their living quarters and provide them with fresh bedding. In addition, you may be asked to administer medication or perform other medical tasks.

To be successful in this role, you must be able to work independently and follow instructions carefully.

Kennel assistants typically have at least a high school diploma, although some positions may require additional education or training.

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant, and What you’ll do as a kennel assistant?

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant? – What you’ll do as a kennel assistant?

A kennel assistant provides care for animals in a kennel or shelter environment.

This may include feeding, watering, exercising, cleaning pens and cages, and providing general medical care.

In some cases, kennel assistants may also be responsible for administering medication or performing grooming tasks such as baths and nail trims.

A kennel assistant must work well with people and animals, as they will interact daily.

They must also be able to handle various tasks simultaneously and remain calm in stressful situations.

Those interested in becoming a kennel assistant should have a strong interest in animal welfare and be able to work flexible hours, as many kennels are open 24 hours a day.

Daily tasks

Working as a kennel assistant requires a wide range of duties to be performed daily.

These tasks include feeding and watering the animals, cleaning their cages, providing them enrichment activities, and exercising them.

In addition, kennel assistants must also keep food and water bowls clean, as well as regularly sweep and mop the floor.

To provide the best possible care for the animals, it is essential that kennel assistants can work quickly and efficiently while also paying close attention to detail.

This can be challenging sometimes, but seeing the animals happy and healthy under your care is immensely rewarding.

Working conditions

The working conditions for a kennel assistant can vary depending on the employer.

Some kennels are large, industrial facilities that house hundreds of dogs, while others are smaller, family-run businesses.

In either case, the kennel assistant is responsible for the care and well-being of the animals.

This includes feeding, watering, walking, and cleaning up after them.

The job can be physically demanding, and there is always the potential for injuries from bites or scratches.

Kennel assistants also need to be able to deal with difficult situations, such as when an animal becomes sick or dies.

Despite the challenges, many people find working with animals to be rewarding and enjoy being able to help them.

Career path and progression

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant? – Career path and progression

A career as a kennel assistant can be both challenging and rewarding, and it offers opportunities for personal and professional growth.

With experience, you may eventually move into a management role or start your own kennel business.

Regardless of where your career takes you, working as a kennel assistant can be a fulfilling way to help make a difference in the lives of animals.

You need to make sure you understand what skills do you need to be a kennel assistant and advance.

Currently available opportunities

What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant? – Currently available opportunities

Kennel assistants work in animal shelters, veterinary clinics, and other facilities that care for animals.

They are responsible for providing food, water, and exercise for the animals in their care.

They may also be responsible for cleaning cages and kennels and administering medication.

Some kennel assistants may also have experience in grooming or training animals.

Currently, there are many opportunities for people who want to work as kennel assistants.

For example, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) is currently hiring kennel assistants in New York City.

The ASPCA offers a competitive salary and benefits package and the opportunity to work with some of the most vulnerable animals in society.

If you are passionate about animal welfare and want to help those in need, working as a kennel assistant may be the perfect career.

Conclusion – What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant?

Conclusion – What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant?

There you have it! Now you know exactly what skills do you need to be a kennel assistant.

Kennel assistants play an important role in the lives of animals.

They are responsible for daily care, feeding, watering, exercising, and cleaning.

In addition to providing basic medical care, kennel assistants must also be able to handle large and small animals safely.

To succeed in this role, it is essential to have a strong passion for animal welfare and excellent customer service skills.

If you are interested in pursuing a career as a kennel assistant, keep in mind that it requires hard skills (e.g., lifting heavy dogs) and soft skills (e.g., remaining calm under pressure).

Those who wish to work in this field should also have good interpersonal skills.

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FAQs related to “What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant?”

FAQs related to “What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant?”

What skills do I need to be a veterinary assistant?

The skills you need to be a veterinary assistant vary depending on the clinic or hospital you work for, but most require basic medical knowledge and experience.

Veterinary assistants provide basic animal care, including feeding, watering, and exercising.

They may also be responsible for cleaning cages and kennels and administering medication.

To be successful in this role, it is important to have a strong passion for animals and customer service skills.

What is it like working as a kennel assistant?

The job of a kennel assistant can be physically demanding and dangerous.

They are responsible for feeding, watering, and cleaning up after the animals in their care.

They may also be responsible for grooming or training the animals.

Kennel assistants often work long hours and must be able to deal with difficult situations, such as when an animal becomes sick or dies.

Despite the challenges, many people find working with animals to be rewarding and enjoy being able to help them.

What advice would you give?

The best advice I could give someone looking to become a kennel assistant is plenty of patience.

This job can be physically demanding and dangerous, so you need to be able to handle difficult situations.

In addition, having a strong passion for animal welfare is essential.

Kennel assistants play an important role in the lives of animals, so it’s important to have the right skills and attitude.

What is it like working as a veterinary assistant?

Veterinary assistants play an important role in the lives of animals.

They are responsible for providing basic animal care, including feeding, watering, and exercising.

In addition to providing basic medical care, veterinary assistants must also be able to handle large and small animals safely.

To succeed in this role, it is essential to have a strong passion for animal welfare and excellent customer service skills.

If you are interested in pursuing a career as a veterinary assistant, keep in mind that it requires hard skills (e.g., lifting heavy dogs) and soft skills (e.g., remaining calm under pressure).

Those who wish to work in this field should also have good interpersonal skills.

What qualifications are needed to become a vet tech?

There are no specific qualifications needed to become a vet tech.

However, many vet techs have an associate’s degree in veterinary technology or a related field. Vet techs provide basic animal care, including feeding, watering, and exercising.

They may also be responsible for cleaning cages and kennels and administering medication.

To be successful in this role, it is important to have a strong passion for animals and customer service skills.

What skills do you need to be a police dog handler?

Police dog handlers need to be able to handle large and small dogs safely, as well as have a strong passion for animal welfare.

They must also have excellent customer service skills and be able to work long hours.

It is also important to be physically fit, as the job can be demanding.

What qualities are needed to be a veterinarian?

To be a veterinarian, you must have a strong passion for animal welfare and excellent customer service skills.

It is also important to be physically fit, as the job can be demanding.

You must also be able to handle large and small animals safely.

Is it worth it to become a vet assistant? Why or why not?

The answer to this question depends on various factors, including personal interests and qualifications.

Those interested in pursuing a career as a veterinary assistant should have good interpersonal skills and be able to handle difficult situations.

In addition, they should have a strong passion for animal welfare.

Working as a veterinary assistant can be rewarding, but it is also important to remember that it can be physically demanding and dangerous.

What is the best career option for an animal lover?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best career option for an animal lover will vary depending on personal interests and qualifications.

Some of the best options for those who love animals include veterinary assistants, police dog handlers, and kennel assistants.

Sources, Facts, and Data – “What skills do you need to be a kennel assistant?”

  • 51.33% of Kennel Attendant job postings have at least one of these terms, indicating the value employers commonly place on these experiences when hiring candidates.
  • Bathing, Veterinary Medicine, and Laundry Services are still quite important, but a smaller slice of the employer Kennel Attendant job postings with their combined total of 23.79%.
  • The top three keywords employers use in Kennel Attendant job descriptions are Kennel Management appearing in 19.75% of postings, Dogs 19.4%, and Feeding appearing in 12.18%. (

This post first appeared on Skillabilly, please read the originial post: here

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What Skills Do You Need to Be a Kennel Assistant? Best Guide


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