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White Restaurant In Jewel Changi, Singapore

White Restaurant In Jewel Changi, Singapore

ONCE LANDED at Changi airport and going through the immigration process, we had lunch at White Restaurant, though it was my third time eating the white meehoon, I have them in three different places.  Now there is no more white card to fill in when we enter into Singapore, everything is done online and four days prior to our departure, I filled in all my details in the Sg Arrival app.  After going through the immigration, an email is sent to my account with the words... Welcome to Singapore...

Thank you for the welcome.... 

I was hungry by then and my girl ordered these dishes below to fill in our tummies.....
White meehoon is a must since the restaurant is famous for that....
Fat noodles....
Another one of their signature dishes....
Very tasty with minced meat as main ingredient...
Crispy on the outside and soft inside...
Minced meat over beancurd...
Potato leaves in sambal sauce...
I think my girl must be thinking that her mom must be extremely hungry...

This post first appeared on Caring Is Not Only Sharing..., please read the originial post: here

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White Restaurant In Jewel Changi, Singapore
