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Kwara State Polytechnic (KWARAPOLY) Matriculation Ceremony


This is to inform all the newly admitted ND I and HND I students of the Kwara State Polytechnic (KWARAPOLY) that the management of the institution has announced the schedule for the 2022/2023 matriculation ceremony. Kwara State Poly Matriculation Ceremony Schedule The matriculation ceremony has been scheduled to hold as follows; Date: 11th January, 2023 Venue: Rear Admiral Muhammed Alabi Lawal Auditorium Time: 10:00 am ( All matriculating students are to be seated at latest 9:15 am) In light of the above, it is expected that all newly admitted students attend the event. In addition, newly admitted students must be

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Kwara State Polytechnic (KWARAPOLY) Matriculation Ceremony
