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For 2024 and '25 Kilimanjaro trips bookings, below are useful Kilimanjaro expedition tips

For 2024 And '25 Kilimanjaro Trips Bookings, Below Are Useful Kilimanjaro Expedition Tips

 We present Kilimanjaro climbing tips to help you book a successful expeditions tour. It is very important to understand the weather at Kilimanjaro, and avoid rain season. If you decide to climb Mount Kilimanjaro during rain season, expect deficiency of oxygen in the atmosphere,and hence increase risk of an altitude sickness. Recent months Kilimanjaro climate changes and there is great occurance of rain in January, which was  dry in past years.  So, the best month to hike Kilimanjaro is February to Mid March,and June to October. November and December are better, but some days have rain. 

More tips for perfect Kilimanjaro tours bookings are choosing Kilimanjaro routes, picking perfect hiking gears, how to acclimatize, and more, read more Kilimanjaro tips here. Nevertheless, we have Kilimanjaro offers which ranges in prices from budget Kilimanjaro treks,standard Kilimanjaro climbing tours,and luxury Kilimanjaro trekking.

This post first appeared on Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing Bookings And Trekking Tips, please read the originial post: here

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For 2024 and '25 Kilimanjaro trips bookings, below are useful Kilimanjaro expedition tips
