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Top 10 Endangered Animal Species in Asia

The species that are seriously at a very high risk of extinction are known as endangered species.

The largest continent on the Earth, Asia, is home to several species but unfortunately while some of the species have already faced extinction, many others are on the verge of extinction.
Here is the list of animal species that are facing a serious threat.

Asian Wild Dog

The Asian Wild Dog, also known as the Indian Dhole has been spotted by many travelers around the Central Asia. These are the carnivores that are mostly found in Indian National Parks and forests. As they originated for more than 12,000 years ago, they are also called ice age survivors. However, the excessive urbanization has resulted in their habitat loss leading to their disappearance. Today, they have been given the status of  ‘endangered species’ by IUCN. Surprisingly, their number is declining too fast that less than 2500 Asian wild Dogs are left in the world.

Dhole Facts :

  1. Their appearance is a combination of dog and red fox.
  2. They are regarded as sociable animal with great communication skills and they usually hunt together in herds. Their herds are called ‘Clans‘ that usually comprises 5-12 members.
  3. Their remarkable team work can result in killing and hunting of animals way larger than their own size.
  4. Unlike other canine breeds, their forehead is convex not concave.
  5. Their tails are mostly bushy and black in colour. However, some of their sub species are seen to have other colour variations as well.
  6. Dhole population is distributed amongst different countries such as India, Bhutan, Sumatra, Tibet and South East Asia.
  7. Interestingly, they do not bark but have a peculiarly whistle sound instead. This is variable for each individual.
  8. They usually have a life span of 10 years but can live upto 15 years when in captivity.

Red Headed Vulture 

The Red Headed Vulture is quite popular and is also known by other three names : Pondicherry Vulture , Indian Black Vulture and Asian King Vulture.
The scientific name for the same is ‘Sarcogyps Calvus’ .

This endangered bird is mostly found in Indian Subcontinent , also having its presence in South East Asia.

Red Headed Vulture Facts :

  1. Unlike most of other vulture species, this particular species prefers living alone or in breeding pair
  2. How to identify :
    a. Bare reddish Colour head with loose flaps around neck
    b. During Flight – White spots on flanks
    c. Running white long on the wings
  3. Mostly feed on carcasses of organisms such as other birds, turtles, fishes etc
  4. Breeding Season –  around September
  5. They usually build large flat nests at tree tops

6. Reason for Massive Decline : Declofenec Drug prescribed by Veterinarians
When Vultures feed on carcasses of such animals, it causes their acute kidney failure and subsequently death

Sumatran Elephant

The largest mammal existing on Indonesian islands of Sumatra is Sumatran elephant. Unfortunately, this smallest sub species is categorized into ‘Critically Endangered Species’ by IUCN. Its population has significantly reduced by 80 percent ion the last 3 generations. These giants share their habitat with other wild variety of animals including rhinos, orangutan , tigers and many others.

Cause of their decline is mainly because of their habitat loss and poaching.

Sumatran elephants significantly contributes to the rich and balanced ecosystem of Sumatra , majorly by feeding on a variety of plants and depositing seeds around.

Sumatran Elephant Facts :

  1. Their population has reduced to merely 2500 approximately.
  2. Deforestation and loss of habitat has significantly affected elephant’s population. Over two-third of lowland forest has been reduced to nothing severely impacting Sumatran Elephants.
  3. The herds that mostly moved with around 12 elephants together are decline to 3 at the most!
  4. The massive and rapid deforestation has resulted in incidences where elephants enter human provinces to graze crops. The humans, thus retaliate and shoot, poison or electrocute elephants to safeguard themselves.

Giant Panda

Giant Panda has recently been labelled as ‘vulnerable’ from ‘endangered because of the appreciable work done by conservationist.

Giant Panda is also quite popular and is adored by many as it is the part of one of the most famous logos – WWF and also, it is the national animal of China.

Their black and white woolly texture and big eyes gives a child-like adorable look that attracts many.

Reason for their vulnerable survival :

1.Habitat destruction due to rising human population in China.
2.Human interference has also resulted in food shortage for Pandas.
3. Poaching is the third main reason causing reduction in Pandas population.

Giant Panda Facts :

  1. Pandas mainly feed on Bamboo trees and can eat 15-30 kgs of bamboo per day.
  2. Because of low calorie intake from bamboos, most of their time in the day passes in eating and sleeping.
  3. In contrast to many other large sized animals, they are good at climbing trees and can swim too.
  4. Though Pandas have carnivorous kind of teeth, but their favourite food remains bamboo shoots and fruits.
  5. Their mating months are between March to May resulting their birth in month of August.
  6. Like most of the other varieties of bears, Pandas do not prefer hibernation. They usually move to lower mountain areas to survive harsh winters.
  7. Once distributed widely across China, they are now mostly confined to remote forest and mountain areas of the country.

Chinese Pangolin

Chinese Pangolin is native to parts of south east asia and southern China. IUCN has listed this species amongst the ‘critically endangered’ animals.

Unfortunately , the main reason for its reduction is illegal international trade and poaching.
It is world’s most trafficked mammal.

Pangolins are one of the most trafficked animals across the world and it is quite popular amongst the Chinese. Its meat is considered to be a rich delicacy and its scales are often used in old age medicines.
It is mainly found in forests of countries including Bangladesh, Nepal, India and China.

Pangolin Facts :

  1. Their diet mainly consists of insects including worms and ants. Chinese Pangolin’s sticky tongue helps them to extract out insects from their mounds.
  2. Pagolin’ species are often distinguished based on the number of scales they have, length of their claws, shape and size of their tails.
  3. During winters, these animals usually hid themselves in deep burrows that help them in maintaining their temperature. They make sure, burrows are near to some source of food such as termite nest etc.
  4. They are nocturnal mammals, mostly feeding in the dark.
  5. With no specific defense mechanism against humans, they are easily captured by poachers.

Wild Bactrian Camel 

One of the most critically endangered species is Wild Bactrian Camel which is mostly found in northern parts of China and southern parts of Mongolia. This large double humped animal has a very reduced population and only about 1400 are left.
Conservationist are trying to protect them and they are mostly kept in Nature reserves of China and Mongolia.

Wild Bactrian Camel Facts :

  1. These are the only mammals on Earth who can drink salt water without any side-effects on their health.
  2. They can drink up to 60 litres of water at one go and then can go for days without drinking water.
  3. They are herbivorous animals who survive on vegetation including dry and thorny plants commonly found in desert.
  4. These mammals can survive the extreme climate of Gobi desert which are considered to be difficult to survive.
  5. These camels generally prefer to move in groups of 10-30 .
  6. They breed during winters and their life span is up to 40 years.

Javan Rhinoceros

It belongs to same genus as Indian Rhinoceros. Few Years ago,this species was widely distributed across the islands of Sumatra and Java. Their population is reduced to merely 55-60 who are surviving at Ujung Kulong National Park at Java, Indonesia.

Their horns are considered precious in traditional Chinese medicine resulting in extensive poaching . The other factors such as trophy hunting caused a serious harm. Also, wars, specially Vietnam war resulted in their habitat loss causing a great decline.

Javan Rhinoceros Facts :

  1. It is a dusky grey colour species having a single horn of of about 10 inches.
  2. It mostly prefers a solitary life except during breeding time usually between July to November.
  3. This species spends most of its time in mud to prevent itself from overheating and insect bites.
  4. Rhino little ones stays with their mom for up to 3 years of age.
  5. Their average life span is between 35 to 40 years.
  6. Interestingly, male Javan rhinos mark their zones by spraying urine and piling dung.

This post first appeared on Earthlyfacts, please read the originial post: here

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Top 10 Endangered Animal Species in Asia


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