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Health benefits of quitting alcohol: 10 benefits of quiet alcohol

There are many health benefits of quitting alcohol we can know according to modern science.

For example, excessive alcohol consumption can raise blood pressure over time. After 3-4 weeks of not drinking, blood pressure begins to drop. Lowering your blood pressure is very important as it can lower your risk of future health problems. High-calorie alcohol can also help lower blood pressure through weight gain.

Not only these but there also are a lot of health benefits of quitting alcohol you can know through this article. So keep reading this whole article to know about the health benefits of quitting alcohol.

Health benefits of quitting alcohol

Long-term heavy drinking can affect many organs of the body and may cause organ damage. Organs known to be damaged by chronic alcoholism include the heart, liver, and pancreas, brain, and nervous system.

Excessive drinking can also increase blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure, which are major risk factors for heart attack and stroke.

Long-term alcohol abuse weakens your immune system and makes you more susceptible to serious infections. It can also weaken bones and increase the risk of fractures or breaks. Alcoholism brings many long-term health risks.

So it’s very important to quit alcohol addiction which may beneficial for your health. Here are 16 health benefits of quitting alcohol:

  1. Quitting alcohol may help to lose your weight
  2. Quitting alcohol may help you to look younger
  3. Quitting alcohol may prevents your body from absorbing more vitamins and minerals
  4. Quitting alcohol will help to better your relationship with your peers
  5. Quitting alcohol can help to sharp your brain
  6. Quitting alcohol may improve your sleep quality
  7. Quitting alcohol will help your mood better
  8. Quitting alcohol will help to boost your immune system
  9. Quitting alcohol will reduces the risk of your heart disease
  10. Quitting alcohol can help to heal your liver
  11. Quitting alcohol will help you to more hydrated
  12. Quitting alcohol may help to increase your energy level
  13. Quitting alcohol will reduce the risk of your breast cancer
  14. Quitting alcohol can help to improves your general wellbeing
  15. Quitting alcohol will make you wealthier
  16. Quitting alcohol will help you to lead a better sex life

Quitting alcohol may help to lose weight

Loosen your weight is one of the greatest health benefits of quitting alcohol. All alcohol contains energy as calories. Most people don’t drink because they need energy (the body’s “fuel”) or hunger.

So the energy they consume when drinking is “extra” or “excess” calories. When the body receives more energy than it needs (through excessive eating or drinking), it stores the extra energy in the form of fat.

On the other hand, alcohol disrupts night sleep and slows down your metabolism. Which is also responsible for weight gain!

Quitting alcohol may be an effective way to help to lose weight, especially for people who regularly drink and/or drink more than 1 to 2 glasses of alcohol.

Quitting alcohol may help you to look younger

You may know that alcohol is a diuretic, which means it can drain water out of the body. This is why you urinate when you drink alcohol-you actually excrete more fluid than you consume. This has many effects, but the most obvious is the effect on the skin: when the skin dries, its elasticity decreases.

Therefore, after just one night of heavy drinking, you may appear older and more wrinkled. If you drink often, the effect is worse. However, once you stop drinking, you will soon look younger. Your body needs adequate water, so once you stop disturbing your system, it will retain this water.

Quitting alcohol may prevent your body from absorbing more vitamins and minerals

Alcohol affects nutrient absorption in many ways. Drinking a lot of alcohol can damage stomach cells, increase gastric acid production, and reduce the stomach’s ability to absorb nutrients.

When the liver must metabolize alcohol, it consumes reserves of essential vitamins, leading to malnutrition. Michigan State University extended that the diuretic effects of alcohol consume vitamins and minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and potassium.

Alcohol also reduces the digestive enzymes necessary to break down food and absorb nutrients.

According to data from the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, some alcoholics also substitute alcohol for food and consume up to 50% of their daily calories in the form of alcohol.

Quitting alcohol will help to better your relationship with your peers

When someone is drunk and is struggling with alcohol use disorder, drinking can take up a lot of time. Their thoughts may be consumed by thinking about the time to drink the next drink, and they may spend a lot of time enjoying these drinks.

In this case, being drunk can avoid painful emotions and establish a temporary connection with certain things.

However, this connection with alcohol will never be as satisfying as building a healthy personal relationship with others.

By quitting alcohol, a person can shift from superficial and unsatisfactory relationships to drinking, and begin to build meaningful and lasting relationships with peers.

Quitting alcohol can help to sharp your brain

Obviously, when you are drinking or drunk, your thinking is not clear. In fact, it makes no sense to try to rationalize with an alcoholic, because, in any case, there is no logical thinking process.

However, studies have shown that alcohol has a negative effect on brain function, and drinking five or more glasses of alcohol a day can affect cognitive function for up to three days.

The science behind this is that excessive drinking will shrink the frontal lobes of the brain and affect cognition. In fact, when people stop drinking, they start to feel lighter.

They begin to notice things in their lives that may not have been noticed before. Your ideas begin to connect and become meaningful.

Quitting alcohol may improve your sleep quality

Think about when the last time you drank too much. Now think about the feeling of sleeping. You may have fallen asleep, but did you stay up all night and wake up to rest? Of course not.

Alcohol destroys two basic sleep functions: slow-wave sleep and rapid eye movement sleep. Slow-wave sleep is the sleep we need to refresh, and REM sleep is what we need to learn and remember.

Studies have shown that drinking alcohol can affect sleep at night. If you drink together for a few nights, you will be deprived of sleep.

Quitting alcohol can greatly improve the quality of your sleep, and it is invaluable to feel refreshed and ready for the new day after waking up.

Related Articles: How to get enough sleep at night: 13 proven tips for you!

Quitting alcohol will help your mood better

Alcohol temporarily may give you a better, but it inhibits and changes the balance of chemicals in the brain which may cause depression.

Research shows that alcohol interferes with the neurotransmitters associated with mental health and decreases serotonin levels in the brain, which helps to regulate your mood.

So, If you quit alcohol it will definitely prevent the ups and downs of your mind.

Quitting alcohol will help to boost your immune system

Excessive drinking is associated with increased susceptibility to pneumonia, slower recovery from wounds and infections, and increased incidence of complications after surgery, not to mention increased susceptibility to all other listed diseases and complications.

Simply put, alcohol and its by-products will reduce the abundance and function of various immune cells, and affect the ability of the organs that make up the immune system.

Various animal model studies and laboratory experiments have found that alcohol and its by-products can promote the death of various immune cells and inhibit the formation of antibodies or correctly identify and neutralize pathogens.

So quitting alcohol may immediately improve your immune system and increase your ability to fight against diseases.

Quitting alcohol will reduce the risk of heart disease

Alcohol can temporarily and permanently increase your blood pressure. Long-term excessive drinking can lead to high blood pressure, which is one of the main causes of heart disease.

In addition, a large number of calories in alcohol will increase the cholesterol content in your arteries and increase the risk of heart attack and blockage. In fact, research even shows that alcohol causes your heart to beat irregularly.

This condition is called Holiday Heart Syndrome, which changes our blood pressure and increases the chances of having a heart attack.

So don’t be fooled that the antioxidants in a glass of red wine are good for your heart. Swap the wine for green tea to ensure your circulatory system stays healthy.

Quitting alcohol can help to heal your liver

Alcohol is harmful to all parts of the body, including the heart and skin, but it is known for damaging the liver. Long-term severe alcoholism can cause hepatitis, fatty liver, or cirrhosis. If you have been drinking a lot for many years, you can bet that you have caused some liver damage.

Fortunately, the liver has extraordinary repair capabilities. If you stop drinking now, you may be able to reverse most of the damage you caused to this vital organ.

Quitting alcohol will help you to be more hydrated

Research shows that alcohol is a diuretic that affects the kidneys and makes you urinate more than you actually consume. It also reduces the production of the hormone vasopressin in the kidneys. The next morning, instead of causing a headache, it again stimulates the body to absorb water.

The “dry desert” in the mouth is only part of the physical effects of dehydration and also causes skin irritation looks dull and darkens the circles under the skin. So, replace the wine with water and make your life beautiful and healthy!

Quitting alcohol may help to increase your energy level

Drinking alcohol is a habit that makes you feel tired. This is because alcohol acts as a sedative and can make you sleepy. As a result, many people find that alcoholic beverages help them fall asleep and sleep better.

However, consistently drinking alcohol before bed can meddle with the quality of your sleep.  This could make you feel more tired and less energetic.

Quitting alcohol will do the opposite of that. So you must have to quit alcohol to gain more energy.

Related Articles: How to increase your energy level?

Quitting alcohol will reduce the risk of your breast cancer

Recent studies have pointed out that there is a link between drinking and a higher risk of breast cancer because alcohol can be broken down into a molecule called acetaldehyde, which can cause mutations in your cells and form cancerous tumors.

Alcohol increases your production of estrogen, which causes cancer cells to multiply faster. It is said that lowering the bottle can reduce your risk of breast cancer because, in countries such as the United Kingdom, excessive drinking accounts for about 4% of the risk of breast cancer.

Quitting alcohol can help to improves your general wellbeing

Unless you’re addicted to drugs or alcohol, you don’t have to pay the price you feel for yourself. Know who you really are, without fear, shame, or guilt. You will be the best person to face the world with confidence.

Quitting alcohol will make you wealthier

Alcohol makes up a large part of your daily energy level, making it difficult to accomplish productive tasks at work. The increase in energy you encountered when you previously quit will convert into greater productivity in your professional life. The combination of achievements each year leads to a long and successful career.

Quitting alcohol will help you to lead a better sex life

Studies have shown that alcohol may be a double-edged sword in the bedroom. On the one hand, it can increase your libido, but at the same time, it can reduce your ability to perform.

Alcohol works by inhibiting certain parts of your cardiac nervous system (CNS), which can make us more confident after drinking a glass or two, but it also weakens the sensitivity of your nerve endings, which is very useful for sexual arousal and orgasm.

In addition, the dehydration effect of our favorite beverage means that the amount of fluid in the body is reduced, men are facing the infamous “get up” struggle, and even women’s lubrication is reduced, so change your wine and underwear this month, if your October must Dry, at least your sex life will not!

Health benefits of quitting alcohol visual view

We will suggest you see this video also! Because it will give you a better understanding of quitting alcohol which is obviously beneficial for you!


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The post Health benefits of quitting alcohol: 10 benefits of quiet alcohol appeared first on Medicon.

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Health benefits of quitting alcohol: 10 benefits of quiet alcohol


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