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Most Patient Animals in the World

Most Patient Animals In The World

Living patiently can be the most ideal, and transcendental thing to do. You must have heard many saying about patience, such as “Patience is a virtue, Patience is good, Patience is the key to relief”. However, we attribute this trait mainly to human beings and don’t put in our minds that animals have such humane qualities. So, if we search the wilderness, we could easily find patient animals in every place in the world. These animals symbolise wisdom, patience, deep connection, and instinctive knowledge.

In your opinion, what do patient animals mean? What do these animals endure? Do they suffer from environmental conditions or what?  Patient in animals means acting patiently by spending time using tools to bring food from their environment. We can’t call some animal patients who store food away for days, weeks, or months before eating them when other food is rare, such as camels and squirrels.

The most patient animals in the world are found in different vertebrates including fish such as the frogfishes, many snakes such as the black mamba, many mammals including cats, several birds such as the anhinga, owls, some arachnids including spiders such as Tarantula, and many reptiles including crocodiles, snapping turtles, and the mulga dragon. There are other creatures which are belonged to patient animals such as Killer Whales, Lions, Komodo Dragons, and Piranhas. Let’s learn about some of these animals:

What are the most patient animals in the world?

  1. Frogfish

Patience is so essential for this kind of fish. The frogfish’s scientific name is Antennariidae. Frogfish are found in tropical and some sub-tropical waters. They are well adapted and camouflaged to live in different underwater conditions. They are seldom detected. Therefore, they have misunderstood, and the information about these aquatic creatures is very little.

There are about forty-seven kinds of frogfish, such as Hairy frogfish, Warty frogfish, Giant frogfish, Longlure frogfish, Clown frogfish, Antennarius frogfish, Fowlerichthys frogfish, Allenichthys frogfish, and Echinophryne frogfish, but the most popular types are hairy frogfish and Antennarius frogfish. Unlike other fish, frogfish don’t have scales.

The frogfish don’t have teeth. They can swallow the prey whole. The digestive juices in their abdomen help them to digest easily. They mainly eat small fish. They also eat crabs and shrimp. Their prey size may reach twice their body size.

The frogfishes consider the most extraordinary creatures in the ocean, using camouflage and imitating strategies to capture their predators. They transform themselves so their prey may swim over them without being clueless about potential danger. These kinds of fish disguise themselves in different colours and odd shapes and mimic stones, corals, or sponges. They almost do not move. They lie down on the bottom of the ocean and wait for their next prey.

These kinds of fish fascinate people with their attitude, their way of lying in wait on the seafloor and moving slowly to snap up their prey. When they have problems in swimming, they use openings in their gills to propel themselves forward. Unlike other kinds of fish, they don’t use their tails. 

  1. Owls

You can find owls everywhere around the world except in Antarctica. Owls’ habitats include deserts, forests, mountains, plains, and prairies. Owls nest in several ways, such as in holes in the ground, barns,  trees, and caves. 

Owls’ scientific name is Strigiformes. Owls’ diet includes many species of animals from small to large, such as fish, reptiles, mice, amphibians, birds, insects, spiders, earthworms, snails, crabs, and small mammals.

This night animal considers the most successful hunter with outstanding skills. Owls distinguish by patience. They stay in a motionless pose for a  long time waiting for their prey. They depend on highly observation and concentration for their prey with their incredible night vision. They have great precision, which allows them to capture their target easily. So they depend on the concept of patience and observation.

Many kinds of owls have unique characteristics, such as:

  • They have asymmetrical ears,  which allow them to determine the location of sounds in multiple dimensions.
  • There are many kinds of owls: the tiniest owl in the world is the Elf owl. On the other hand, the largest one is the Great Gray owl.
  • Their neck can rotate 270 degrees. While they spin their neck, the circulation cuts off. At this time, the blood-pooling system will work and collects blood to power their brains and eyes.
  • Their eyes do not rotate like other creatures in their sockets as eyeballs do, boosting the deep perception of their prey. Instead, they have to spin their bodies or heads to look around.
  • Owls can travel long spaces over large waterbodies such as Northern Saw-whet owls.
  • Some kinds of owls eat up to 1,000 mice every year.
  • Unlike other birds, owls have two backwards-facing toes and two forward-facing toes that are so significant for them to gripe and walk.
  • When owls catch a little victim, they swallow it whole. However, if they capture an enormous victim, they dismember it in pieces.
  • Owls use their sharp claws to capture their prey.
Owl Facts for Kids
  1. Crocodiles

They are primarily carnivorous. They are at the top of the food chain in natural environments. They use the perfect way of hunting, and that way depends on patience. They brag about their strong jaws and teeth. They use them when they hunt a wide variety of prey. They patiently stay below the water surface or in the muddy water and wait for their new game with their target. Once their prey approach, they quickly snap down their jaws and pull their victims into the deeps.

After this horrible game, crocodile rotates their victim around, taking away giant pieces of flesh, and after that, they break down the remaining prey’s body. Young crocodiles rely strongly on fish, crustaceans, small mammals, birds and reptiles. Older crocodiles prefer to hunt large prey such as zebras, deers, buffalos, and hippos. Other species of crocodiles may eat humans if they have given the opportunity. 

Crocodiles can live without eating for more than three years. They have a slow metabolism, seem to be able to go inactive and live off of their tissues for long times. They are a type of reptile. Their scientific name is Crocodylidae.

Crocodile Facts for Kids
  1. Tigers

There are more than eight subspecies of tigers, such as the Caspian tiger, Bengal tiger, Javan tiger, Siberian tiger, Sumatran tiger, Javan tiger, Malayan tiger, Indochinese tiger, Bali tiger, and South China tiger. Each species inhabit different habitats. You can find tigers in India, Asia, and Russia. The largest tigers in the world are the Siberian or Amur tigers, while the smallest of the tiger subspecies are Sumatran tigers. Tigers are mammals, and their scientific name is Panthera tigris.

Tigers consider patient animals and muted stalkers of the night because of their superb night vision. Unlike other animals, they do not have any natural enemies. You can find them in swamps and rainforests all over Asia. Tigers are carnivores, weigh around 300 kg and grow up to about 3.3 meters in length. They consider the most oversized member of the cat family. They are ungulate like pigs and deer.

Tigers silently observe and stalk their potential prey at night for 20 or 30 minutes. Once they get close enough, they pounce quickly over their target and take it down in moments. Just a swoop of the tiger’s paw can kill their prey.

They eat different kinds of prey, which vary in size from ants to elephant calves. They prefer their diet to include large-bodied, which includes horses, buffalos, goats and deer. Their primary meal includes antelope, wild pigs, buffalos, small elephants, serow, young rhinos, turtles, fishes and deer. 

  1. Tarantulas

Tarantulas are large Arachnidas “spider”. Their scientific name is Theraphosidae. They are hairy-looking and fierce predators. Tarantulas have scary-looking. They also have poor vision; however, this species has eight eyes like other spiders. They mostly rely on the sensitive hairs on their legs and body to determine their way. 

Their little hair kicks off when threatened. These venomous spiders have fangs. At the end of these fangs, two appendages inject venom into and hold onto prey. Females also carry egg sacs between their fangs.

Tarantulas are timid spiders. They never bite until they provoke. Generally, spiders do not have a heart like humans. They have a pipe surrounded by a muscle, with a valve on each end. It pumps blood into the body and all around the spider’s organs.

Most Tarantulas venom is not highly toxic to humans. A bee sting is more harmful than it is. Their jaws move up and down, rather than the side-to-side motion, which is common in other spiders. There are more than 900 species of tarantulas. They have different ranges of sizes. They can produce silk, which they use to build their burrows.

Tarantula is one of the scariest creatures of its kind, growing to a height of 5 inches with a leg span of 12 inches. They consider being the most patient creatures when they hunt. Patience is their target in life. They patiently lie down in wait for prey and pounce on them very fast.

Then, they venomous the prey with their fangs. After that, they crush it with their large fangs and pour their digestive juices on it. Their prey’s body dissolves in these juices and becomes a liquid goo. In the end, the tarantula gradually laps up this liquid.

  1. Piranhas

Piranhas are a type of fish, with a narrow body, a blunt head, and strong jaws triangular-shaped. It seems to be silvery with red-pigmented patches. Their scientific name is Pygocentrus nattereri. They are known for their sharp teeth and have great appetites.

Piranhas are omnivores. They are known periodically for attacking large animals. Some people have found Piranhas eat bird fragments and small mammals. The younger piranhas may eat insects, crabs, lobsters, shrimps, seeds, fruit, carrion, and barnacles. They may feed heavily when their regular food resources become insufficient. 

You can commonly find them in the South American freshwater sources, including Paraguay, Sao Francisco, and Orinoco rivers. These little aquatic creatures are notorious for their aggressive behaviour in eating.

During the dry season, water levels of their river homes drop. Piranhas may trap in stagnant puddles for a long time. They may eat anything that enters the water when all the food in these puddles have consumed.  

Piranhas wait silently in the glooms of the dawn for the victim. Once they find the victim, they will attack with great ferocity. They can take down much larger prey than themselves with their powerful jaws and sharp teeth. 

These fierce hunters can hunt in groups. A group of piranhas can eat the whole prey in seconds. They can put down various rodents, large fish, mammals, and even humans.

  1. Killer Whales

Killer Whales are mammals. Their scientific name is Orcinus orca. Killer whales are also known as Orcas. They consider apex predators, which means they’re at the very top of the food chain. They also have no predators. They are the most influential animals in the ocean, which means no other sea creature can contest them. They weigh 5400 kg to 8600 kg and grow to 10m in length. Orcas live in all oceans, ranging from the Arctic to the Antarctic.

Orcas have a unique appearance. They have a large black body with a white patch above and behind the eye. Although orcas are called killer whales, they do not belong to the whale family. They belong to the dolphin family Delphinidae. They also are the only species in their kind.

They are carnivores, which primarily eat meat from other aquatic creatures. They eat fish, squid, octopus, seals, sea birds, marine mammals, and even other species of dolphins. They catch their prey in the water and approach the shores to catch them. Due to their large size and enormous power, they become fast swimmers. Their speed can reach up to 54 km/h.

Killer whales are intelligent predators that use different ways to hunt their prey. Killer whales work together in coordinated attacks,  getting into groups of 40 dolphins while hunting. These kinds of dolphins patiently wait for their prey in the Arctic regions, such as seals and penguins. When their target approaches the edge of the ice, orcas knock them into the water fast and enjoy eating this delicious meal.

  1. Lions

Lions are mammals that live in groups. A group of lions is called “pride” which can be up to 30 lions, which is dependent on how many resources are found for them. Their scientific name is Panthera leo. The lions are large cats native to Africa and India. They have a muscular body, short neck, hairy rounded head, and a hairy tuft at the end of their tail.

They are at the top of the food chain. They learn to hunt by themselves. At an early age, the lioness teaches cubs the ways of hunting. Lionesses are the female lions that are the main hunters. They use different forms of hunting, such as agile moves and brave approaches. Also, their muscular bodies and claws make them fantastic hunters to rule the jungle.

Lions are carnivores, and their delicious meals include buffalos, zebras, giraffes, antelopes, young elephants, rhinos, crocodiles, hippos, and warthogs. While hunting, lions calculate their steps, moving toward the prey in stealthy footsteps. On the other hand, the lionesses also are going for an attack in stealthy footsteps. 

Lions stay patiently and silent inside the grass and let the prey come close. When the prey comes to approach, they charge upon the prey quickly. To stop their prey’s move, lions bite the back and nose and break their windpipe after the incursion. 

Lions have several hunting strategies according to the prey’s size, aggressiveness, and strength. They use a coordinated method for big animals. During attacking buffalos, zebras, for example, lions make a circle around the prey that cover them from all sides. After getting closer, they attack them and start their big meal. When they attack small animals, the lion patiently hides in the grass. Then in slow motion, the lion charges upon the prey quickly.

Lion Facts for Kids
  1. Komodo Dragons

The last patient animal is Komodo Dragons. Their scientific name is Varanus komodoensis. These kinds of lizards are the biggest and heaviest lizards on Earth. The adults can reach three meters long and weigh up to 140 kilograms.

Komodo dragons are considered dangerous and powerful hunters that hunt by ambushing their prey. These lizards have muscular-looking with flat heads, rounded snouts, bowed legs, and enormous tails. They have yellow tongues that flick in and out constantly.

They eat anything they find, including deer, water buffalo, pigs, buffalos, smaller Komodo dragons, and even dead animals. During hunting, they depend on patience. They lie in bushes or tall grasses until their target passes by. They charge upon their prey with their strong legs and sharp claws. Then bite it with their teeth, and they start eating.

If the prey escapes after the Komodo dragon’s bite, they won’t feel fine for long. The Komodo dragon’s saliva contains large amounts of bacteria that poison their prey within 24 hours. They patiently track their prey for miles. They use their strong sense of smell to find the corpse of the prey. Because of their huge appetite, they have been known to eat up to 70 per cent of their body weight in a meal.

Komodo dragons can also kill prey double their size because of their tenacity, strength, and speed. Komodo dragons are amazing swimmers and high-speed runners. Their toxic bite can kill giants will die, even if it escapes from them. They can also swallow nearly half of their body weight in a meal.


The patient animals mentioned here are some samples of quiet animals out in the wild. They choose their meals with patience, either alone or in groups. They ensure that they can feed themselves silent and with great speed. Most of them know that after patience, there is a delicious meal. They know when and how they will catch their prey. They wisely know that if they wait for a long time leads to losing their target. So patience is not how to stay but how to act and think perfect during waiting.

The post Most Patient Animals in the World first appeared on Learning Mole.

This post first appeared on Online Learning And Educational Resources For Kids, please read the originial post: here

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Most Patient Animals in the World
