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A Learner's Diary Blog

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Water Play On A Hot Day
Today it was a hot day and perfect time for 'Water Play' activity. Under hot, shining sun, kids enjoyed playing with water. Students were allowed to bring their water guns, and after getting… Read More
An Adventurous And Learning Tour
Learning can be fun when it is integrated with play or leisure activities and creating links with real life situations and 'Earth House at Kashimpur is the place where it happens. Earth Hous… Read More
Yearly Sports Day Celebration
Sports day of 'Earth House Alternative School' was being waited for many weeks. There was no doubt that it may be an event full of fun, exciting, challenging and rewarding. 'Earth House' at… Read More
Birds Mentioned In Quran
Quran, along with other animals  mentions birds on various occasions. For example the creation of birds by Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) and the events relating to Prophet Abraham (p… Read More
Green Deen Day Celebration
The Green Deen events about 'Earth'  were started a month ago by relating all the activities or subjects to support environmental protection. There were art projects, display boards, po… Read More
The grace and beauty of birds give us simple aesthetic pleasure of enjoying. Diversity among their looks, color, their habits simply amazes us. Birds symbolize freedom for many because they… Read More
Manali (Himachal Pradesh)Tour:Manali is a hill station nestled in the mountains of the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh near the northern end of the Kullu Valley, at an altitude of 2,050 m (… Read More
Someone said 'We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment'. We four people traveled for around 15 days in neighbor country 'India' but cannot say for sure 'if we could feel fulf… Read More
'Use of Acupressure in classroom' may seem a very strange phenomenon, but it can help us dealing with the children having learning difficulties. During many years of my teaching I tried to a… Read More
Monday, 10th of November, our field trip to dentist started at around 9.30 am in the morning showing a Sesame Street video to children about oral/ dental health at school. They also watched… Read More
For generations, in Bangladesh people knew that bakery means baked bakarkhani, pithas etc used as snacks. But now a days cakes, pastry and other food items that are sold commercially are rep… Read More
Visiting museums is a an easy way to understand and get better knowledge about the past history or culture of that specific area. Museums are the places where we can observe centuries of his… Read More
Many parents are not aware of term 'mix age classroom' or 'composite class' and they are curious to know it. But this concept is not new, as this method is being applied and adopted in many… Read More
“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” — Albert Einstein Every walk is an opportunity for children to learn about the natural world. Our f… Read More
Today 2nd part of our learning and fun outdoor activity (nature walk) happened. All boys of all play group and nursery students participated in 'nature walk'. It was a very organized walk as… Read More
Having a few years of experience in the teaching field I feel that 'learning and refreshing our knowledge' while teaching is very important. It is the gift of our tech age, providing us oppo… Read More
My friend from Pakistan asked about Bangladeshi iftaar menu. I took some pictures of iftaar dishes to post at 'FaceBook' and at the same time I thought of posting something about our cultura… Read More
The summer (May, June and July) is specially treated as fruit festival season in Bangladesh when almost all the major and minor fruits are matured and available. Mangoes,Jackfruit, pineapple… Read More
Lakehead Grammar School is ahead in the whole region by raising awareness and celebrating the events related to environment.2011: Our 'Go green events started in 2011. March 12, 2011 'Green… Read More
Lakehead Grammar School is situated at the end of "Dhanmondi Lake" branch. It takes few minutes to reach at the side ways of the lake, though you need to turn towards the back of the school… Read More
Now it is the late winter season in Bangladesh. Today it was foggy in the morning when 'winter stage show' was started but early year children and teachers enjoyed the whole function. It was… Read More

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A learner's diary
