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Circuit Rider Cz Blog

One lap of the perimeter: an ongoing account my self-imposed challenge to cycle around the entire border of the Czech Republic.
Circuit Rider Comes Full Circle
Stage 7, day 6 (Thursday, 6 July 2017)Cieszyn to Bohumín, 60 kmThe final day of my tour around the Czech frontier starts like most of the others have done - eat as much breakfast as p… Read More
Easterly Rider
Stage 7, day 4, (Tuesday, 4 July 2017)Karolinka to Jabluňkov, 86 kmAnother day, another border crossing, this time at at Konečná, which means “terminus”&nbs… Read More
Stuck In A (muddy) Rut
Stage 7, day 3, (Monday, 3 July 2017) Žítková to Karolinka, 75 kmNot for the first - or last - time on my Circuit Ride, I’m confronted with a cycle trail that&r… Read More
Hill Towers And Towering Hills
Stage 7, day 2, (Sunday, 2 July 2017)Hodonín to Žítková, 93 kmI have ground to a halt halfway up the exposed spiral staircase of Travničná telecommunica… Read More
Great Moravia!
Stage 7, day 1, (Saturday, 1 July 2017)Břeclav to Hodonín, 54 kmI’m standing on Czech soil at the southernmost vertex of the Dyje Triangle, also known as the Moravian Amazo… Read More
Circuit Rider Returns!
Yes, after a hiatus of almost six years, I have at last carved out enough time to attempt to complete my perimeter ride of the Czech Republic. In just over two weeks' time, barring disasters… Read More
Stage 6, day 4 (Tuesday, 27 September 2011)Znojmo to Mikulov (91 km)The slithery sandy track I’m on disappears into a thick, dark wood. It looks ominous, but I press on. I can’t… Read More
Stage 6, day 3 (Monday, 26 September 2011)Slavonice to Znojmo (86 km)I know I tend to bang on about breakfasts in these write-ups, but they are vital when you have a full day’s cycling… Read More
Stage 6, day 2 (Sunday, 25 September 2011)Nové Hrady to Slavonice (99 km)The tripoint stone is tucked away behind some bushes behind a tourist information board. I tread carefully tow… Read More
The Czech Republic is in mourning for its former president Václav Havel, whose funeral takes place at midday today.Václav Havel addressing hundreds of thousands of people on We… Read More
Just a quick post to wish all my readers - regular, occasional and one-off - a Happy New Year!For various reasons (which I won’t bore you with here) I haven’t been blogging much… Read More
Stage 6, day 1 (Saturday, 24 September 2011)Horní Dvořiště to Nové Hrady (61 km)Some days not much happens when you’re bicycle touring. Take today, for e… Read More
I've been busy over the last few days putting together a slideshow of Stage 6, which I completed last week. I hope you like the results - Southern Moravia looks particularly pretty in the au… Read More
Stage 5, day 3 (Saturday, 4 June 2011)Strážný to Vyšší Brod (94 km)First, a quick history lesson. The Schwarzenberg Timber Floating Channel (Schwarzen… Read More
Stage 6 Completed!
I'm on the train, heading back to Prague via Brno after completing the latest stage of my Circuit Ride. Today I took a detour away from the border to ride the sandy trails of the Lednice-Val… Read More
Lovely Mikulov
Extraordinarily, the owner of the B&B I stayed at in Znojmo, Derek, turns out to be from my home town of Stoke, so we had a nice chat over a cup of tea at breakfast this morning. I then… Read More
Heaven, I'm In...
...well, I am, in fact, in Znojmo (pictured), but it's heavenly enough. After a superb day on the bike, weaving in and out of Austria through some spectacular scenery, I've shacked up for t… Read More
Goodbye Bohemia, Hello Moravia!
Pictured is the point where Bohemia meets Moravia meets Austria. It lies not far from historical town of Slavonice, where I'm spending the night. Highlights today included Gmund, a town that… Read More
Sensational September
How I love September! After a fine autumn afternoon's cycling through the forested hills of deepest South Bohemia I've arrived safely in Nove Hrady as planned. Tomorrow I ride west into Mora… Read More
Stage 6 Starts
I've just got off the train into the warm autumn sunshine to start Stage 6 of my circuit ride. My destination today: Nove Hrady Read More
Countdown To Stage 6
It’s raining here in the Czech Republic and has been almost continuously for the last two days. However, we’ve been enjoying some fine weather for most of this month, and accordi… Read More
Last November I wrote a post celebrating the first anniversary of this blog. In it, I commented that writing the posts, rather than cycling the miles, had - to my surprise - proved to be the… Read More
Here's the map of the route I took on Stage 5 of my circuit ride in June this year.Bike route 1218512 - powered by Bikemap  Read More
Stage 5, day 4 (Sunday, 5 June 2011)Vyšší Brod to Horní Dvořiště (26 km)I am - you might say - extremely inefficient. Last year I failed to visit… Read More
The map below shows the the route I actually followed on Stage 6 of my Circuit Ride in September this yearBike route 1287137 - powered by Bikemap  Read More
Stage 5, day 2 (Friday, 3 June 2011)Železná Ruda to Strážný (78 km)The mournful title track of “The Forest is Crying” (an LP of Bulgarian vocal mus… Read More
In which our intrepid protagonist enters Poland, where he finds the trails - and the food - not entirely to his liking...Testing spells and spelling testsStage 2, day 3 (Sunday, 25 July 2010… Read More
Given the complete lack of posts here since last July, you might be thinking that I’ve hung up my cycling shoes for good. But you’d be wrong. Yes, my mission to circumcycle the C… Read More
A (very small) number of you must be wondering what is happening with my Circuit Ride given the absence of news on this blog over the last few months.First of all, let me apologise for the d… Read More

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Circuit Rider CZ
