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Even on the highest peak we shall never be “beyond good and evil”

Even On The Highest Peak We Shall Never Be “beyond Good And Evil”

Carl Jung Depth Psychology Facebook Group

Even on the highest peak we shall never be “beyond good and evil”, and the more we experience of their inextricable entanglement the more uncertain and confused will our moral judgment be. In this conflict,

it will not help in the least to throw the moral criterion in the rubbish heap and to set up new tables after known patterns; for, as in the past, so in the future the wrong we have done, thought or intended will wreak its vengeance on our souls, no matter whether we turn the world upside down or not.

Our knowledge of good and evil has dwindled with our mounting knowledge and experience, and will dwindle still more in the future, without our being able to escape the demands of ethics. ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 267

The false conclusion [of the privatio boni] argument necessarily follows the premise “Deus = Summum Bonum”, since it is unthinkable that the perfect good could ever have created evil.

It merely created the good and the less good […] Just as we freeze miserably despite a temperature of 2300 above absolute zero […].

It is probably from this tendency to deny any reality to evil that we get the axiom “Omne bonum a Deo, omne malum ab homine”.

This is a contradiction of the truth that he who created the heat is also responsible for the cold (“the goodness of the less good”). […]

One could hardly call the things that have happened, and still happen, in the concentration camps of the dictator states an “accidental lack of perfection” – it would sound like mockery. ~Carl Jung, CW 9ii, Para 144

This post first appeared on Carl Jung Depth Psychology, please read the originial post: here

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Even on the highest peak we shall never be “beyond good and evil”
